"Indus River" Essays and Research Papers

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    Hindi matter on fashion

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    Why are dams needed? Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy. Pakistan today is among one of the World’s fastest growing population‚ now estimated as over 170 million. Due to lack of large river regulation capability through sizeable storages‚ the country is already facing serious shortages in food grains. Given the present trend‚ Pakistan could soon become one of the food deficit countries in the near future. Therefore‚ there is a dire need to build storages for augmenting agriculture

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    Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley civilizations have long been compared throughout history and were both some of the earliest civilizations in the world. Mesopotamia‚ also known as‚ ’the land between the rivers‚’ was named for the triangular area between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. This area has been extended and now covers modern day Iraq‚ adding ancient Assyria and Babylonia to that land. The Indus civilization is often referred to as the Harappan civilization from the first city discovered

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    Term Paper

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    Against: No‚ India should not allow Kashmir to become an independent state because… 1. Kashmir provides a great deal of protection by serving as a border. 2. Indians will lose the right to visit these religious sites. 3. The control of the Indus River is very important in a long run. 4. It is a great place for tourism and helps with local and Indian economy. . In favor: Yes‚ India should allow Kashmir to become an independent state because….. 1. Independent Kashmir can solve lots of present

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    Pakistani Floods

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    The Pakistani Floods of 2010 by The British Geographer The Causes of the Flood Physical Causes From its headwaters in the Himalayas of Tibet‚ the River Indus flows northwest through India before turning sharply south across Pakistan. It finally discharges into the Arabian Sea‚ a journey of some 3‚200km (2‚000 miles). The River Indus has an annual flood caused by tropical monsoon rainfall. It’s rich alluvium floodplain led to one of the cradles of civilization‚ 9000 years ago.  However‚ this flood’s

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    the land to encourage vegetation. It is a substitute for inadequate or erratic rainfall and is extremely essential for arid regions where there are no rivers and also in humid regions to improve crop output. In Pakistan‚ 75% of the agricultural land is under irrigation. Three major water sources in Pakistan are rain water‚ ground water and rivers. Irrigation system is not something new. Since olden days‚ people had devised various methods to water their fields. Some traditional methods of irrigation

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    General Knowledge Questions

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    area of Pakistan 25% 13- Length of Khyber pass 53km 14- Uranium resources found in Pakistan? D G khan 15- Mostly part of gobi desert found in ? Magnolia 16- Taklimakan desert found Inxinjaning china 17- Longest river of the world is? Nile 18- Largest sea of the world?   South China Sea 19-Largest coastal boundary country? Canada 20- Brazil situated in? South America 21-Which country is peninsula? Saudi Arabia 22- Pakistan

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    renewable recourses like water. Pakistan is a country facing serious shortage of fresh water recourses in the country. Things get worse as Pakistan is securing 6th position in the list of world’s 10 most populated countries1. The rivers following in the country are cross Border Rivers. They entered into Pakistan from Indian side of the border. So water conflict between India and Pakistan also exist. In 1951 water availability in Pakistan was 5000 cubic meter per capita per year‚ that amount is decreased

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    Water Crisis in Pakistan

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    Basically there are two major sources of water i.e surface and ground water. In surface water we have Indus Basin (it include Indus plains ‚ Kabul ‚ Astor ‚ Jehlum ‚ Chenab and Sutlej)‚ Kharan Desert (it include Pishin lora ‚ Baddo Rakshan Mashkhel ) and Makran coastal basin (it include Malir ‚ Hub ‚ Porali ‚ Kud ‚ Hingol ‚ Dasht and Kech). The ground water is basically the Indus plains that constitute 34 million hectors of cultivable land. Also it is found in some rain-fed lands and inter-mountain

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    Kalabagh Dam: the question of alternatives THE rush to build the Kalabagh dam is taking General Musharraf and many of his supporters‚ including some born-again superpatriots‚ to heights of irrationality. As if the doctrine of necessity‚ which has provided the alibi for all military coups since the original one of Ayub Khan‚ was not enough‚ a new and much more sinister doctrine‚ that of indispensability‚ is being promoted. Its purpose is to justify the indefinite continuation of the present

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    18 March 2011 Pakistan’s Food and Water Crisis: ‘More Detrimental to Security than Extremism’ Sergei DeSilva-Ranasinghe FDI Senior Analyst Summary Over the coming years and decades‚ Pakistan will face the real prospect of serious food and water shortages if the challenges posed by climate change and the overexploitation of natural resources are not effectively and comprehensively managed. In this context‚ the manifold challenges that face Pakistan require not only a concerted strategy

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