| Abstract This document is concerned with the relationship between the financial crisis and fair value accounting. Its purpose is to make an understanding of the strengths and limitations of fair value accounting. The report also gives some examples of fair value accounting measures used in several Australian companies. In this report‚ City Weat Water LTD and JB HI-FI LTD are used to explain that. Introduction With the modern transportation and communication technology development‚ in the industrial
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The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is an independent‚ private-sector body that develops and approves International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The IASB was formed in 2001 to replace the International Accounting Standards Committee. Its mission is “to develop a single set of high quality‚ understandable‚ enforceable and globally accepted International Financial Reporting Standards”. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is a private‚ not-for-profit organization whose
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FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT 1. The meaning of fair value Fair value is the price that would be received from the sell of an asset or will be paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between the market participants and the measurement date [IFRS‚ 13 – A501]. However in accounting and economics‚ fair value is the rational and unbiased estimate of a possible market price of a good‚ service or an asset. Fair value takes into account many objectives and subjective factors such as: Objective
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Fair value How your property valuations can be fully compliant with HKFRS 13 Property valuations are commonly required for financial reporting purposes. Gary Stevenson explains how they need to meet the upcoming standard on fair value measurement H KFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement provides a single comprehensive source of guidance on how fair value is measured for financial reporting purposes. The standard is applied prospectively for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January
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Difference between historical cost and fair value accounting In order to make the most profitable and rational decisions entity’s stakeholders have to evaluate organisation’s financial statements. Today’s world of rapidly changing prices has made it difficult to estimate what something is actually worth. Thus leading to debates at what price – historical costing price or market value – assets and liabilities should be reported. Therefore‚ before making any evaluations about reported transactions
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hriffi Fair value accounting in IFRS financial statements Considerable attention is currentiy being given to the use of fair vaiues and fair value accounting in financiai statements prepared under internationai Financiai Reporting Standards. This month’s coiumn ciarifies what is meant by fair value accounting and when iFRS require or allow its use. It also identifies the circumstances in which IFRS requires the use of fair value in the application of the historical cost model. In IFRS
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concept of fair value and its application environment‚ and then analyzes the fair value in the new standards specifically. Finally in combination with the concrete background in China‚ we put forward some advices on the carrying out of the fair value in the accounting practice. [Key words] Fair Value; China new accounting standard Since January 1‚ 2007‚ the China new accounting standards will become mandatory for listed Chinese enterprises. The adoption of the new China accounting standards
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53 FAIR PRESENTATION---AN ETHICAL PERSPECTIVE ON FAIR VALUE ACCOUNTING PURSUANT TO THE SEC STUDY ON MARK-TO-MARKET ACCOUNTING Sharon S. Seay‚ Macon State College Wilhelmina H. Ford‚ Macon State College ABSTRACT Fair value accounting has received a significant amount of blame as the cause of the current financial crisis. Fair value accounting does not cause illiquidity or volatility in financial markets. Banks‚ rather than accounting‚ caused the existing crisis‚ ultimately through bad lending
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Contents Introduction Fair Value Background Advantages of Fair Value Disadvantages of Fair Value The debate on Financial Stability Conclusion References Introduction Society’s major concern is the recent financial crisis which had an unprecedented impact and dire consequences on the global economy and the current economic regulations around the world. The beginning of the economic paradigm change was the major collapse of previously leading financial
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THE ACCOUNTING REVIEW Vol. 86‚ No. 6 2011 pp. 2075–2098 American Accounting Association DOI: 10.2308/accr-10134 Judging the Relevance of Fair Value for Financial Instruments Lisa Koonce The University of Texas at Austin Karen K. Nelson Rice University Catherine M. Shakespeare University of Michigan ABSTRACT: We conduct three experiments to test if investors’ views about fair value are contingent on whether the financial instrument in question is an asset or liability‚ whether
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