"Examining a historic event from multiple perspectives and the possible outcomes it may have on all types of learners" Essays and Research Papers

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    Learner Biography

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    head: Learner Autobiography Learner Autobiography Demetria J. Pipkin ED7311 Theory and Methods of Educating Adults Growing up I always attended magnet schools once I entered the public school system in Third grade. Magnet schools are public schools with specialized courses or curriculums. In grades 3-12‚ I attended Communication Arts magnet schools. As a child I never had the desire to be in the "communication field" so I never understood why my Parents enrolled me in these types of schools

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    History; Document Analysis on 1916 Proclamation Name: Robbie Martinez Teacher: Irial Glynn ‘Let our generation not shirk its deed‚ which is to accomplish the revolution ’ - Patrick Pearse The Proclamation

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    Auditory Learners

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    and then ace a test on it the next day‚ others may not be able to do the same without hearing a lecture on the subject. Individuals perceive and process information in different ways; while some people are visual learners‚ others may retain information better through auditory or tactile means. And a large percentage are a combination of one or more of the aforementioned categories. Those who learn best by seeing are more visual learners. Visual learners like to take notes and they tend to sit in the

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    Education and Learners

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    behaviours expected of members for the benefit of learners and employers it is to ensure that the code of conduct is adhered to and incorporated within teaching. IfL is the independent professional body for teachers and trainers in further education (FE) an skills. As a teacher I would comply with the proffesional accreditation in order to meet the needs of learners‚ it would increase my status as a teacher by complying with the act by adhereing to learners Integrity‚ Respect‚ Care‚ Practice‚ Disclosure

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    Many terms have been used in connection with conceptual contexts for research‚ including theories‚ Models‚ frameworks‚ schemes and maps. There is some overlap in how these terms are being used‚ partly because they are used differently by different writers‚ partly because they are interrelated. Theories The term theory is used in many ways. For example‚ nursing instructors and students frequently use the term to refer to the content covered in classrooms‚ as opposed to the actual practice of

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    English 1102 Examining Yourself as a Writer The art of writing is a unique skill that requires the writer to have great flexibility and be open to improvement. Some may consider themselves a “perfect writer”‚ when in reality‚ no one is‚ and will ever be. Writing is a process that requires one to continuously build on skills learned in previous situations‚ applying new techniques and strategies to future writing projects. Different settings require different writing styles‚ and with that being

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    Where have all the criminals gone? Sherri Ryan Medical Careers Institute In Steven Levitt and Stephen Dunbar’s article‚ they argue that there is evidence to support a link between the abortion rate and crime reduction. The authors first talk about the abortion history in Romania‚ how a dictator named Nicolae Ceausescu imposed his will on the people by enacting a ban on abortion in order to increase Romania’s population. By doing this however‚ he was denying the rights of many teenage

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    Port Arthur Historic Site

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    The Port Arthur historic site was the one place I knew I must visit when in Tasmania‚ Australia’s beautiful island state. From all the documentaries I’d seen and articles I’d read‚ I knew that I must not miss it. It is Australia’s most intact convict site. Historical Background The penal station was first established in 1830. Over time it developed into a punishment station to which serious repeat offenders were sent from other Australian colonies. By 1840 thousands of convicts as well as soldiers

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    Multiple Inteligence

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    -2013 ------------------------------------------------- Charlotte R. Carandang November 19‚ 2012 International Business Prof. Sarasin Multiple Intelligence Dr. Howard Gardner‚ a psychologist and professor of neuroscience from Harvard University‚ developed the theory of Multiple Intelligences in 1983. The theory challenged traditional beliefs in the fields of education and cognitive science. Unlike the established understanding of intelligence‚ people are

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    Ellisha Sharma #1715377 Critical Response Where Have All The Parents Gone? Barbara Dafoe Whitehead In her essay‚ “Where Have All The Parents Gone?” Barbara Dafoe Whitehead addresses that investing in kids is the bumper sticker for an important new cause‚ aptly tagged the kids as capital argument. Children make much of the stockpile of America’s potential human capital

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