"Is the scarlet letter a protofeminist novel" Essays and Research Papers

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    Shame of Teenage Pregnancy and the Scarlet Letter Shame affects everyone in their lives sooner or later. People don’t all feel it in the same way. In the book The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne the main character Hester Prynne knows how it feels to be ashamed or embarrassed. She’s shamed because while she was married she cheated on her husband. She ended up having a baby with another man. To punish her she was commanded to wear a letter “A” for adultery‚ by the townspeople

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    The manner in which one obtains their morals and journey through life differs; some establish morals and venture life with observances of fairness‚ while others endure the tumult to find humanity on their own. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s‚ The Scarlet Letter‚ Hester‚ a sinful woman‚ learns to establish a new identity under her branded “A”. Hester develops a new sense of morality‚ as her story darkens to an end foreshadowed by the symbolic rose bush. The rose bush merely symbolizes the commencement of

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    Sadomasochists Will Not Be Satisfied With The Scarlet Letter “Thou shalt not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14). “If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor‚ both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death” (Leviticus 20:10). Puritans carried this Biblical credence to the very letter. Puritans were all about order in their society‚ achieved through strict laws and rules. The love between a married couple equated moral and religious duties (eHow)‚ and so when adultery was

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    Scarlet Letter Essay

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    Lydia Crouse Honors English 10 Mrs. Rollings 26 September 2011 Mysterious Death of Dimmesdale One could say that Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale is poisoned‚ or that he merely died of guilty conscience. In the Scarlet Letter‚ by Nathaniel Hawthorne‚ Reverend Dimmesdale commits adultery with Hester Prynne‚ and so she bears a child. Dimmesdale does not admit his sin to the people in the community. Keeping the sin a secret for as long as he does creates guilt and suffering which manifests in him until

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    Jonathan Alessi 10/16/11 Period 4 Who Are You?: An analysis of identities in The Scarlet Letter Identity‚ what is it? Is it a name? Is it defined by what we do‚ where we work or how hard we play? Is identity categorized by a moment from our past or is it defined by the present? Is identity of a person only one definite thing or is it dependent upon the observer? According to Nathaniel Hawthorne identity is definite‚ unchangeable‚ and can be defined by one single moment in a person’s life

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    Scarlet Letter Analysis

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    The Scarlet Letter‚ written by Nathaniel Hawthorne‚ has characters that each bring different feelings and emotions to the story. While reading the novel‚ I noticed that Pearl‚ Hester’s daughter‚ was very different from the other main characters‚ though at the same time‚ she was almost a second Hester. With the addition of Pearl‚ Hawthorne’s story comes to a completely different level. Around the first part of the book‚ Hawthorne doesn’t talk much about Pearl or describe her in any way‚ but this

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    Scarlet Letter Hypocrisy

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    was a dream come true. Thier society was obsessed with the idea of being pure. Any sin that was committed had an over exaggerated punishment. Many of the puritans were hypocritical. This idea is expressed greatly in The Scarlet Letter. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter as a story of revenge‚ sin and hypocrisy because the narration does not really show love between people‚ but shows all the sinful acts people would do to one another. A great example of sin is Hester cheating on Chillingworth

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    Scarlet Letter Quotes

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    Scarlet Letter notes and quotes Chapter Quote 1: “some sweet moral blossom‚ that may be found along the track‚ or relieve the darkening close tale of human frailty and sorrow.” This quote tells us that the story will be very dark with possibly many mysteries for us to solve and put the puzzle pieces together. And that there are innocent events and thoughts in the book too. The 1st chapter is very short only 1 and ½ pages long so there is not much vital information whatsoever. And with

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    In the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne‚ Dimmesdale who is a minister acts as a role model to the townspeople. He is the last person who should commit a crime and lie about it. As the minister of the community‚ Dimmesdale is held to certain moral standards‚ and is expected to be the moral measure for his congregation. He attempts to follow the strictures of society‚ but must hide his sins of adultery and hypocrisy to remain angelic within the community. Dimmesdale weighted with the guilt of

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    Admirable What is the Scarlet letter? What the scarlet letter is the letter that Hester Prynne wears after she commits adultery with reverend dimmesdale. That Scarlet letter is a bright Scarlet colored letter A that is supposed to mean Adulterer.Through the story the letter develops into something more than an adulterer.Although its first intended to show the meaning as an adulterer‚ throughout the story she becomes empowered and the letter A becomes Admirable instead of Adulterer.This is through

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