continual teaching and information brought about the several literary theories that we apply today to the analysis of all literary works. Our focus in this study is the application of feminist theory to literary works‚ with emphasis on drama. Feminisms & Feminist Theory According to the Wikipedia (the free encyclopedia) feminist literary theory is a complex and dynamic area of study which draws from a wide range of other critical theories including anthropology‚ psychoanalysis‚ Marxism‚ cultural
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I think it’s hard to find any strong perspectives of Feminism in this play. I am sorry. I think there are some tendencies of characters that represent glimpses or "hopes" of Feminism‚ but that might be it for me. The first would be that there is an emotional reclamation of voice that Alison undergoes. When she returns from her father’s‚ she is revealed to have understood more of her own emotional state and her own emotional sense of self. The miscarriage and time away have allowed her to develop
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WOMEN‚ THEIR OWN WORST ENEMIES: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TESS ONWUEME ’S GO TELL IT TO WOMEN AND THE REIGN OF WAZOBIA Regina Ode‚ PhD Department of Theatre Arts Benue State Universiry‚ Makurdi Abstract Mythologically‚ most critics see women and their relationship with their spouses and the entire society as a fair description of their status through the ages. Biblical account has it that it was the woman who first tasted the forbidden fruit and also made the man to taste. The woman is
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Feminist Theory Perception: the process by which an individual receives and analyses information. Feminist theory‚ or feminism‚ is support of equality for women and men. Although all feminists strive for gender equality‚ there are various ways to approach this theory‚ including liberal feminism‚ socialist feminism‚ and finally radical feminism. Let’s take a look at the basic feminist ideas and various approaches to achieving gender equality. Looks at ways that women can be liberated or gain more
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Our society is filled of isms; racism‚ classism‚ ageism‚ and so on. Feminism can mean different things to different people but when it comes down to it‚ it is the ideas that everyone should be given equal opportunities to live their life in the best possible way. A lot of these societal norms are engrained in our society making it difficult to be the other in our society. There are common themes in oppression that are clear to see. For example‚ in Maquilapolis women of color are working at factories
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there is too much emphasis on duty. For example‚ a feminist might argue that because feminists emphasize care so much‚ duty can sometimes overshadow care. Also‚ science is extremely important in feminism. Kant believes that science is not important where it is a defense in many cases of feminism. Feminism also has many objections to utilitarianism. Sometimes it is more difficult to see the greater good in things. This also could interrupt the care for someone. For example‚ the Terri Schiavo case
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The Red Shoes: The Female Aim for Power Literary criticism is the assessment of literature pertaining to the critic’s reaction towards the text. We learn that there is a multitude of modes that influence which way we analyze the work. One in particular being Feminist criticism‚ initially developed to convict men of their prejudice towards women (Approaches to Literature). Feminist writers such as Virginia Woolf‚ argue that women should be able to write what they desire without any concern about
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until 1880‚ and third from 1890 until 1914. Bolt references several other works regarding the Women’s movement‚ such as Olive Banks’s Faces of Feminism: A Study of Feminism as a Social Movement‚ and Sex and Suffrage in Britain 1860-1914 by Susan Kingsley Kent. Bolt concludes that both movements had a similar timeline‚ and both organized after a period of feminism in writing and a social movement for change. The two groups also felt that advances in education for women would lead to the advances of their
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Feminism and Gender Studies Do Women Need to Unsex Themselves to Gain Power? : Forgotten Womanhood‚ Capitalism and Clashes of Class in Caryl Churchill’s Top Girls Ayça ATAKAN DENİZ Introduction ‘’Unsex me here’’ (Macbeth‚ Act I‚ Scene 5‚ 46) Why did Lady Macbeth want to be unsexed and leave her womanhood behind in a play written by Shakespeare at the beginning of 17th century? What was her purpose when she asked this from the spirits? The answer is definite: power. All she wanted was
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group of people who fight against these roles. “Feminism- The advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political‚ and economic and social‚ equality to men” (cite); This is the definition for feminism‚ which is the radical notion that women‚ are people too. This includes that being a female‚ isn’t an insult. Feminism to most people‚ goes with a feminist‚ or a person who believes women should be allowed to have the same rights as men. However‚ feminism should have a second definition because to be
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