incidental (Abrams‚ 2014). Numerous theories elaborated over the decades have infused the literature trying to offer explanations of the various sources of aggression observed in sports. Eller (2006‚ as cited by Psychology 216‚ 2009) interpreted sources of aggression as coming from either an internal bio-psycho source‚ or the external influences of social values‚ human kind and social interaction. Other scholars have identified a third group‚ the drive theories characterized by impulsiveness created
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In this essay I aim to describe two theories (Equity Theory and Social exchange theory) of relationships and to consider how they might influence the therapist engaged in couples counseling‚ noting their similarities and differences. Equity theory is a theory about fairness. Its application to close relationships has been primarily advanced by Elaine Hatfield (previously known as Elaine Walster) and her colleagues in the book Equity: Theory and Research (Walster‚ Walster‚ and Berscheid 1978). The
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Attachment Theories: Bowlby and Winnicott I am particularly interested in attachment theories and ideas arising from objects theory namely Winnicott’s concepts of the transitional object and the “good enough mother”. Having two children‚ now aged 12 and 14 years old‚ I can see how the theories applied to them as babies and how it continues to be of significance now they are entering adolescence. It has also allowed me to understand relational patterns in my own life. I particularly like the recognition
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Employee Engagement and CSR: TRANSACTIONAL‚ RELATIONAL‚ AND DEVELOPMENTAL APPROACHES Philip Mirvis This article looks at the relevance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for engaging employees‚ including its impact on their motivation‚ identity‚ and sense of meaning and purpose. It explores three different ways that companies engage their employees through CSR: a transactional approach‚ where programs are undertaken to meet the needs of employees who want to take part in the CSR
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Modernization Theory According to Macionis (2010)‚ the definition of modernization theory “is a model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of technological and cultural differences between nations”. Modernization theory is a description‚ explanation‚ and account of the way of traditional and under established or underdeveloped societies‚ compared to more modern societies. Modernization is one of the most important perspectives in development and
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Personality Theory Andrea Simpson HHS 310 H & HS Culture: The Helping Relationship Instructor: Patricia Knight June 18‚ 2012 Personality Theory The theory that I chose‚ that best suits my personality‚ is the Humanistic Holistic Theory. This theory emphasizes “on engaging the whole person and focusing on the future rather than the past” (Brill & Levine‚ 2005‚ p.58). This theory best suits my personality‚ because it shows that a person can change. A person’s personality is not based
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* Introduction * Definition of Kohlberg’s Theory * Advantage in Kohlberg’s Theory * Disadvantage in Kohlberg’s Theory * Opinion * Recommendation Introduction Lawrence Kohlberg’s stages of moral development constitute an adaptation of a psychological theory originally conceived by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget. The theory holds that moral reasoning‚ the basis for ethical behavior‚ has six identifiable developmental stages‚ each more adequate at responding to moral
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Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity by Judith Butler Review by: Mary McIntosh Feminist Review‚ No. 38 (Summer‚ 1991)‚ pp. 113-114 Published by: Palgrave Macmillan Journals Stable URL: . Accessed: 20/03/2012 23:44 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use‚ available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars‚ researchers
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discussions. When the topic about Social Control Theory was discussed in class for some reason it had a huge impact on me and my life right now. In sociology‚ the control theory attempts to explain an individual’s social bonds in relation to their behavior. I feel as though life today‚ revolves around how deep a bond is. Control theories assume that delinquent acts result when an individual’s bond to society is weak or broken. This micro-level theory states that all people have potential for deviance
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INFANT-MOTHER RELATIONSHIP MARY D. SALTER AINSWORTH Johns Hopkins University 3 theoretical approaches to the origin and development o f the infant-mother relationship are reviewed: psychoanalytic theories of object relations‚ social learning theories of dependency (and attachment)‚ and an ethologically oriented theory o f attachment. "Object relations‚" "dependency‚" and "attachment‚" although overlapping‚ are seen to differ substantially. Among the concepts in regard to which there are significant inter-theoretical
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