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    Prejudice can be described as an opinion or judgment of a person based usually on race or religion before all the facts are known. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird‚ Harper Lee shows the terrible effects that prejudice has on people‚ including the main characters: Arthur Radley‚ Atticus Finch and Tom Robinson. To begin‚ the awful consequences of prejudice are shown through Arthur Radley ( Boo Radley). Throughout Maycomb‚ Boo Radley is known as a “monster” for casually stabbing his father

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    of heroism and courage are shown in To Kill a Mockingbird? Discuss. Courage is defined as "the quality of mind or spirit enabling one to meet danger or opposition with fearlessness." According to Atticus Finch‚ one of the main characters in To Kill a Mockingbird‚ "Courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin‚ but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." (pg.121). Harper Lee clearly portrays the theme of courage in her novel‚ To Kill a Mockingbird. One likes to think of a

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    stereotypes begin to form and the uniqueness and differences of people are no longer appreciated. This leads into the two stories that center themselves around discrimination‚ one of which is To Kill A Mockingbird‚ written by Harper E. Lee. To Kill A Mockingbird‚ is a story about a young girl and

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    In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee‚ the mockingbird is used to symbolize and show innocence. Boo Radley and Tom Robinson are the two main characters who symbolize a mockingbird the closest. The symbolism of the mockingbird show how innocent they are and they are unjustly harmed. Tom Robinson shows that he is a better example of a mockingbird due to he was trying to be helpful and was punished for it and he was based only on the color of his skin. Although some may believe Boo is a

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    In Harper Lee’s famous novel To Kill a Mockingbird‚ education is a very important theme in this novel that continues throughout the story. Even though the schools and teachers methods are very questionable. Although‚ most of the learning that has been going on in this book is not from attending school‚ but from listening to the adults around her. Atticus‚ Mrs. Maudie‚ Calpurnia‚ and a few others from around Maycomb are all great role models that Scout and Jem get many moral and knowledgeable lessons

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    To Kill a Mocking Bird

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    Tom Robinson‚ the Guilt Free Man “What was the evidence of her offense? Tom Robinson‚ a human being. She must put Tom Robinson away from her. Tom Robinson was her daily reminder of what she did. What did she do? She tempted a Negro.” (Lee 203) In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee‚ Tom Robinson‚ an innocent and nice black man was accused a raping a white girl named Mayella Ewell. Atticus Finch is Tom Robinson’s lawyer‚ and he has it all under control and is able to prove his point that Tom Robinson

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    Symbolism is used throughout the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. A mockingbird is used as a metaphor in the book. Some characters are portrayed as a mockingbird‚ including Tom Robinson‚ Scout Finch‚ and Boo Radley. These characters represent mockingbirds in different ways. Tom Robinson was kindhearted and caring man‚ but was unfortunately accused of raping a white girl‚ Mayella Ewell. Tom did not rape her. He was accused to hide the fact that Mayella was abused by her father. Tom is a mockingbird because

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    To Kill a Mocking Bird

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    ’To Kill a Mockingbird’‚ written by Harper Lee‚ depicts a tenacious sense of maturity that is perceptible throughout the novel. Maturity‚ that word has a different meaning for every individual. Maturity can be seen as an understanding that comes with experience rather than age though the two usually seem to go together but not always. Set in the 1930’s in the deep south of America during the era of the Great Depression‚ Jem and Scout Finch learn the real life in Maycomb County as a result of certain

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    accused of raping a white woman. This white woman made this accusation to cover up the fact that she came on to a Negro during the racist times of the Great Depression. Harper Lee creates a “timeless classic of American literature” in her 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird through her use of a white man defending a black man and Heck Tate’s experience of protecting Arthur “Boo” Radley to demonstrate good and bad role models. Atticus Finch followed through and came close to winning the case‚ but unfortunately

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    To Kill a Mocking Bird

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    Caroline Boudreaux To Kill a Mocking Bird questions Ms. Koon Chapter 1 1. A. PRIDE IN ANCESTORY AND TRADTION "Being Southerners‚ it was a source of shame to some members of the family that we had no recorded ancestors on either side of the Battle of the Hastings" page 1-2. B. PRIDE IN CONFORMITY‚ AND DISTRUST OF THOSE WHO ARE “DIFFERENT”- "Boo wasn’t crazy‚ he was high-strung at times. It was all right to shut him up‚ Mr. Radley conceded‚ but insisted that Boo not be charged with anything:

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