"Investigating the stretch and recoil of arteries and veins" Essays and Research Papers

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    P4- Explain the physiology of two named body systems in relation to energy metabolism in the body. Energy is the strength and ability that is required in order to perform physical or mental activities. There are different forms of energy these consist of: magnetic‚ kinetic‚ heat‚ light‚ gravitational‚ chemical‚ sound‚ electrical‚ elastic and nuclear. The law‚ conservation of energy states that the total amount of energy within a system remains constant at all times‚ although energy within the system

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    unit 48 venepuncture

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    should always be followed making sure the area of work place is always safe and clean for use. Q.2 Describe the structure of venous blood vessels Several capillaries join together to form veins blood is carried through the body via blood vessels. Venous reserve volume of blood contained within systemic veins in the integument‚ Bone marrow‚ and liver that can be returned to their heart for circulation if needed. Q.3 Explain blood clotting processes and the factors that influence

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    The following are examples of frequently missed questions from the unit exams. The questions are similar in theme to the ones missed however were taken from blackboard and are not exactly worded like the exam questions. They are meant to act as a study guide only. Please do not have the misconception that these questions will be the exact questions on the final. What you should do is to use these questions as a guide and to research not only why the answer is correct but also why the other answers

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    Shark and Rat Lab

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    and gall bladder. 10. Urogenital System: kidneys‚ male archinephric ducts‚ testes‚ ovaries‚ uterus. 11. Circulatory System: sinus venosus‚ 1 atrium‚ 1 ventricle‚ conus arteriosus‚ ventral aorta‚ afferent branchial arteries‚ efferent branchial arteries‚ dorsal aorta‚

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    The Human Heart

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    randomly from either one of these veins. All the deoxygented blood from parts of the body above the heart‚ comes in throught the superior vena cava into the left atrium. Then all the deoxygenated blood from parts of the body below the heart‚ comes from the inferior vena cava into the heart. Once there‚ it is pumped into the right ventricle through a flap called the tricuspid valve. From the right ventricle it goes through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery. From there it goes to the lungs

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    Physioex Exercise 6.1

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    carotid artery m)Left subclavian arteryn)Left Brachiocephalic veino)Left vagus nerve p)Arch of aortaq)Pulmonary trunkr)Auricle of left atrium s)Left Ventriclet)Right Ventricleu)Apex of heart3) What is the name of the small conical muscular pouch that projects to the left from the right atrium and overlaps

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    IGCSE Biology Notes

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    Grade 10 Biology Revision Guide Characteristics of Living Organisms Nutrition: Respiration: Excretion: Sensitivity: Movement: Homeostasis: Reproduction: Growth: Taking in food for growth and releasing energy. Burning glucose to release energy. Removing waste material like urea formed during chemical reactions. Responding to changes in the environment. Transport inside cells and moving the body. Control their internal conditions. Increasing the number of organisms. Increasing the number of cells

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    CELL STRUCTURE CELL THEORY: Structural and functional unit of all living things New cells arise from already existing cells Cells contain information that instructs growth. This information can be passed onto new cells. MICROSCOPES: There are two main types of microscopes: Light and Electron Electron Micrographs- shown in colour LIGHT ELECTRON Uses beam of light Magnification = x1500 Resolution = 200 nm  Wide range of specimens can be used  Samples are fairly quick + easy to prepare

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    a.Superior Vena Cava b.Main Pulmonary Artery c.Aorta ans.B 31.Heart valves that are shaped like half moons are called ... a.Atrioventricular Valves b.Mitral

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    the body through a series of arteriesveins and capillaries. Arteries and capillaries send blood from the heart to all areas of the body‚ while veins help bring that blood back to the heart. Arteries carries oxygenated blood away from the heart‚ and veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. This process is called circulation. The roles are revered in pulmonary circulation. The pulmonary arteries bring deoxygenated blood to your lungs‚ while the pulmonary veins will bring

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