1. Introduction As Shimomura(1982) points out‚ Steinbeck’s non-teleological thinking and the Taoism‚ which was put forward by the ancient Chinese philosopher named Lao Tzu‚ share a great deal of similarity‚ in that both of them view human beings from a detached and holistic standpoint. It is not clearly known how Steinbeck‚ who is certainly a product of his time and his American milieu‚ came to be acquainted with and interested in Lao Tzu’s philosophy‚ but in Journal of A Novel‚ he appreciates
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Q3. Explain Confucius concept of virtue or de. Why does Confucius think a hermit cannot be virtuous? Confucius believed that the problem with government and society was caused by a lack of virtue. Confucius considered gravity‚ generosity of soul‚ sincerity‚ earnestness and kindness all virtuous. According to Confucius if you are a hermit you cannot be virtuous. He argued that if you are virtuous‚ people will be attracted to you willing to provide you with help and information‚ and happily follow
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Since the beginning of time‚ man has sought to explain the world around him. This is called philosophy‚ a Greek word which means "love of wisdom." However‚ over the millennia it has come to mean much more. The philosophies of the ancient Chinese people‚ whether they explain nature or present ways to live a just life‚ became so complex that simple prose could not suitably express their meaning. Yet paradoxically‚ the simpler‚ less exact form of poetry does put forth the ideas. Nowhere is this
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Discussion on making all things equal from the inner chapters of Chuang Tzu by Aven Fisher Through comparing different translations of the same texts one can get an idea of the meanings for the Chinese words used by Chuang Tzu in his work. In comparison to the English language the difference in the translations of the text gives the impression that the Chinese words used are much broader terms and must be simplified before we can describe them in English
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Michael Gillespie Mr. Preston 2/13/2013 AP Comp Critical Reading Questions Lao-Tzu 1) According to Lao-tzu‚ what must the ruler provide the people with if they are happy? The ruler is entitled to provide the people with space‚ enough space for each individual person. Lao-Tzu is concerned for individual’s whole freedom‚ death included. And when the ruler dies it is the communities’ job to make sure that where the person is buried is nice. 2) To what extent does Lao-tzu concern himself
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Chapter 5 Case Analysis IV: A Cross-Tradition Examination—Philosophical Concern with Truth in Classical Daoism It is philosophically interesting and significant to explore the philosophical concern with truth from a vantage point that crosses traditions‚ instead of looking at it exclusively within one single philosophical tradition (i.e.‚ the Western philosophical tradition). Such exploration can not only enhance our understanding of the nature‚ scope and characteristics of the philosophical
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STUDYING THE PHILOSOPHICAL THOUGHTS OF CHUANG TZU THROUGH NAN HUA ZHEN JING The main content: 1. Generalizing the conditions which form the philosophical thoughts of Chuang Tzu. Regarding the socio-economic conditions: Chuang Tzu lived in the Warring States Period. This period witnessed the increasing popularity of iron tools marked a revolutionary innovation of production tools and the development of social productive. Agriculture‚ industry and economy also developed during the Warring
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Our Society is comprised of many different views and beliefs through various teachings. These teachings gave the world a different view on life and how we can live our life in peace. A good example of one of the teachings was the Tao-Te Ching. Lao-Tzu wrote the Tao-Te Ching‚ during the time in china of 551-479 B.C.E.‚ which is better known as Taoism. The teaching of the “Tao” greatly emphasizes about good government and moral behavior in our everyday living. Being a guideline for a better government
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Around 600 BC‚ Lao Tze was born in the region of China which we now refer to as Hunan. Nearly 200 years later‚ Socrates was born in Athens‚ Greece. In these two hundred years‚ Lao Tze’s teachings spread across 5000 miles‚ as the crow flies‚ and influenced ancient Greece. This is evident in the writings and teachings of Socrates and Plato. There are many affinities between Taoist and Platonic philosophies‚ such as the preferred method of selecting leaders‚ the desire to seek an ultimate truth‚ and
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Hinduism is‚ some would say‚ the world’s most ancient and sprawling religion. Its scriptures and teachings are voluminous and wide-ranging‚ addressing everything from science and history to philosophy‚ art and‚ of course‚ spirituality. Comparatively speaking‚ the Hindu teachings are uniquely inclusive rather than exclusive. One of its early Vedas openly recognizes the universality of the spiritual path: "Truth is one; sages call it by different names." As in Buddhism‚ Hinduism stresses the necessity
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