Review the proper collection and packaging of common types of physical evidence (see Appendix A). Chapter 2 1. Define physical evidence. 2. Discuss the responsibilities of the first officer who arrives at the crime scene. 3. Explain the steps to be taken for thoroughly recording the crime scene. 4. Describe proper procedures for conducting a systematic search of crime scenes for physical evidence. 5. Describe proper techniques for packaging common types of physical evidence. 6. Define the
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Assignment on University of Dhaka Laws Affecting Business Date: Tuesday‚ 28 May 2013 Submitted to: Prof. Dr. Abu Hossain Siddique Professor‚ Department of International Business University of Dhaka Submitted By: Rabiul Hasan Roll no. 256 6th Batch‚ Department of International Business University of Dhaka Executive Summery Business must operate within the boundaries of laws and government regulations. Laws have been developed not only to protect consumers but also to preserve
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LAW AND ETHICS INTRODUCTION Generally the term law means a body of regulations to guide human conduct. The Oxford Dictionary defines law as a body of enacted or customary rules recognized by a community as binding. Laws governing the external action of man may be either social or political. Social laws are based on customs and are enforced by parental and religious authority or by the pressure of public opinion. Political laws are enacted and enforced by the state. They are virtually commands‚
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land UNIT 9- LEVEL 6 - LAND LAW SUGGESTED ANSWERS - January 2010 Note to Candidates and Tutors: The purpose of the suggested answers is to provide students and tutors with guidance as to the key points students should have included in their answers to the January 2010 examinations. The suggested answers do not for all questions set out all the points which students may have included in their responses to the questions. Students will have received credit‚ where applicable‚ for other points not addressed
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2.3 Parallel teaching in the course There is no parallel teaching involved in this course. 2.4 Relationship of this course to others BA167IU – Introduction to Vietnamese Legal System is pre-requisite subject to other Law subjects‚ such as Business Law and Legal Environment for Businesses‚ as well as other elective courses such as Franchising. 2.5 Approach to learning and teaching This is a foundation course so materials will be mainly presented in the form of lecturing. Besides
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Natural Law VS. Positive Law Laws are rules established by a governing authority to organize and maintain orderly existence. It can generally be divided into two principles: Natural law‚ which is based on the divine‚ and Positive law which states that laws are what the lawmakers command. Throughout history many philosophers have come to be linked to either branch of law. Philosophers such as Aristotle advocated Natural law‚ while others‚ such as Thomas Hobbes‚ supported Positive law. Each
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This assignment will discuss some of the interests which can exist in land‚ and how they can affect a third party who wishes to purchase the property. By considering the creation of such interests‚ it can be assessed how they are protected against third parties in the registered system and then consider how the protection differs in the unregistered system. Richard has entered into a written agreement to purchase a freehold estate from Vanessa. He has been informed about the interests relating to
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SABAH KAMPUS ANTARABANGSA LABUAN BUSINESS LAW ASSIGNMENT Date of submission: 4th of April Lecturer: Madam Yanti Ahmad Shafiee Name of Course: Business Law (GT01103) 2. Describe the Malaysian legal system. Give your opinion as to its role in assisting Malaysian government in running the country. As an introduction‚ Law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior. The aim of law is to attain justice and to encourage the doing
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Laws and Ethics are actually two different things. When you say ethics‚ it is actually rules of conduct‚ it tells the society on how one should behave and it is the guiding rules when creating laws. It does not have punishment‚ unlike in the laws. Ethics depends on the person’s conscience and self worth. A person‚ who knows what is right from wrong‚ is a person who is ethical. Ethics is also defined as how individuals prefer to interact with one another. Stealing is a good example. Not stealing a
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Legal research is not only about discovering how the law applies‚ it is also about determining how strong case is. Using legal research we are analyzing strength and weaknesses of client’s case‚ and using counteranalysis we determine how opponent can use weaknesses against us. In this paper we will establish why counteranalysis is important and why do we use it‚ when we use it and where we can apply it. Analysis is application of law to the case. And when we know what analysis is it is not
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