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    Abigail’s Manipulation Manipulation is the control someone tries to establish over certain situations in a devious way. Abigail Williams uses various methods of manipulation throughout The Crucible. She manipulated anybody that was involved with her. Her manipulation tactics are used for personal gain and to try to get rid of John Proctor’s wife. She uses the Salem Witch Trials to her advantage and accuses Elizabeth Proctor of witchery. Abigail’s manipulative ways prove to be beneficial to her

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    The Matrix

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    3: Names are highlighted throughout the film and are used to further explain religious concepts as well as deepen the plot. Choose three names from the movie and explain the religious concepts that they are illustrating. Option 4: While The Matrix borrows heavily from Buddhist philosophy certain elements of the film seem out of place in that they directly contradict Buddhist ideas. Write an essay that highlights three of these elements and explain how they contradict the beliefs of Buddhism

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    Manipulation in Othello

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    Allyssa Althaus Mrs. Wittman F Period 2/4/13 Deathly Manipulation There is no doubt that Iago is the most manipulative person in this drama‚ Othello. He even said so himself; "I am not what I am" (1.1.71) Iago only causes chaos and pain throughout the drama‚ and finds everyone’s weaknesses only to use it against them as seen through Cassio‚ Roderigo‚ and Othello. Cassio‚ a respectable young man who is chosen as Othello’s lieutenant at the start of the story‚ is greatly envied by Iago for

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    Manipulation in Medea

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    Medea’s Manipulation Many stories have underlying themes and morals‚ ancient Greek tragedies are no exception. Throughout Euripides?s play Medea‚ there is a common theme of manipulation. Medea manipulates everyone from the princess to her own children. She does this in order to reap revenge upon Jason‚ who was her husband but betrayed their marriage to marry the princess. Manipulation‚ as portrayed through Medea‚ can both aid and destroy a person’s morale. First‚ Medea manipulates the chorus so

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    Iagos manipulation

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    English 201 March 15‚ 2014 Iago’s Manipulation Granted the play is named Othello‚ but it is the character of Iago that progresses the action within this play‚ Iago‚ the antagonist and his negative character traits transpire throughout the play. Iago is the master of manipulation who maliciously plotted to ruin several of the character’s lives. All of the major characters become pawns and eventually victims of Iago’s treacherous plot. Many

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    Genetic Manipulation

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    Genetic Manipulation: The Benefits of its Discovery There have been more than 50 biotech foods that have been examined by the FDA and have been found to be as safe as conventional foods. These foods include canola oil‚ corn‚ papaya‚ potatoes‚ and tomatoes. But this is not the only field in which genetic manipulation has been used. Nonscientists tend to believe genetic manipulation is said to be “playing God” but it is a very beneficial science that changed the world. To get a better understanding

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    Race Social Construct

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    Whether race is derived from nature and our biology or as a complex “social construct” has been a topic of controversy. While there is scientific evidence through our studies of genetics‚ the discrimination of race is constructed from our own and the people of the law’s influence as a society’s culture. Race can be considered a social construct as it will always change as society changes. There were times when certain civilizations had no discrimination of race. In Michael Omi and Howard Winant’s

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    Dimensional Fund Advisors‚ 2002 1. What is DFA’s business strategy? What do you think of the firm? Are the DFA people really believe in efficient markets? Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) is an investment firm based in Santa Monica‚ California‚ whose primary businesses are small stock funds. DFA’s core beliefs are efficient markets and two other principles: the value of sound academic research‚ and the ability of skilled traders to contribute to a fund’s profits even when the investment was

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    In Arthur Miller’s Crucible individuals take advantage of others in order to satisfy their needs. In the Crucible‚ Manipulation and lies changes the perception of society. In the crucible‚ Arthur Miller shows how power causes individuals to have evil thoughts hence being a risk though protecting their reputation. Abigail lies in order to portray herself as an innocent victim. Abigail uses Hale to expose those involved with the devil. “I don’t compact with no devil! I want to open myself‚ I want

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    2. What does the text author mean when he calls terrorism a "pejorative" term and a "social construct?" Provide your reaction to White’s statement that terrorism is a social construct. The term Pejorative simply means a term that is loaded with a negative or derogatory meaning. (White pg. 6) When White used this term‚ I believe he was referring to the fact that when the terrorism is used it usually evokes a feeling of fear. The book explains that when people use the term terrorism they are labeling

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