THREE WAYS TO REDUCE TEEN PREGNANCY IN SOUTH AFRICA David Harrison 1. NAILING MY COLOURS TO THE MAST I believe that we need to substantially reduce the rate of pregnancy among 16-19 year olds and that there are ways to achieve this goal within five to ten years. For some‚ this assertion should go without saying. But it could be argued that - like total fertility rates - the incidence of teen pregnancy is inversely linked to socio-economic development and not amenable to behavioral intervention
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The problem of teenage pregnancy is usually seen as a controversial issue‚ which affects not just the mother and her child but society as a whole. Teenage pregnancy happens among women under age 20. This problem is not limited to culture‚ religion‚ education or moral values and beliefs. Here are some facts: Every year almost a million teenage girls become pregnant. The U.S.A has double the adolescent pregnancy and birth rates than any industrialized country. One- third of the girls who became pregnant
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Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in a female under the age of 20 (when the pregnancy ends). A pregnancy can take place as early as two weeks before menarche (the first menstrual period)‚ which signals the possibility of fertility‚ but usually occurs after menarche. In healthy‚ well-nourished girls‚ menarche normally takes place around the ages 12 or 13. Whether the onset of biological fertility will result in a teenage pregnancy depends on a number of personal and societal factors. Teenage pregnancy
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alters a teenager’s life. Most of the girls forget about their dreams of happy marriage‚ college is almost always out of the question‚ graduating High School becomes a goal most teenage moms don’t achieve. Young girls having babies isn’t new‚ as a matter of fact‚ teenage parenthood was higher in the 2000’s then it is today‚ but things were different. Most of the girls were eighteen or nineteen and many of them already married. Only a few of single mothers actually kept their babies
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Teenage pregnancy can be defined as pregnancy of women who have not reached twenty years when the pregnancy ends regardless of the marital status. In South Africa one in three girls has had a pregnancy before the age of twenty. The community at large is aware of the problem of teenage pregnancy. Young women in our communities are falling pregnant while still at school‚ which limits their ability to achieve their long awaited goals in life. It also puts them at high risk of being infected with HIV
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Teenage pregnancy is a universal problem that accompanies the beginning of sexual activity at increasingly younger ages. Surprisingly‚ only one in 5 youth do not have intercourse before the age of 20‚ and in the United States alone‚ annually‚ almost one million teenagers between the ages of 15 19 becomes pregnant (Rector‚ 2007). Sexual activity among adolescents is a major problem confronting the nation and the world. Consequently‚ this has led to a rising incidence of sexually transmitted diseases
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Teenage Pregnancy I. Introduction Teenage pregnancy is one of the major problem that the world is facing today. Early pregnancy or teenage pregnancy is dangerous to teenage girls’ health because it may cause cervical cancer‚ aids‚ and eventually death. Teenage pregnancies are often associated with an increased rate of delinquent behaviors including alcohol and substance abuse. To begin with‚ majority of them belong to the low income group. To prevent this dilemma‚ there are some preventions
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ABSTRACT Teenage pregnancy is a social problem that is not fixed by sexual education or abstinence but an overall buildup of a person to lead a healthy life with a healthy self esteem to make good choices in life. Teenage motherhood is a large issue in society. Circumstances contributing to the increase in teenage pregnancy will be examined along with ways that teenage pregnancy can be reduced. Several current programs and methods to reduce teenage motherhood will be discussed
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Introduction on Teenage Pregnancy for Social Studies Sba By mitseystone | December 2012 Zoom InZoom Out Page 1 of 5 SOCIAL SUDIES SCHOOL BASED ASSESSMENT (SBA) 2013 CANDIDATE NAME: MITSEY STONE CANDIDATE NUMBER: SCHOOL: MONTEGO-BAY E-LEARNING TERRITORY: TEACHER: TITLE: An examination on Teenage Pregnancy in my community TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement Introduction Task 1: Statement of Problem Task 2: Reason for Selecting Area of Research Task 3: Method of Investigation
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In an effort to understand the effect of teenage pregnancy in the community of Rock Pond‚ a number of sources were examined. According to j.b (2002) in his dictionary Concise Dictionary‚ Teenage Pregnancy can be defined as "". According to ----- (0000) on his/her webside the causes of teenage pregnancy is‚ Lack of Parental Guidance: Most people evade their children from talking about sex. In some cases‚ they provide false information regarding sex and discourage their children to participate
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