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    Sector Profile: Information technology (IT) Information technology (IT) industry in India has played a key role in putting India on the global map. IT industry in India has been one of the most significant growth contributors for the Indian economy. The industry has played a significant role in transforming India’s image from a slow moving bureaucratic economy to a land of innovative entrepreneurs and a global player in providing world class technology solutions and business services. The industry

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    IC 33 – Synopsis of Key concepts IC 33 New Course Prepared By : Sachin Kamath This is a summary of Important Concept / terminologies collected from every chapter of the new course ‚ based on Frequent questions which have been appearing in exam . To be used/ handed over as Retention / emphasised pointers after completion of chapters during IC 33 Refresher trainings . It can be used during Safaalya ‚ for understanding the reasoning of the correct answers given in the TEST Mode . Chapter

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    development act 1974 | 7 | Oil Mininga. Drillingb. transport by pipe linec. accidentsd.Diseases of workmene.return | Oil Mines regulations 1984 | 8 | Import by sea/land | Petroleum act 1934 and rules 2002 | 9 | Transport by water / pipeline | | 10 | Storage | | 11 | Testing of samples | | 12 | Accidents with petroleum | Petroleum rules 2002 | 13 | Laying down of pipe lines and transporation of petroleum by pipe lines | Petroleum and mineral pipe lines | 14 | Gas cylinder | Explosives

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    KEY CONCEPTS STUDY GUIDE CHAPTER 10: Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy Column A: Concepts Column B: Definition with Examples ___ 1. Circular and Cumulative Causation A. A model of the spatial structure of an economic system in which underdeveloped or declining peripheral areas are defined with respect to their dependence on a dominating developed core region. ___ 2. Core-periphery model B. The process of growth‚ expansion or realization of potential; bringing regional resources into

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    10 Prime Examples of A Good Movie Calvin Johnson Most everyone in the world enjoys a great movie. There are many different elements that make a good movie. A few elemtents are: photography‚ mise en scene‚ movement‚ editing‚ sound‚ acting‚ drama‚ story‚ writing‚ and finally ideiology. If a movie excels in one of more of these things the movie is destined for success. There are 10 movies that are prime examples of the things that make movies good. There are three types of film: realism

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    Abstract In this project‚ I had to design build and test a 16 inch long truss bridge. The goal of this project was to teach you how bridges are designed and built‚ and show the process of how bridges are designed and made in the real world by professional engineers. Bridges are used all over the world and it is a very important skill to know and understand how the physics of bridges work and why bridges are made how they are made‚ and that’s what this project is for. First‚ I had to come up with


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    Unit 8 Study Guide 1. How many liters of blood does the average adult have? 5 Liters 2. What are the components of blood? WBCs‚ Plasma‚ RBCs‚ and Platelets 3. What does the hematocrit measure? It calculates the proportion of complete blood which is made of red blood cells. 4. What percentage of blood are cells? 45% 5. What percentage of blood is made of plasma? 55% 6. What do erythrocytes look like and what is their function? Erythrocytes provide oxygen to the body


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    includes government regulations and legal issues and defines both formal and informal rules under which the firm must operate. Some examples include: Tax policy Employment laws Environmental regulation Trade restrictions $ tariffs Political stability Economic Factors It affects the purchasing power of potential customers and the firm’s cost of capital. The following are examples of factors in the macro economy: Economic growth Interest rates Exchange rates Inflation rate Social Factors It includes the

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    * FINANCIAL ANALYSIS * Introduction: You already know the preparation of financial statements such as balance sheet and profit and loss account for the profitable and nonprofit able organizations. When the financial statement prepared different people interested in analyzing the financial statements by using different methods. These are comparative statement‚ Common size statement‚ Ratio analysis‚ Trend analysis‚ Fund flow analysis‚ etc. This procedure gives a important link between the accounting

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    the light ray gets interrupted with any objects‚ the photodiode receives resistance which in turn activates an alarm. The laser alarm system is an economical option when it comes to consumption of power‚ as the receiver needs power supply less than 10 mA on average. Setting up a laser alarm system is relatively easier as the laser and the receiver can be setup in one box‚ on a single power input. Below is a circuit design diagram which illustrates the flow of a laser alarm system. Referring

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