Investigating Question: Does the concentration of salt in the water‚ affects the germination of the seed? Purpose: To see if the salinity of the water affects the germination of the seed‚ before its put into the soil. Back Ground Information: Seed germination is the sprouting or growth of a seed into the start of a plant. When environmental factors such as moisture‚ temperature‚ oxygen‚ and sometimes light are appropriate‚ a viable seed will begin to germinate. Salinity (salt-affected)
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Journal Entry 3 Carlson killing Candy’s dog leaves Candy wishing he’d done it himself‚ whereas when George killed Lennie‚ he isn’t left with guilt. “Look Candy…This ol’ dog jus’ suffers himself all the time. If you was to take him out and shoot him right in the back of the head – right there – why’d he’d never know what hit him.”() Carlson made it obvious that he wanted to kill Candy’s dog but that the dog wouldn’t suffer. Wanting the best for his dog‚ Candy allows Carlson to kill him. Later regretting
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Of Mice and Men Persuasive Essay Have you ever had that one dream you dedicated so much time and work to and then someone close to you ruins it? Of Mice and Men illustrates the importance of dreams in everyone’s life because it gives the person something to strive toward. During the 1930’s many migrant workers dreamed one day they would own a farm‚ this dream became known as the American Dream. John Steinbeck chose to use this theme because the American Dream showed the difficulty of achieving
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Steinbeck Presents Crooks in the novel as quite a lonely ¬but strong‚ clever and talented man. We can tell he is lonely because he lives on his own in a small shed with one little room. This is shown when Steinbeck writes: “Crooks‚ the negro stable buck‚ had his bunk in the harness room... On one side of the little room...” and also “... a little bench for leather-working tools‚ curved knives and needles...” However it shows us that he has more freedom then the other men as it says: “Crooks could leave
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Crooks is not allowed to stay with the other men in the bunk house or allowed to do things with them. This is because he is coloured. Throughout the book it shows us how Crooks is being harassed and discriminated against because of his colour. In the novel Crooks tells Curley’s wife " you have no right comin’ in a colored man’s room. You got no rights messing around in here at all. Curley’s wife was shocked that Crooks said this to her and she said back to him " listen nigger‚ you know what I can
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derives his respect from. In addition to this‚ the bond between Lennie and George seems to have become closer as a result of Curley. This close relationship between men seems-at least so far- to be a recurring subject. There is no strong female prescence at the ranch‚ and it seems to be running in fine condition due to the work of all the men. Chapter 3u This chapter cleared up my earlier questions as to the nature of the friendship of George and Lennie. Their relationship is a result of a long-time
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John Steinbeck’s novella Of Mice and Men chronicles the experiences of two unlikely friends Lennie and George‚ as they follow the path of life in pursuit of their own version of the American dream. Steinbeck incorporates thematic ideas that define dreams and what prevents them from being manifested‚ tensions concerning race and gender‚ and the significance of relationships within the story. Use of these thematic ideas amplify the strength of feeling throughout the story‚ and connects the reader with
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to work on and not run into any trouble. George and Lennie live this life style everyday in John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men. The two men are completely different‚ one being a retarded fellow (Lennie)‚ and the other‚ a typical ranch hand (George) who travels with him. On the path to achieving their dream they run into obstacles‚ but stick together stressing the importance of true friendship. They go around asking for work in Weed and then run into trouble there. Therefore having to move from
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Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men There are many symbols in Of Mice and Men. Symbols such as setting‚ animals‚ and language all provide a deeper meaning to the story. The first symbol is setting. The novel begins and ends on the bank of the river (Lisca). The riverbed is located in rural California. In the beginning of the novel‚ George and Lennie involuntary ran away from Weed when Lennie was accused of trying to have non-consensual intercourse with a girl. When news about this broke out‚ the men of Weed
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bunkhouse and Crooks’ room. Paragraph of dreams: The playing cards in the bunk play a major role not only as a way to entertain oneself but also portraying the futility of dreams. When the men sit around the ‘big square table’ to play together they have the opportunity to succeed. They would enjoy this as they live in a life where their only companion is loneliness and defeat. The cards are a symbol of dreams as they take a gamble in the hopes that they will triumph. At first Crooks’ scoffs at
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