into a stereotype that has been developed of every race and how everyone within that race acts/or is. Stereotyping is an issue that affects all races and gender. If someone were to ask what is a women supposed to do when they grow up‚ is the typical response still to get married‚ be a stay at home wife and mother‚ while the father figure of the family goes to work to support the family? What about the women who don’t want to stay at home‚ the women who want to go and have a career? Stereotypes are present
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Stereotypes‚ Good or Bad Introduction Stereotypes can be defined as an over generalized belief about a group of people. Psychologists have agreement on stereotypes features. However‚ there exist differences in how various psychologists describe how the acts stereotyping take place and why they do. There are three essential components in all explanations about stereotypes. The first component is where a group of people are given an identity through a specific characteristic for example nationality
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Stereotypes and Prejudice Please complete the following exercises‚ remembering that you are in an academic setting and should remain unbiased‚ considerate‚ and professional when completing this worksheet. Part I Select three of the identity categories below and name or describe at least 3 related stereotypes for each: • Race • Ethnicity • Religion • Gender • Sexual orientation • Age • Disability Category Stereotype 1 Stereotype 2 Stereotype 3 Race Uneducated Poor Lazy
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generalization; this label is a stereotype. Stereotypes are generalizations made by humans of certain groups of people where specific characteristics are attributed to them. If one has several traits fitting
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Stereotypes Stereotypes are thoughts adopted about a person or a group of people that may or may not be true. In reality a stereotype does not really have a definition. Different people view stereotypes differently. Researchers and psychologists have different definitions what a stereotypes can actually be. Some people regard stereotypes as being a negative thing‚ might go as far as saying it is prejudice. This is because cultures label others differently. If a person does not understand
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Stereotypes Stereotypes are common anywhere in the world. These are created by ourselves. A stereotype is an idea or image structured and accepted by most people as a model or behavioral qualities representing a group. On occasions these characteristics representing communities‚ social classes and people living in a country which does not belong. Stereotypes can be cultural type that is depending on the customs they have. They could also be social type that is depending on the social level to
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Stereotypes are generalizations about a group of people we attribute as a defined set of characteristics to this group. These classifications can be positive or negative‚ such as when various nationalities are stereotyped as friendly or unfriendly. The use of stereotypes is a major way in which we simplify our social world‚ since they reduce the amount of processing‚ we have to do when we meet a new person. A good thing about stereotype is that it helps us to respond faster to situations because
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profoundly consequential. In fact‚ even the most powerful men and women in the world have been victims of a stereotype at some point in their lives. Among these people is the former chairman of Microsoft‚ Bill Gates. Gates dropped out of college at the age of 20‚ two years after enrolling in it. The image that is painted in a person’s mind when he hears about college dropouts is influenced by a stereotype. The person then perceives college dropouts as tattooed‚ pant-sagging‚ chain-smoking‚ moronic students
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-Moral Science- STEREOTYPES Stereotypes are so prevalent in our everyday lives that people don’t even realize that they are making racist comments. They are so use to making these comments in their own inner circles‚ that they don’t even realize how detrimental they can be outside of their circle. Stereotypes affect people’s social lives‚ emotions‚ and how people interact with their environment. Stereotypes‚ prejudice and discrimination are known to be related but having
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What are stereotypes? According to the book Social Psychology‚ a stereotype is a set of Characteristics attributed to all members of some specified group or social category. Within the past few decades‚ women and men both have contributed their efforts to reduce stereotypes of both men and women. The effort has made many changes overtime. However some types of current media does influence and teach its viewers the stereotypes of gender that people have been trying to decrease. I have seen
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