‘In Paris With You’ by James Fenton and ‘Hour’ by Carol An Duffy James Fenton born 25th of April 1949 is a modern English poet‚ journalist a literary critic and was also a former Oxford professor of poetry. He wrote several books about poetry mostly about relationship and war like the collection of poems ‘The Memory of War’. He received multiple of awards for his poetry‚ the latest was in 2007 when he was rewarded a ‘Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry’. Carol Ann Duffy born 23 December 1955 is also
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James Fenton‚ the poet of ’Cambodia’ spent several years in Asia‚ touring countries such as Cambodia‚ Vietnam and Indochina and became distressed and exceedingly more and more incensed by the atrocious war crimes being committed by those in authority. He wrote most of his poems upon his return to America‚ but ’Cambodia’ was written while he was visiting Southern Asia. Cambodia was a country devastated by war‚ and over 2 million civilians died in the various conflicts. The conflict he is referring
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both “Harmonium” and “In Paris with you”‚ a difficult relationship is portrayed though Armitage and Fenton write of two different kinds of relationships‚ the reader has no problem detecting the difficult relationship. One of the very first things we see in “In Paris with You” is the speakers inability to say the words ‘I’m in love you’‚ frequently he says “I’m in Paris with you” as a replacement‚ using the city that is associated with love and romance instead. Perhaps Fenton is trying to portray that
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Compare the ways Fenton and Duffy present a speaker’s attitudes towards another person in ‘In Paris with You’ and ‘Quickdraw’. The speaker in ‘In Paris With You’ implies that he has recently experienced the painful ending of at least one romantic relationship‚ "Don’t talk to me of love. I’ve had an earful...". On the one hand his attitude to love is cynical and dismissive. However‚ there are also hints that he may not be as vehemently opposed to beginning a new romantic attachment as he initially
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How do the Poets James Fenton and Carol Ann Duffy Present the Pain of Love in their Poems ‘In Paris with You’ and ‘Quickdraw’? James Fenton and Carol Ann Duffy are both contemporary poets. Their poems ‘In Paris with You’ and ‘Quickdraw’ both include the themes of the pain of love. This essay compares how the two poets present the pain of love in their poems‚ exploring things such as imagery‚ vocabulary and form and structure. One way in which the poets present their ideas about the pain of love
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of love in ‘In Paris with you’ and ‘His coy mistress’. The first twenty lines of the ’His coy mistress’ start to talk about how much this girl means to this particular man. The main character in the poem talks about how he will wait forever to be with her‚ but at first this seems to be a fantasy for the man and it may not happen for them to be together. His views as of now are that he wants to take his time and he doesn’t have go anywhere however ’In Paris with you’ James Fenton opens his poem with
In Paris with You is recounted by a (thenarrator) whose relationship has just ended and who is now in Paris with someone else ("I’m on the rebound"). This suggests a long-term relationship has ended and the speaker is currently enjoying a less serious liaison. The narrator doesn’t want to examine the aftermath of the serious relationship: he doesn’t want to talk things over or even visit galleries or landmarks; he just wants to enjoy the moment rather than thinking of the future or the past. Structure
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cliched romantic backdrop of Paris. However‚ upon closer inspection it seems that despite the overt romantic language and imagery there is also a dark side of this poem suggesting that the heartbroken speaker is merely looking for some company to help them deal with the fallout of a failed relationship.The title of the poem‚ ’In Paris With You’ establishes what the reader supposes is the setting of the poem: Paris. It is perhaps useful to remember that some people refer to Paris as ’the city of romance’
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‘In Paris with You’ by James Fenton Learning objectives: - AO1: respond to texts critically and imaginatively‚ select and evaluate textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations. - AO2: explain how language‚ structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas‚ themes and settings. Pre-reading activity: 1. What do you associate with Paris? For example‚ you might think of the Eiffel Tower‚ fancy restaurants‚ or the Stade de France. Try to
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ways in which damaged relationships are presented in ‘The Manhunt’ and ‘In Paris with You’ Simon Armitage and James Fentom both present a damaged relationship in ‘The Manhunt’ and ‘In Paris with You’ by using many poetic devises such as alliteration‚ metaphors and repetition. Armitage presents a damaged relationship in the Manhunt between a soldier‚ Eddie‚ and his wife‚ Laura‚ and how they have been affected by war. Fenton presents a damaged relationship between a couple using a monologue. Both
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