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    Concept of Productivity

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    PRODUCTIVITY CONCEPTS AND MEASURES Productivity is an overall measure of the ability to produce a good or service. More specifically‚ productivity is the measure of how specified resources are managed to accomplish timely objectives as stated in terms of quantity and quality. Productivity may also be defined as an index that measures output (goods and services) relative to the input (labor‚ materials‚ energy‚ etc.‚ used to produce the output). As such‚ it can be expressed as: Hence‚ there

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    Aristotelian's Concept

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    “Aristotelian’s Concept / Process of Tragedy as Presented to Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex” Oedipus Rex had passed from the process and concept on Aristotelian’s tragic hero. Because tragic hero was a noble by birth‚ he shows human errors‚ and he sets as warning to humanity. Oedipus was hubris so proud of his own intelligence‚ hamartia he thinks that he can escape a horrendous fate‚ catharsis he does not kill himself because he will not suffer and peripeteia Oedipus realizes that he is the son and murderer

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    Concepts of Topology

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    Concepts of Topology. Topological property. Topological transformation. Continuous deformation. Genus. Homeomorphism.  What is the subject of topology all about? With what subject matter is it concerned? What kinds of questions does it ask? With what kinds of problems is it concerned? Let us start with some dictionary definitions. Topology. The study of those properties of geometric figures or solid bodies that remain invariant under certain transformations. Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary


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    Q1. Discuss and define the concept of ‘entrepreneurship’. The entrepreneur is our visionary‚ the creator in each of us. We’re born with that quality and it defines our lives as we respond to what we see‚ hear‚ feel‚ and experience. It is developed‚ nurtured‚ and given space to flourish or is squelched‚ thwarted‚ without air or stimulation‚ and dies. Michael Gerber The term ’entrepreneur’ has been around since the seventeenth-century‚ it originates from France‚ where the phrase “entreprendre” was

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    Concept of Management

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    Concept‚ nature and significance of management 1) Nature‚ concept and significance of management 2) Functions and principles of management 3) Development of management thought MEANING AND DEFINITION OF MANAGEMENT Management is the process by which a co-operative group directs action towards a common goal. By Joseph Messie To manage is to forecast and plan‚ to organize‚ to command‚ to coordinate and to control. By Henri Fayol Management is the art of knowing what you want men

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    Organizational Concepts

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    Organizational Concepts Table of Contents 1. Chapter 1: Organizational Planning 4 1.2. Introduction: 4 1.3. Defining Planning 4 1.4. Recognizing the Advantages of Planning 5 1.5. Using Plans to Achieve Goals 5 1.6. Criteria for effective goals 6 1.7. Coordination of goals 6 1.8. Detailing Types of Plans 7 1.9. Operational plans 7 1.9.1. Tactical plans 8 1.9.2. Strategic plans 8 1.9.3. Contingency plans 9 1.10. Identifying Barriers to Planning 9 2. Chapter 2 – Creating Organizational

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    The concept of leadership

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    Assessment item 1 The Concept of Leadership Value: 30% Due date: Variable Return date: - Length: 1‚500 words Submission method options Alternative submission method Task This is an online task. Students will be placed in small groups. Each student must post a response to the three questions given. Students are encouraged to comment on other postings.  The task comprises a discussion where you will respond to at least three questions. The questions will be posted online on the MGT367 Interact

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    The Concept of Success

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    The Concept of Success The concept of success can be defined in many ways by many different types of people‚ this may depend on their values and they way in which they see or define success. 1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one ’s goals. 2. the attainment of wealth‚ position‚ honors‚ or the like. 3. a performance or achievement that is marked by success‚ as by the attainment of honors:  Ref: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/success

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    Key Concepts

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    Essentially‚ organizational culture is the character of the organization a culture is consists of complex problem that basically includes groups who shared values‚ beliefs‚ attitudes‚ and behaviors. Culture is widespread to aspects of its inside and outside relationships and culture is multi-layered in that it guides someone actions even to the degree that members are not even conscious he or she influenced by‚ it. The field of OB uses scientific methods to develop test. Scholars support to agree

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    Concept of Homeostasis

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    ® keep it simple science Copying is permitted according to the Site Licence Conditions only HSC Biology Topic 1 MAINTAINING A BALANCE What is this topic about? To keep it as simple as possible‚ (K.I.S.S.) this topic involves the study of: 1. ENZYMES & HOMEOSTASIS 2. TEMPERATURE REGULATION 3. INTERNAL TRANSPORT SYSTEMS 4. EXCRETION & WATER BALANCE but first‚ an introduction... Living Things are Made of Cells Homeostasis All living things are composed of microscopic units

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