Billie Holiday’s “Strange Fruit” The song “Strange Fruit” has something about it that you can never fully walk away from and forget. It could be the text itself so visualizing and dramatic‚ or the music that adds an even more haunting effect. The performer of course is the one who gets the social message across by the way they perform and the emotions they put into the song. Billie Holiday’s version makes this song stand out even more; a person can get the chills just listening to her sing it
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How listeners take and understand a song is completely up to our past experiences. Whether they were good or bad or filled with love or hate. One word to someone could mean a different thing to someone else‚ therefore‚ many artists make covers. A cover is when one artist takes lyrics from an original song and combines them with a separate singer‚ arrangement‚ and music genre. Not all covers have to be a worlds difference from the original nor do they have to be similar to the original. The intent
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Song and Selection Analysis: The Songbirds of Pain by Garry Kilworth and Reflection by Christina Aguilera shares the same theme of “finding one’s self (identity)”‚ the subject of both the selection and the song has been expected to act in ways which are opposite or afar from their true personalities. The Songbirds of Pain is about a woman who has her identity created for her‚ while Reflection is about a girl who was hiding who she was in order to reach the expectations of the people surrounding
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Songs usually have a meaning towards them whether it is beneficial or not. Music has a way of speaking itself to people. Many singers sing about many things‚ because they know that somehow somewhere people are going to hear it due to the fact that it is everywhere as told by Jane‚ “Music is everywhere. We can’t escape it.” Music comes a long way‚ it is not known when it was first started‚ but somehow it spread all around the world. Music is known to best express someone’s feelings as told by Rachiotis
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depends on your genre of music. Many R&B songs set the tone for love making‚ and set the mood for couples. The lyrics alone can promote sexual relations. If you think about the song by R. Kelly titled 12 Play‚ this song breaks down all steps of foreplay to get you to the romantic mood. This is not one that is just played around anyone‚ because the lyrics are so explicit‚ if it’s not individual that you are close to‚ it may make for an uncomfortable situation. The song lyrics express what he will do in
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Example of Conflict Theory in “Testify”‚ by Rage Against the Machine Rage Against the Machine’s single "Testify"‚ the first song from their 1999 album ’The Battle of Los Angeles"‚ is a commentary on the American public’s blindness or numbness to global issues such as war‚ politics‚ capitalism‚ wealth‚ and power through the filtering of information by the mass news media. As it relates to Sociology‚ “Testify” deals mainly with Marxist Conflict Theory‚ and also incorporates many of the topics
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“Behind Blue Eyes” Many songs in today’s entertainment industry can relate to people’s lives‚ whether from experiences or just thoughts. “No one knows what it’s like to be the bad man‚ to be the sad man‚ behind blue eyes” is a great line that relates to today’s society from the song‚ “Behind Blue Eyes” by The Who. This line demonstrates how people can be so ignorant and close-minded because many people think that whatever it is that’s happening to them‚ is only and has only happened to them and
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On a bright spring day in 2015 I awoke to my alarm clock playing “I believe” by Nikki Yanofsky. Awaking to my alarm clock playing this song on a bright spring morning‚ five years after the 2010 winter olympic games brought me chills. The 2010 winter olympic games was a time of bright smiles and creating everlasting memories. Similarly‚ this song holds great importance in my life as it reminded me of how families from different ethnicities came together on the streets of downtown Vancouver to celebrate
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15... There’s never a wish Better than this When you’ve only got a hundred years to live. 100 Years by Five For Fighting Theme: In this song‚ the writer is combining partly a love song‚ ’Countin’ the ways to where you are’‚ partly saying how fast your life goes‚ ’half-time goes by‚ suddenly your wise‚ in the blink of an eye‚ 67 is gone’. The whole song is going through the singers life‚ and picturing every part of it and basically telling you to value your life for it goes really fast. The line
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Key: Unfurrowed Field – Prgh elude/Epilude Ploughing Drilling Seedtime Harvest THEMES Change Pg.27 - And serve them right‚ they’d little care for anybody‚ the dirt that rode in motors‚ folk said. • Motorcars are becoming more popular among the village‚ showing the change and move towards the future of technology. It also demonstrates the divide between social classes and the distrust and dispute between them. Pg.31 - The groans of Nell‚ the old horse of the Guthrie’s‚ caught in a daft swither
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