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    ESPN – Case Questions 1. Describe ESPN’s business design (product-market breadth and depth). Identify and describe its assets distinctive capabilities. 2. Critically evaluate ESPN’s brand leveraging initiatives. In other words‚ how has the ESPN brand meaning evolved (broadened) through extending the brand into new categories? What are the benefits of product development through sub-branding (associating new brands/products with ESPN)? What are the potential risks for ESPN and its new brands

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    Role of Institutional Investors in Indian Stock Market S S S Kumar* Abstract An important feature of the development of stock market in India in the last 15 years has been the growing participation of Institutional Investors‚ both foreign institutional investors and the Indian mutual funds combined together‚ the total assets under their management amounts to almost 18% of the entire market capitalization. This paper examines the role of these investors in Indian stock markets and finds that

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    What struggle to escape? What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy? Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s famous "How Do I Love Thee" is yet another famous example of a lyric poem: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach‚ when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace I love thee to the level of everyday’s Most quiet need‚ by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely‚ as men strive for Right; I love thee purely‚ as

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    19 November 2012 This is a review about the Yąnomamö by Napoleon Chagnon. The Wadsworth Cengage Learning group‚ in California in the year 2009‚ published this edition of the book. He published more than five editions and it is commonly used as an introductory text in university level anthropology classes. The Yąnomamö are a group of indigenous tribal Amazonians that live in the border area between Venezuela and Brazil. Chagnon lived and studied with the Yąnomamö from the mid-1960s to the 1990s

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    Philippine Artifacts

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    Manunggul Jar [pic] The Manunggul Jar is evidence of the spirituality of indigenous Filipinos. The Manunggul jar is cultural treasure found in the early 1960’s in Manunggul Cave‚ Lipuun Point‚ Palawan which is classified as a secondary burial jar‚ which means that only the bones of the corpse are placed inside. It has an elaborate design consisting of scrolls and curves on the top cover and is painted with hematite - a type of mineral that produces red coloring once subjected

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    ALL YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT CBCT CBCT is a useful tool for imaging the craniofacial area that produces more realistic images that facilitate interpretation. All the previous conventional and digital intraoral and extraoral procedures‚ as they were two dimensional (2D) projections‚ suffer from several limitations. These limitations were magnification‚ distortion‚ superimposition and misrepresentation of structures. CBCT has achieved a transition of dental imaging from 2D to 3D images. Moreover

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    Dental Piercings

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    piercing height‚ closure‚ and stem length (Plessas & Pepelassi‚ 2012). The International Journal of Dental Hygiene found that jewelry associated with recession frequently developed as a narrow cleft-like defect on the lingual aspect of the mandibular incisors with recession depths of 2-3mm or greater‚ often extending to or beyond the level of the mucogingival junction (Hennequin-Hoenderdos et al.‚

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    Xerox Case Study

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    Problem Summary John Clendenin is at a career crossroads. While he has achieved swift advancement in a relatively short amount of time at Xerox‚ he is now faced with role options that appear‚ prima facie‚ to be lateral in nature. Clendenin ’s boss‚ Fred Hewitt has made two clear offers to Clendenin: remain as head of Xerox ’s Multinational Development Center (MDC) with a two-year commitment‚ or transition to a staff support position on Hewitt ’s staff. While Clendenin ’s success and ascension

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    Play Observation Checklist Observer:_______________ Play Setting:_______________________ Date:_____________ Approximate Child Age:___ Child Gender: M F Hand Preference: L R Initiation of Play Observed Yes No Comments / Questions Behavior Child quickly engages in play Child requires help in getting started Child needs encouragement Child directs his/her own play Child shows initiative or curiosity Child appears impulsive Child initiates

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    L3.Strategic Analysis - External Introduction/Recap Strategic Analysis External Analysis PESTEL analysis Industry & Competitive Analysis. Strategic Analysis: Factors Shaping the Choice of Company Strategy Social‚ political‚ regulatory and community factors Competitive conditions and industry attractiveness Company opportunities and threats to company’s well-being External Factors Company’s Strategic Situation Determine relevance of internal and external factors Identify and evaluate

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