"Filipino values in workplace" Essays and Research Papers

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    ultimately improving the organization’s effectiveness. In the modern workplace‚ there are many different trends that can affect the organization’s behaviors as a whole or at the employee level. One of the many trends that we will be looking at in this essay is the importance and influence of workplace values and ethics‚ and how values management can helps in an organization. Workplace Values McShane and Travaglione (2007) stated “values represent stable‚ long-lasting beliefs about what is important


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    VALUE-BASED LEADERSHIP AND SPIRITUALITY IN THE WORKPLACE I herewith declare this work to be my own‚ that I have acknowledged all the sources I have consulted in the paper itself and not only in the bibliography‚ that all wording unaccompanied by a reference is my own‚ and that no part of this paper has been directly sourced from the internet‚ or elsewhere‚ without providing the necessary recognition. I acknowledge that if any part of this declaration is found to be false I shall receive no

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    Values and Ethics in the Workplace Thesis: Many times a person find their personal‚ cultural and/or organizational ethics conflicting and must reconcile a course of action that will mitigate cognitive dissonance. In order to be a productive member of society‚ in small groups and globally‚ one must reconcile these conflicts on a daily basis and continually move forward while maintaining personal integrity and balance. Values and ethics are a part of our everyday lives. We wake up to these


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    I. Problem Perception of Filipino Values Portrayed in Pinoy Big Brother II. Methodology This study employed the post-test only descriptive research design. The respondents would need to watch the video-clip first before answering the self-administered questionnaire because it required recall. The study was conducted in San Pablo City‚ Laguna‚ Philippines where there are more than 20 high schools‚ public and private‚ sectarian and non-sectarian. This helped the researcher to have respondents

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    Filipino Philosophy

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    Filipino Philosophy is the attitude‚ worldview‚ and notion of the natural citizens of the Philippines towards the day-to-day experiences in life‚ religion‚ communication‚ survival‚ interrelationship with people and intra-relationship with his sakop or to oneself – the “I‚” and the uplifting of one’s soul – the Filipino being. Filipinos are used to be stereotyped as the bamboo grass for it always sway with the wind. The Filipino people has gone through tough and rough times‚ good and bounty years

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    Medical Jargon A abduction - to move a limb or some other body part away from the midline of the body ABG - arterial blood gas reading acetaminophen - a nonsalicylate analgesic-antipyretic (Tylenol) ACE - angiotension-converting enzyme ACLS - advanced cardiac life support; includes electricity (defibrillator) and drugs for life threatening arrhythmias acidotic - abnormally high acidity of body fluids and tissues acute - sudden‚ intense flare-up adenosine - a drug used to help a patient

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    Vincent Rafael P. Violago 1BSBA2 ACADEMIC READINGS The Triune Brain The first of our three brains to evolve is what scientists call the reptilian cortex. This brain sustains the elementary activities of animal survival such as respiration‚ adequate rest and a beating heart. We are not required to consciously “think” about these activities. The reptilian cortex also houses the “startle centre”‚ a mechanism that facilitates swift reactions to unexpected occurrences in our surroundings. That panicked

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    The Power Distance - Power distance describes the degree of equality between different people within a particular society or group. Also described Hofstede‚ as: “power distance is the extent to which people expect and are willing to accept that power is distributed unequally. Inequality of power is a basic fact of life. It cannot be 100% eliminated. It is impossible to have no power distance‚ because this means that everyone is exactly equal (skills‚ actions‚ genetics etc) unless you are on about

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    Filipino Youth

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    definition includes those who are 15 to 30 years old‚ comprises almost one-third of the country’s population (NYC‚ 1998). As such‚ the Filipino youth increasingly play an important and vital role in the development of the Philippine society. Their attitudes‚ values‚ mind-set‚ and priorities will determine the progress of the country in the future. Nowadays‚ the Filipino youth are experiencing a serious decline of discipline and morale. They have become disrespectful to their parents‚ teachers‚ elders

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    Filipino Culture

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    Philippine and Filipino brief history of the life and times of the Filipino people in the Philippines. The values of Filipino culture have changed through emigration and immigration‚ as well as religiosity and spirituality‚ and because of coexisting and sometimes conflicting values . Details are given outlining the global Filipino diaspora in the 21st-century and highlights its impact on the social and religious conditions of the people. An interview with a native born Filipinos young woman

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