"Insecure attachment" Essays and Research Papers

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    Extended Essay Psychology Attachment during infancy and its role on child’s development Introduction In all countries‚ despite the differences in cultures and beliefs‚ it is inevitable for infants to develop a bond with who takes care of them. Unlike children who are older who can communicate through speaking to express their feelings‚ infants use other ways such as crying or whining or clinging as their means of communication. Whether the child’s caregiver pays close attention to

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    Mary Ainsworth Attachment

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    Ainsworth‚ attachment may be defined as an affectional tie that one person or animal forms between themselves and another specific one- a tie that binds them together in space and endures over time. Attachment is a bond where one person feels the need to have close contact with another person. They also experience distress during separation from that special person. This is particularly important during childhood. Attachment does not have to be mutual. One person may have an attachment to another

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    Bowlby's Attachment Theory

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    Outline and Evaluate One or More Theories of Attachment. (12mark) Attachment can be described using two theories‚ one being Bowlby’s attachment theory (1946) which is based on an evolutionary perspective. The aim was to find out whether there was a relationship between maternal deprivation and emotional problems in children who had been referred to Bowlby’s child guidance clinic. It aimed to test the validity of Bowlby’s Maternal Deprivation Hypothesis. 88 children (an opportunity sample) were

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    Evolutionary Theory of Attachment The evolutionary explanation of attachments was first developed by Bowlby. He said that an attachment is biological and crucial for survival as it ensures the infant is cared for due to the reciprocal nature of attachment. Bowlby also said that both infants and carers are innately programmed with the ability to make attachments and that Bowlby believes in monotropy‚ the belief that a child can only create an attachment with one primary caregiver only and this

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    Family Attachment Theory

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    paper focused on attachment theory and the impact of close relationships on psychological development. • Children vary considerably by which attachment security remains individually consistent over time – studies have found both change and consistency in attachment classification. Theorists have agreed that early attachment experiences are important‚ yet they can be transformed by later experiences. • The reasons as to WHY there are individual continuity or change of attachment relationships are

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    Bowlby's Attachment Theory

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    Attachment disorders: Assessment strategies and treatment approaches”‚ by Thomas G. O’Connor and Charles H. Zeanah‚ is an article that relates to this case study‚ in which I have attached. Attachment Theory: “An Attachment is a reciprocal‚ enduring‚ emotional and physical affiliation between a child and a caregiver”[1]. The most recognised attachment theorist was a man called John Bowlby‚ a British Psychologist‚ Psychoanalyst and Psychiatrist famous for his work and fascination

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    Attachment Theories and Parenting Styles Humans are social beings and need to be with others and form relationships but our relationship behaviors do not "come naturally" and they need to be learned similar to other social skills (Schneider‚ Gruman & Coutts‚ 2005‚ p.77). Many psychologists argue that the kind of relationships infants have with their primary caregivers is the blueprint for the later life relationships (Schneider‚ Gruman & Coutts‚ 2005). Behaviors in adult relationships’ are influenced

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    Evaluating Bowlby’s Theory of Attachment Bowlby (1969) proposed that millions of years of evolution had produced a behaviour that is essential to the survival chances of human infants. He believed that human babies are born helpless and totally independent on the primary caregiver producing the baby with food‚ warmth‚ shelter‚ for their well-being and survival – this helplessness and total independence on the primary caregiver acts as a social releaser making the caregiver have a caregiving reaction

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    Attachments and the Effects of Children with Disability When reading the article and the definitions of Attachment based on Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth we can debate the fact that how we make attachments plays a key role in the future as adults. Bowlby believed that the earliest bonds formed by children with their caregivers have a tremendous impact that continues throughout life. He suggested attachment also serves to keep the infant close to the mother‚ thus improving the child ’s chances

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    Attachment Case Study

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    Attachment is the enduring emotional bond between a parent/caregiver and a child. In this case study I will be attempting to assess the bond between 4 month old “Madison” and her mother “Amanda.” Amanda is my aunt and Madison is my newest cousin; we have known each other for the past 6 years. In order to determine whether or not they have a secure or insecure attachment I have developed 5 questions to help me guide my research. First‚ Are there examples of attachment cycles where the parent initiates

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