THE HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Electronic and Information Engineering EIE 414 Computer Architecture and Systems Project 2 Due day: 18 December‚ 2012 Late penalty: 50 % A. Goal The objective of this laboratory session is to familiarize with the VSIM Superscalar Simulator. This simulator allows program simulation on several superscalar central processing units‚ such as‚ Digital Alpha 21264‚ HP-PA8500‚ IBM Power3‚ Intel Pentium Pro/II/III and MIPS R10000. Basic usage such
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Texting can be the simplest form of communication because it do not require undivided attention‚ can be done without making noise‚ and can fit a busy schedule easier than a phone call would allow. It is easier to accomplish other tasks while texting than it is with calling. Calling is a more demanding form of communication that can make certain tasks more difficult if done while speaking on the phone. Therefore‚ texting makes multitasking easier. In addition
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“Health” and “wealth”‚ with just a letter different‚ makes a very different meaning. One means the rich in body and mind‚ which is priceless while the other means the rich in material‚ which is earnable. Apparently‚ health is better than wealth. As a healthy people‚ we are able to do our daily activities like wash-up‚ take meals‚ dress up by ourselves easily without rely on others help. However‚ if we are wealthy but unhealthy‚ we will have to depend on our wealth to employ someone to
Premium Personal life Human Health
Better to be late than sorry The festive season is said to be a season of accidents and the high rate of road accident is testament to this. Road accidents have been identified as one of the causes of deaths in Malaysia. In light of this‚ the causes of road accidents must be identified to reduce them as an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. One of the causes of road accidents is an increase in road users. Young people today obtain their licenses at a young age of sixteen and thus we
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Throughout Greek history‚ there have been many interesting city-states. Two very important poleis are Athens and Sparta. After studying these poleis it is clear that Athens is the better polis because of its government‚ education‚ and society. The government in Athens was better then Sparta’s government. After laws were written down and enforced‚ power was divided equally in Athens government. In Sparta "the ephors had unlimited power to act as guardians of the state‚ and they used that power freely
Free Sparta Athens
socialism. These are really the only two options for government in a country. Even interventionism falls under one of the two even though people say it is its own category. Capitalism and socialism are on opposite ends of the spectrum‚ and one is better than the other. While both of these types of governments have good intentions‚ only one of them delivers‚ and socialism is not it. Socialism is all about equality‚ and socialists even promise equality to the people. Sadly‚ that is impossible to have
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themselves of punishment. If someone kills another person‚ the only equal thing is for them to be killed. The use of Capital Punishment is very needed for many reasons‚ it’s fair‚ lower cost than prison‚ and can most likely teach the killer and society a lesson. The costs of the death penalty are dramatically different than the costs of housing a prisoner. The annual costs for a single prisoner are very high. A study released by NBC Right Now claims that Washington taxpayers pay $35‚897 for each prisoner
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In many ways‚ dogs show that they are superior to cats. Some ways that dogs show this are by showing loyalty and compassion to their owner. Dogs are much better guards of a household and can be trained to warn of intruders while a cat would just watch. Dogs can be taught to play games like fetch which can be fun for the owner. Some breeds of dogs do not shed which is not the same for most cats. Dogs are naturally loyal and show compassion to their owners. One example of this is that disabled people
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capacity for emotional connections . With each personality demonstrating its own benefits and pitfalls‚ Nietzsche proposes that it is best to find a balance between these two personalities‚ a compromise that is generally easier to achieve in theory than in practice. (Altshuler and Janaro 19). With respect
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