"Hip hop cause and effect" Essays and Research Papers

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    Hip Hop Thesis

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    Rap was first known as “Hip Hop”. It was first created between 1960-1970 by African American and Latino youth living in the Bronx in New York. These youths were living in very poor conditions in the gang infested inner city. Originally it allowed these economically challenged youth to fantasize about getting out of poverty. It was a “rags to riches”. They were living in very violent areas and there was also a lot of gang activity. Hip Hop also exploited young African American girls and encouraged

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    Hip Hop Culture

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    themselves in different ways. Music is used to express life experiences and other things. Many use the art of hip-hop to express themselves. Hip-hop is a form of art which can be expressed through a history rap songs‚ breakdancing‚ and graffiti art. Hip-hop culture has evolved and is a large part of today’s generation. It has breached out and has an influence all over the globe. The culture of hip-hop has impact and influence on millions of people. It is this way because not only is a genre of music‚ but


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    Hip Hop Influence

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    The Influence of Hip-Hop on Young adults Hip-hop is a new type of music that has been gradually increasing in popularity in the past three decades And like other music it can be very influential‚ and hip-hop has been anything but short on that. From sculpting the way modern day youth speak and introducing words that are used in everyday talk nowadays to how the youth may even dress or act. But are these influences on our youth positive or negative? There are critics that argue that people who listen

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    Hip-Hop Goes Global It has been a quarter of a century since hip-hop first made its mark on the American music scene. Hip-hop has become a popular trend that is echoing around the world. By definition‚ hip-hop refers to a culture that embraces a particular music‚ language‚ attitude‚ and dress fashioned after disadvantaged urban youth. Born out of the ghettos of the South Bronx‚ New York‚ and created by black and Latino youth in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s‚ this music genre closely identified

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    The Evolution of Hip-Hop

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    Shannon Eng 22 Maddox March 9‚ 2013 The Evolution of Hip-Hop The world of music alone is always evolving‚ however we’ve come to a conclusion that the message the artist convey in hip-hop music in this generation are not helping out or paving the way for the next generation. The focus is to inform the readers that "smoke weed everyday" or "finding Molly" getting women is not what the hip-hop scene is all about. Hip-hop artists tell stories‚ or teach listeners about the everyday

    Free Hip hop music

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    Analysis Of Hip Hop

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    Analysis: Hip hop has undeniably progressed into a largescale sensation that has captivated the world. This paper is based upon hip-hop history and African heritage. This analysis approaches a vast view of hip-hop‚ its influences‚ struggle and beauty of these music genre. I name certain artist‚ their musical effects on political movements and events within the context of African American music and history. Page 1 provides the beginning of hip-hop‚ which includes the birthplace of hip-hop‚ and the

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    Is Hip Hop Dead???

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    Exploratory Paper Mrs. Dickens RHT 160-052 15 February 2008 Is Hip Hop Dead??? I can still recall the first hip hop album I listened to. It was Reasonable Doubt by Jay Z. I remember how I instantly fell in love with the lyrics. I hadn’t heard anything like it before‚ primarily because I only listened to R&B and some watered down rap music. The lyrics were hard hitting. They meant something. I could his hunger through the speakers as he rapped his song entitled “Can I Live” which said “Well

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    Hip-Hop Essay

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    February 15‚ 2012 The Positives and Negatives of Hip-Hop In Geoffrey Bennett’s essay titled‚ “Hip-Hop: A Roadblock or Pathway to Black Empowerment‚” he speaks about the positive and negative effects that hip-hop has on the Black Community. Bennett goes all the way to the beginning of hip-hop‚ which he says took place in the early 1980s with rappers such as Run DMC‚ Public Enemy‚ Sugar Hill Gang and many others. The author then speaks about how hip-hop grew not only in the young black African American

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    Hip Hop Music

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    In the following essay I will be applying Arjun Appadurai’s theory of global cultural flows and social imagination to the two African hip hop case studies written by Kunzler and Badsha. I will be analysing the case studies with regard to Appadurai and his theories. Appadurai’s theory was to look at the effects of globalisation on culture and how it has affected the society. He makes five very important points towards global cultural flows. He thought of it as different streams that flow into and

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    With the help of technology hip-hop has become a global movement. This newfound globalization has connected different people by one love of the hip-hop culture. Some ways in which people connect through hip-hop include international organizations and competitions. A prime example is Hip Hop International (HHI)‚ the creators of MTV’s America’s Best Dance Crew. HHI puts on a world competition each year for dance crews to compete for a world title in Las Vegas. While it is a competition‚ it is also

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