"Iroquois kinship" Essays and Research Papers

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    – Unit 1 Makers of America – The Iroquois I found the article Makers in America – The Iroquois an interesting read. I remember learning about them somewhat back in grade school and some in high school. I didn’t remember that Hiawatha and Deganawidah were the two leaders that founded the Iroquois that were bound together by five Indian nations. The five nations included the Mohawks‚ the Oneidas‚ the Onondagas‚ the Cayugas‚ and the Senecas. The Iroquois fought against neighboring Indians for

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    Iroquois Indians and Lacrosse Lacrosse is a sport played worldwide and is centerpiece of the Iroquois Indian culture. This sport involves using a small rubber ball and a long-handled stick called a crosse (aka lacrosse stick) and because this is a contact sport‚ it requires padding. The head of the lacrosse stick is strung with loose mesh that is designed to catch and hold the lacrosse ball. The object of the game is to score by shooting the call into the opponent’s goal. The stick can be used to

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    Kinship Terminology

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    Kinship terminology Kinship terminology in general may be used to refer to the various systems used in languages to refer to the persons to whom an individual is related through kinship. As Robert Parkin states‚ a kin term or kinship term or relationship term designates a particular category of kin or relative regarded as a single semantic unit. It can be conceptualised as containing one or more kin types‚ though empirically it will be applied to a number of different individuals occupying different

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    Australia Kinship System

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    The Australian Aboriginal kinship system has a large impact on how the culture behaves beginning with their creation stories and then onto how children are raised‚ children entering adulthood‚ and relationships that are taught. These examples of kinships can differ from culture to culture especially in the Australian Aboriginal culture which could bring a culture closer together or it can damage the culture. Kinships can change how a culture behaves through their beliefs. Aboriginal culture is

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    Essay On Gebusi Kinship

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    When looking at the Gebusi kinship there are some similarities to my own kinship. For example the Gebusi clan membership is passed down through the male line. In my kinship it is also passed through the male line. After one member of my kinship gets married they take the last name of the husband. In the Gebusi kinship not only is the line trace through the males after the females are married they become part of their husbands clan now and are no longer apart of their original clan. A difference that

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    Chinese Kinship Systems

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    It would be impossible to disagree with the statement that "Chinese kinship is based on male predominance". In fact this statement may even be under-emphasizing the control and absolute power that males wield across all levels of Chinese society. Of course‚ where their power initially comes from though‚ is through the family or termed differently the "jia". It is this extended or ideal family that cultivates the consistent patrilineal form of control/descent and dictates that residence in said

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    The Iroquois are an American Indian confederacy of New York originally consisting of the Cayuga‚ Mohawk‚ Oneida‚ Onondaga‚ Seneca‚ and Tuscarora tribes. They originally settled along the St. Lawrence River which is located in what is now known as New York State. Most Iroquois remained in upstate New York but some traveled to Ohio to join relatives and others moved to places like Kansas. There is not a concrete date for when the Iroquois tribe was established but “some estimates put this as far back

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    The Iroquois Confederacy. Where was the Iroquois located? well they were located in northern part of america‚ in the Northern New York area as well as the western part of Pennsylvania. because they consisted of at least 5 tribes during the colonial era‚ the area they occupied was pretty large. Religion: Haudenosaunee believed that a powerful spirit called Orenda permeated the universe. He created everything that is good and useful. The Evil Spirit made things that are poisonous‚ but the Great

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    Running head: KINSHIP 1 Kinship System of the San’s Amy Namer ANT 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Instructor: Christine Compton March 25‚ 2013 KINSHIP 2 Kinship System of the San’s In anthropology kinship is the system of social

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    Presented by‚ Shailendra Kumar Nitish Singh Amit Dogra FAMILY AND KINSHIP What family means… The family forms the basic unit of social organization and it is difficult to imagine how human society could function without it. The family has been seen as a universal social institution an inevitable part of human society. FAMILY Defining “FAMILY” Various sociologists “family” in various ways:  G.P Murdock defines the family as a social group characterized by common residence‚ economic

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