Shari’a – immense body of law interpreting the Qur’an and applying its teachings to daily life‚ regulates moral conduct‚ family life‚ business practice‚ government‚ and other aspects of the Muslim community The right way to live one’s life Fiqh – From Islam book - literally “understanding” the term used for law of for jurisprudence. A jurist is thus called a faqih; legal theory is called usul al-fiqh (literally “the roots of understanding”); and substantive law is called furu al-fiqh (“the branches of
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HSC Religion Study Notes Explain Sayyid Qutb’s contribution to the development and expression of Islam. Explain: Relate cause and effect Contribution: actions Development: Ideas/theology/growth behind the tradition of Islam. Expression: the way the tradition of Islam is practiced. Background information: Born in Egypt‚ 1906 Went to US to study (1948-1950)- came back critical of the West. Arrested by Nasser 1954‚ spent 10 years in prison‚ released from prison then arrested again 1965
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and behaviour could impact on work with children | 4.2.4. Describe the importance of promoting anti-discriminatory practice in work with children | 4.1.2 Describe the importance of supporting the rights of all children to participation and equality of access | 4.2.5. Describe how to challenge discrimination. Introduction – describe own background and attitudesSay how this could affect the children you work withGive a couple of examples from own practiceConclusion - say why it’s important
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Islam VS The West Westerners tend to think of Islamic societies as backward- looking‚ oppressed by religion‚ and inhumanely governed‚ comparing them to their own enlightened‚ secular democracies. But measurement of the cultural distance between the West and Islam is a complex undertaking‚ and that distance is narrower than they assume. Islam is not just a religion‚ and certainly not just a fundamentalist political movement. When people think of Islam they think of all the crazy beliefs and a religion
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Shows That AIDS Continues To Be A Stigmatized Disease. Rep. University of California‚ Davis‚ 8 Jan. 2000. Web. 2 Apr. 2013. <> Kastanis‚ Angeliki. Estimating the Economic Boost of Marriage Equality in Iowa: Sales Tax. Rep. The Williams Institute‚ Dec. 2011. Web. 2 Apr. 2013. <> Wikipedia contributors. "Anti-miscegenation laws
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Courtney Fraser Professor Ged 200 23 March 2013 Marriage Equality The controversy over whether same sex marriage should be legalized or not has been on debate for many years. Some people think that it would endanger the sanctity of marriage. Others say it is a threat towards traditional marriage. Even if states were to legalize same sex marriages‚ they would still have different rights according to the law. Currently‚ nineteen states and the District of Columbia offer same-sex couples either
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Speeches for Equality Martin Luther King Junior announces that the “bank of Justice is bankrupt” in his I have a dream speech given in 1963. When he talks of how the check of justice is no longer handed to people whom share his opinion‚ I think that he is telling everyone that there should be a promise of equality in this nation; a promise to help the bank of Justice bring back checks and money for everyone. His persistency of revolts and boycotts were to bring a point of view hidden y the prejudice
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Are women treated better under the religion of Christianity or Islam? Both of them are similar in the sense that they follow a religious scripture‚ believe in a god‚ and have a history of treating women socially and culturally inferior. It can probably be safe to say that they are each as bad as the other. Even before a baby is born the parents already prefer it to be a boy. This can be interpreted from the phrase “….if a women have conceived seed‚ and born a man child: then she shall be unclean
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NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Equality and Diversity Unit 1: Exploring Equality and Diversity Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. • The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document‚ either onto your computer or a disk • Then work through your Assessment‚ remembering to save your work regularly • When you’ve finished‚ print out a copy to keep for reference • Then‚ go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your
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Group : 4 Group members : Audrey Putnam‚ Matt Williams‚ Xing Shen‚ Muhammad Alif Nizam 1. Why was Barbie popular in both France and Middle East? One of the reasons why Barbie was so popular in both France and Middle East is because most people living in those countries are able to afford such a high priced doll for their little kids. It also acts as a status symbol for a parent who could buy such an expensive doll for their kids. The representation of Barbie as a pretty little doll make
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