"Gramnegative bacteria" Essays and Research Papers

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    Griffith's Experiment

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    Griffith’s experiment Griffith’s experiment discovering the "transforming principle" in pneumococcus bacteria. Griffith’s experiment‚ reported in 1928 by Frederick Griffith‚[1] was one of the first experiments suggesting that bacteria are capable of transferring genetic information through a process known as transformation.[2][3] Griffith used two strains of pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) bacteria which infect mice – a type III-S (smooth) and type II-R (rough) strain. The III-S strain covers

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    Civil War Outcome

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    antibiotics and Tea Tree oil on the Bacillus subtillis different types of bacteria. I will test six antibiotics and the Tea Tree oil on Bacillus subtilis. I will test tetracycline‚ chloramphenicol‚ ampicillin‚ sulphatriad‚ penicillin G and Streptomycin. I would also like to see if Bacillus subtillis shows resistance to Antibiotics or to Tea Tree oil. The use of penicillin is being reduced because of the resistance many types of bacteria are developing against it. Hypothesis: My hypothesis is

    Free Bacteria

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    The 4 Types of Microbes

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    cause disease are; Bacteria Bacteria‚ also known as Bacterium in the singular term‚ are a prokaryote. Prokaryotes are simple ‚ single celled organisms. Bacteria get their nutrients from the environments in which they live‚ in some cases‚ that is the human body. http://kidshealth.org/kid/talk/qa/germs.html They are larger than viruses‚ but smaller than human body cells. Bacteria are living things‚ but are neither plants nor animals. http://www.bacteriamuseum.org/cms/bacteria/what-are-bacteria.html

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    Streak Plate Isolation

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    which occur at a low‚ unavoidable frequency‚ as well as the more likely possibility of contamination). Obtaining such genetically identical organisms (or pure strains) can be useful in many cases; this is done by spreading bacteria on a culture plate and starting a new stock of bacteria from a single colony. Fours characteristics by which colonies can be identified are shape‚ color‚ size and texture. 4-A Petri dish is used as a container for a medium used to grow cultures. Leaving the Petri dish open

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    Antibiotic Sensitivity

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    MLT1: ANTIBIOTIC SENSITIVE LAB Western Governor’s University When antimicrobials are used to treat an infection‚ the antimicrobial used is based on selective toxicity. Selective toxicity is when the agent selected kills or inhibits the bacteria without causing serious harm to the host. The agent must interact with a function or structure of the microbe that is not present or is very different from the host. There are two different types of antimicrobial agents: antibiotics and antimicrobial

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    differences between a virus and a bacterium are thus: * Bacteria are unicellular‚ Viruses have no cells. * Bacteria have DNA and RNA floating in cytoplasm‚ and a cell wall and membrane. Viruses have DNA or RNA enclosed in a protein coat. * Bacteria have Ribosomes‚ whereas viruses do not. * Bacterial infections are localised‚ yet viruses are systemic. As you can see‚ there are a load of differences between viruses and bacteria‚ however there are some similarities. For instance they

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    had something in it that inhabited the bacterial growth. Fleming soon called this “mold juice.” He noticed that it was capable of killing a variety of harmful bacteria. These bacteria included streptococcus‚ meningococcal‚ and diphtheria bacillus. In due time trying to extract penicillin-incentive bacteria from penicillin sensitive bacteria; however this soon failed and the process was tried again. The discovery of how this drug was life saving happened from two individuals who let their curious

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    Food Microbiology

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    liquids that have been well colonized by the microorganisms used for the fermentation. These starters are formed using a specific cultivation medium and a specific mix of fungal and bacterial strains. microorganisms used in starters include various bacteria and fungi (yeasts and molds): Rhizopus‚ Aspergillus‚ Mucor‚ Amylomyces‚ Endomycopsis‚ Saccharomyces‚ Hansenula anomala‚ Lactobacillus‚ Acetobacter‚ etc. Tempe is a traditional food in Indonesia. It is made from soy beans which is fermented that

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    Overuse Of Antibiotics

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    harmful‚ disease-causing bacteria.1 However‚ with the discovery of antibiotics has also come the misconception that they can be used repeatedly without harmful side affects.1 This pretense has more recently begun to be torn down by growing evidence of collateral damage to the beneficial bacteria inhabiting one’s

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    IC02 265

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    between Bacteria‚ Viruses‚ Fungi and Parasites A. Bacteria. A bacterium is a living thing made up of a single cell (unlike fungi that are multi celled). They are not plants or animals. Because they are single celled they very small‚ however they have a fast multiplication rate which leads to normally millions of them together. B. Viruses. Viruses are small (too small to be seen under a light microscope)‚ and infectious‚ they can only replicate inside of living cells of organisms (like bacteria‚ fungi

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