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    Gender Binaries are way for societies to further segregate people based on their gender. Gender Binaries are the classification of sex and gender based on two distinct groups based on masculinity and femininity. Queer theory is critical of gender binaries because these theorists feel that gender identity and sexual orientation are not definitive. Therefore‚ queer theory explains “that gender and sexual orientations are variable instead of fixed” (Queer Theory: What is Queer Theory?). Additionally

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    Gender inequality Gender can be defined as the socially constructed roles and duties society constructs‚ assigns and expects of males and females on the basis of their biological and physical characteristics. Gender is learnt‚ not permanent and differs from one community to another. Gender roles and responsibilities are found in all spheres of society be it economic‚ social‚ political or religious. Gender roles are affected by age‚ social class‚ ability‚ ethnicity and race. The gender roles help

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    Gender differences at early age I. Gender-Role Development (http://social.jrank.org/pages/272/Gender-Role-Development.html#ixzz2idNTJZ6S) II. Gender-stereotyped behaviour in children at early age (http://www.education.com/reference/article/gender-role-stereotyping/) I.I Gender Differences: Preschool (http://www.education.com/magazine/article/Gender_Preschool/) I.II Gender differences: 1st grade ( http://www.education.com/magazine/article/Gender_First_Grade/) I.III Gender differences:

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    UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES CAVE HILL CAMPUS INSTITUTE FOR GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES NITA BARROW UNIT GEND 2201 WOMEN’S STUDIES: AN INTRODUCTION TO FEMINIST THEORIES Semester 1: 2011/2012 Written Assignment Name: Kasha Grimes Id # : 409002427 Lecturer: Dr. Halimah DeShong Due Date: 14th November‚ 2011 “Man for the field and woman for the hearth; Man for the sword and for the needle she; Man

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    Zimmerman (1987‚ p. 125) believed gender was constructed through “psychological‚ cultural and social means”. Gender appeared less of an ‘accomplishment’ as a result of anthropological‚ psychological‚ and social essentials researched‚ for example the division of labour‚ the development of gender identities‚ and the social inferiority of females in contrast to males. The belief of gender socialisation theories made known the powerful information that while gender may be ‘accomplished’ until the age

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    Biosocial Theory of Gender Development Interactionist perspective- “Nature lays the foundations‚ which culture tends to adorn‚ embellish and re-shape.” References: Lips p83 Plotnik p342 Burton‚ Westen and Kowalski p516-17 Gross page 525 Coon p637 INTERACTION between social and biological factors which is the key to gender development- idea is that people are raised /treated differently (environment) according to their biological sex (heredity). Therefore‚ one set of conditions creates another

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    a major theme in contemporary identity informed through the help of feminism and other major groups. The term is related to but distinct from “sex” (used to refer both to the physical distinction between men and women and sexual intercourse) and “gender” (the social and cultural distinctions between men and women). Sexuality is used to refer to “erotic desires‚ practices and identities” or “aspects of personal and social life which have erotic significance” (Weeks‚ 1985). Debates on sexuality in

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    topics these days seem to be related to sexual identity‚ equal rights‚ and gender roles. It is no doubt that sex and gender roles play a substantial role in society; however‚ these terms are often mistakenly used interchangeably and incorrectly. The American Psychological Association defines ones sex as their biological determinant (i.e. male or female) and this does not naturally change from the time of birth; whereas gender “refers to the attitudes‚ feelings‚ and behaviors that a given culture associates

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    How is gender performed? Gender is performed through the way people dress their kids. The color that is chosen for the baby’s room or the toys that the baby plays with‚ is all part of gender being performed. From an early age a newborns gender is decided for them. You can divide gender into two parts: the adolescent and also the person’s adult hood. Now a day‚ some people change their gender and become the opposite sex. There are different words for the gender changes: transsexuals are those

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    GENDER What is Gender? To label gender as the sexes or the reproductive organs would be too broad of a definition. Depending on the gender type you are‚ people‚ culture and society have expectations that you must follow‚ Eg‚ if you are a women‚ you are expected to stay at home and look after the children while your husband is out working. Yet nowadays since culture is constantly evolving males and females have suddenly swapped roles‚ and this is where debates arrive on whether it’s right or wrong

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