Study questions for The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser cx101127鍾樂瑤 1. Who are Gloriana (Book 1‚ Stanza 4‚ Canto 1‚ stanza 3)? Please discuss Gloriana as an allegorical figure? Gloriana‚ the Faerie Queene‚ an idealized portrait of Queen Elizabeth. Although she does not appear in the extant portion of the poem‚ many of the knights set out on their quests from her court‚ and they often praise her virtue and splendor. 2. Who is Una? What kind of lady is she? Please discuss Una as an allegorical figure
Premium Allegory Edmund Spenser
4/5/14 THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST Who did Jesus Christ die on the cross for? Jesus died for all of us. If it was not for JESUS we would not be here today‚ because GOD made us all. The importance of the resurrection is to believe in Jesus Christ. Believing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins will get you into heaven and if you asked him to come into your heart. Jesus is so important because I believe he died on the cross for my sins‚ I celebrate him on Easter and Christmas‚ and I
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Jesus loves you. He died on the cross to save you from your sins. No matter how much you mess up‚ He will still be there to protect you. He is a unfailing God that will never leave you or forsake you. People ask: Who is Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ is the only son of god despite coming from a woman. He is the light that came to earth to clarify our path and our soul. He is a man that walked to earth all the way from Israel. What was his mission? His mission was to guide us and to let us know him
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Jesus Christ Jesus Christ was born circa 6 B.C. in Bethlehem. Little is known about his early life‚ but as a young man‚ he founded Christianity‚ one of the world’s most influential religions. His life is recorded in the New Testament‚ more a theological document than a biography. According to Christians‚ Jesus is considered the incarnation of God and his teachings an example for living a more spiritual life. Christians believe he died for the sins of all people and rose from the dead. His
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understanding‚ in order that they may know the mystery of God‚ namely‚ Christ‚ So then‚ just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord‚ continue to live your lives in him‚ 7 rooted and built up in him‚ strengthened in the faith as you were taught‚ and overflowing with thankfulness .9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form‚ 13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh‚ God made you[d] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins‚ 14 having canceled the charge
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if God was real. 4. What are some specific intellectual reasons people may reject the Christian gospel? People may reject the Christian gospel‚ for intellectual reasons‚ because they cannot comprehend that Jesus Christ was God in human flesh. They cannot comprehend that Jesus Christ could die and then be resurrected‚ because‚ in their minds‚ this defies logic and reason. 5. What can Christians do to address these objections and better communicate the Christian gospel? In order to better
Premium Jesus Christianity New Testament
Una‚ the True Church The Faerie Queene is an important romantic epic that more than being just poetry‚ represents the protestant imagery in terms of kinds of individual virtue ‚ the forces of temptation and human weaknesses to which the greatest of persons can succumb and‚ of course‚ the humanist ideals of its time. His author‚ Edmund Spenser‚ makes use of biblical and classic allegories to tell his story‚ that more than have been a religious writing‚ the poem’s purpose was to educate‚ to turn
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and the purpose of these showing the deity of Jesus Christ. Of the 34 miracles recorded in the Gospel’s‚ John only places eight of these in the book of John. This is where John strives to show the deity of Christ and not himself. With all hopes everyone will understand this better. The definition of miracle can be construed as wonderful. As Reg Quirk says “indeed in whom there is no deceit” ( (Quirk 2008). Here he is speaking of Jesus Christ‚ John furthers this by his writings. The
Premium Jesus Gospel of John
Spenser’s The Faerie Queene delights in its use of symbolism to reveal the moral struggle of his characters and the journey toward enlightenment they must seek to fulfill their destinies. Theme and character are two important tools in which Spenser delivers his message of spiritual enlightenment and religious beliefs. Spenser uses the motifs of light and darkness through setting and character to symbolize the spiritual journey undertaken by the poem’s main character‚ the Redcrosse Knight. In all forms
Premium Edmund Spenser Allegory
nature and pertain to the life and death of Jesus Christ. Both works explore different themes on the same subject. Crivelli’s Madonna and Child represents a more human representation as the setting takes place in a room with familiar scenery and objects. The only hint of divine beings is the ever so light haloes around mother and child. Bellini’s Pieta‚ on the other hand‚ is encased in other worldly gold cameo of grief after Jesus is removed from the cross. Life‚ death‚ and divinity are important themes
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