"Harcourt essen sodium thiosulphate iodine clock reaction" Essays and Research Papers

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    This experiment was a Landolt Iodine clock reaction - Oxidation of Bisulphite by Iodate. It involved conducting three measured experiments. The first variable tested was concencentration. This was tested by conducting two experiments‚ each varying the concentration of either the NaHSO3 or KIO3. The varying of NaHSO3 involved using 0.1 Molar of KIO3 against decreasing concentrations of NaHSO3 (0.25 M‚ 0.125 M‚ 0.0625 M and 0.03125 M). When decreasing the concentration of KIO3‚ 0.25 M of NaHSO3 was

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    The moles of sodium thiosulphate can be determined using the average titre values and its concentration. When calculating the average titre values‚ the outliers are ignored because they are mainly created by errors and their great difference from the titres achieved in other trials will pose a great impact to the accuracy of the final result. n=v × c Where ‘n’ is the moles of sodium thiosulphate‚ ‘v’ is the average tire values sodium thiosulphate‚ and ‘c’ is its concentration. The

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    Substance Hazard images Exposure Symptoms Prevention First aid Spillage/Disposal Storage PREVENT GENERATION OF MISTS! AVOID ALL CONTACT! IN ALL CASES CONSULT A DOCTOR! Hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen dioxide Dihydrogen dioxide H2O2 Molecular mass: 34.0 20% Vol and lower   Corrosive to metals‚ category 1 Skin corrosion‚ categories 1A‚ 1B‚ 1C Serious eye damage‚ category 1 Oxidizing gases‚ category 1  Oxidizing liquids‚ categories 1‚2‚3 Inhalation Sore throat. Cough. Dizziness

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    Using the Iodine clock method to find the order of a reaction Introduction When peroxodisulfate (VI) ions and iodide ions react together in solution they form sulfate (VI) ions and iodide. This reaction is shown below: S2O82-aq+ 2I-aq SO42-aq+ I2(aq) The reactants and the sulfate (VI) ions are colourless however the Iodine is a yellow/brown colour. This allows you to measure the progress of the reaction through the colour change when the iodine is produced. In order to determine the order of

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    factors affecting the kinetics of reaction between peroxodisulfate (vi) and iodide d. del prado1 and j. belano2 1 department of food science and nutrition‚ college of home economics 2 department of food science and nutrition‚ college of home economics university of the philppines‚ diliman‚ quezon city 1101‚ philippines date submitted: january 7‚ 2013 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------

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    There are three reactions in the iodine clock reaction. The first reaction is IO3-(aq) + 3 HSO3-3 SO4-(aq) + I-(aq)+ 3 H+(aq)‚ where the iodate ions become iodide ions1. The second reaction is 6 H+(aq) +IO3-(aq) + 5 I-(aq) 3 I2(aq) + 3 H2O(l) where the iodate ions become molecular iodine2. The third reaction involves molecular iodine becoming a dark blue starch;I2(aq) + starch blue-black complex3. These three reactions react in a sequence. In any reaction the concentration is exponentially related

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    Planning Aim: To find the effect of concentration of thiosulphate on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid. Introduction: Word Equation for the reaction: Balanced Symbol Equation for the reaction: Observations during the reaction: • A yellow precipitate of Sulphur starts to form and the reaction mixture goes cloudy. • A colourless‚ poisonous gas of sulphur dioxide is given off. • Sodium Chloride (salt) and Water also form. The salt dissolves

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    Science Investigation Srategy I am ivestigating the reaction of sodium thiosulphate and hydroclohric acid. sodium thiosulphate(aq) + Hydroclohric Acid (aq) --> Sodium cloride (aq) + Sulphur Dioxide (g) + Water (l) + Suplhur (s) Na(2)S(2)O(3) + 2 HCl --> 2NaCl + SO(2) + H(2)O + S The finished reaction of the 2 clear liquids is cloudy.I will use this change from clear to cloudy as an indicator as to when the reaction is finished. By using this change ‚ i can see the effect of changing


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    An investigation to show how the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate is affected by the concentration of the acid Simple Procedure Place a conical flask on a piece of paper with a cross on it. Add hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate‚ and record the amount of time taken for the cross to disappear through the solution from the top of the flask. Record this time and repeat this for different concentrations of hydrochloric acid. Fair Test The variables in

    Premium Chemical reaction Chemistry Concentration

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    The rates of chemical reactions in industry are carefully controlled because ‘Time is money!’ So it is important that chemists can make reactions happen and make useful products as quickly as possible. However‚ sometimes chemists deliberately slow down reactions to avoid health and safety risks. Some reactions can go out of control and lead to large amounts of toxic or flammable gases being made too quickly. One chemical that is made industrially is sodium thiosulfate. Sodium thiosulfate solution

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