in order to go to heaven. Through this belief‚ an individual may not be actually acting morally being that their desire to be good is motivated by the purpose of going to heaven. Without this motive‚ someone may not be inclined to act in such a way. Kant and Aristotle both cover this idea of purpose. Aristotle believes that people’s actions are governed through their desire to achieve happiness. According to Aristotle‚ the purpose of human life is by happiness through living your life entirely by
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that of a male one. A couple should try to become matured and responsible parent as a part of their social duty. In this affair they should not think about whether it would be a boy or a girl. A child is enough to bring them parenthood. The approach should be Kantian. According to Kant one should perform one’s duty‚ whatever consequences may follow. Kant has said one should do his/her ‘duty for the duty’s
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There are two political theories that I combined and will implement if I were to be placed as the highest-ranking official of the country. These are the theories of Immanuel Kant and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. I chose to unite the two theories because both of them‚ as I was reading through its contents‚ had the biggest impact on me than all the other theories I researched for. The joined theories would build up my ideal state as a leader of the country so that I may be able to take the people to a better
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ethics and deontology in medicine and in Europe; these foundations were later used by the Hippocratic physicians in their effort to serve patients (Konstantinidou‚ Pavlides‚ & Fiska‚ 2016). The moral obligation to “Do no harm” is the Greek legacy and duty of all car providers‚ not only physicians. Utilizing Deontology in any situation generally guides one to correct moral direction. Deontology is rule based urging the individual to do right without other
opportunity. The discussion on demographic trough is the most interesting part that reminds me of a scenario in China. Chinese people have superstitious belief in twelve Chinese zodiac signs (a twelve-year cycle represented by twelve different animals)‚ that is‚ the birth year is an important factor for a baby. The baby born in “dragon year” is supposed to have more fortune and intelligence. Therefore‚ every dragon year in every 12-year cycle will have a demographic peak. The hospitals and schools
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Jabril Muhammad Dr.Edwards English 1301 9 June 2014 Love is duty Love is unpredictable and can never be studied completely. St. Augustine said “Better to have loved and lost‚ then to have never loved at all.” No matter how long I live on this wonderful planet I will never forget her‚ she was the first girl I had ever connected with on an emotional and spiritual level. I first caught a glimpse of her at a conference in Austin‚ Texas‚ at the Grand Marriott hotel we became very close over a period
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International Relations Question: A diplomat is an honest man sent abroad to lie for his country. Discuss (3‚000 words‚ academically written) Diplomats have generally been considered members of an restricted and prominent occupation. The public image of diplomats has been described as "a caricature of pinstriped men gliding their way around a never-ending global cocktail party. (Samuel P. Huntington and Warren Demian Manshel) J. W. Burton has noted that "despite the absence of any specific
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German philosopher Immanuel Kant believed that no type of lying was okay‚ but this is the 21st century‚ where beliefs and ideas are progressing. One’s thoughts‚ actions‚ and societies day to day lives are different from the one Immanuel Kant lived. People follow along in what happens in society‚ how society acts‚ and how society thinks. If most of society lies‚ why is it not okay if other people lie in certain situations? Lying is justified when it is the moral duty‚ to save someone from being
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Among Immanuel Kant’s (1724–1804) most influential contributions to philosophy is his development of the transcendental argument. In Kant’s conception‚ an argument of this kind begins with a compelling premise about our thought‚ experience‚ or knowledge‚ and then reasons to a conclusion that is a substantive and unobvious presupposition and necessary condition of this premise. The crucial steps in this reasoning are claims to the effect that a subconclusion or conclusion is a presupposition and necessary
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Duty first: Analysis of Character in Frank O’Connors “Guests of the Nation” Paper #2 (Character) Page 1 In the story “Guests of the Nation” the author Frank O’Connor paints the reader a picture of the brutality of war and the unbelievable battle of every man for himself. The protagnaist of the story‚ “ Bonaparte” is identified as round and dynamic. The uncharacteristic behavior of Bonaparte is that he does not behave in the manner expected by readers‚ which instigates
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