NORMALIZATION OF DATABASE NORMALIZATION- is the process for evaluating and correcting table structures to minimize data redundancies‚ thereby‚ reducing the livelihood of data anomalies. The normalization process involves assigning attributes to tables based on the concept of determination. Normalization works through a series of stages called normal forms. 3 Stages of Normalization 1. 1NF or FIRST NORMALIZATION FORM 2. 2NF or SECOND NORMALIZATION FORM 3. 3NF or THIRED NORMALIZATION
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Key concepts Let me start by naming a few of the most important concepts in relational database design. A basic understanding of these will be required to understand the rest of the article. * Primary Key (PK) A column with a unique value for each row. Although not all database management systems (DBMS) require you to put a PK into each table‚ from a design perspective a PK is a requirement. No table should be without one. * Foreign Key (FK) These define relationships between tables. When
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT this research project would not have been possible without the support of many people. First and foremost I offer my sincerest gratitude to our professor Mr. Marlon M. Sumait who has supported me throughout my thesis with his patience and knowledge. In my daily work I have been blessed with a friendly and cheerful classmate and friends who helped me in the field of data collection and programming my system. Special thanks to my cousin Richard S. Pasuquin (Web developer at
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Normalization Normalization is a method for organizing data elements in a database into tables. Normalization Avoids • Duplication of Data – The same data is listed in multiple lines of the database • Insert Anomaly – A record about an entity cannot be inserted into the table without first inserting information about another entity – Cannot enter a customer without a sales order • Delete Anomaly – A record cannot be deleted without deleting a record about a related entity.
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Normalization of Database Tables Introduction to Normalization of Database Tables Normalization of Database Tables l Introduction to Normalization of Database Tables 4 4 4 ISM 602 Dr. Hamid Nemati 4 4 4 Functional Dependency l Introduction to Normalization of Database Tables l l A Functional Dependency Is A Relationship Between Or Among Attributes Such That The Values Of One Attribute Depend On‚ Or Are Determined By‚ The Values Of The Other Attribute(s)
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Part 1 Background Chapter 1 Introduction to Databases 1.1 A database management system provides a number of facilities that will vary from system to system. Describe the type of facilities you might expect‚ especially those that aid the initial implementation of a database and its subsequent administration. Initially‚ the type of facilities expected should be described. These include: data storage and retrieval‚ concurrency control mechanism‚ authorization services‚ integrity mechanisms
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database systems: a practical approach to design‚ implementation and management (5th edition) Description: This best-selling text introduces the theory behind databases in a concise yet comprehensive manner‚ providing database design methodology that can be used by both technical and non-technical readers. The methodology for relational Database Management Systems is presented in simple‚ step-by-step instructions in conjunction with a realistic worked example using three explicit
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DISTRIBUTED DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A distributed Database Management System (DDBMS) is a database in which storage devices are not all attached to a common processing unit such as the CPU. It may be stored in multiple computers‚ located in the same physical location; or may be dispersed over a network of interconnected computers. Unlike parallel systems‚ in which the processors are tightly coupled and constitute a single database system‚ a distributed database system consists of loosely coupled
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DATABASE TECHNOLOGIES CLASS T.E. ( INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) HOURS PER LECTURES : 04 WEEK TUTORIALS : -PRACTICALS : 02 HOURS EVALUATION THEORY 3 SYSTEM: PRACTICAL -ORAL -TERM WORK -- SEMESTER VI MARKS 100 -25 25 Objectives of the course: • This course aims to provide continuum to where the first course of databases left off. Design aspects of relational databases are covered. • Complex data models like OO OR parallel and distributed are introduced. • The course provides students a good overview
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SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION(SRS) FOR AIRLINE DATABASE Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Document Conventions 1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions 1.4 Project Scope 1.5 References 2. Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective 2.2 Product Features 2.3 User Classes and Characteristics 2.4 Operating Environment 2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints 2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies 3. System Features 4. External Interface Requirements 4.1 User Interfaces 4.2 Hardware
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