"Lasik eye surgery informative outline" Essays and Research Papers

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    General Purpose: I am giving this speech because this topic is very important to me and I want you to know about it as well. Specific Purpose: I am going to be informing my audience about Rachel’s Challenge in hopes of sharing Rachel’s story. I. Introduction 1. In the year 1999‚ a tragedy at Columbine High school occurred. This is what help start Rachel’s Challenge. 2.Bullying never leads to good out comes. Rachel’s story is proof of that. 3. Today I am here to inform you about Rachel’s

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    Household Budget In preparing our household budget‚ it was a bit surprising that we have such a small surplus after expenses. Many of our expenses‚ such as medical/dental/vision insurance‚ 401k contributions‚ and contingency savings are deducted prior to the net income calculation. When taking in the entire financial picture‚ we are doing well. Yet‚ I really believed that we had more of a monthly surplus. Any career change will have an impact on a household budget. Many factors need to be identified

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    The FARC Purpose Statement: To inform the class about The FARC Thesis Statement: To understand The FARC you have to look into their background‚ look at their regional familiarization‚ and the threat they pose towards the United States. Introduction Attention Getter: People are fighting and dying every day trying to get the freedoms they feel should be given to them. The FARC has been fighting for these rights but going about it the wrong way‚ they use bombings‚ murder‚ mortar attacks‚ kidnapping

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    Title: Fastest Production Car Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4. Speaker: Bharath Tripuraneni Specific Purpose: To Inform Thesis Statement: From the history of the car till design and mechanics. Introduction I. Attention-getter: Even though there are cars‚ which are faster than Veyron‚ this car has rose to fame because of it mechanics and design‚ which made it a street legal car. II. Establishment of ethos: I am credible to talk about this car as I have done research related to this

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    Ashley Riggs 9/15/11 Speech I Block 1 General Purpose: I would like to inform my class on real Ninjas. Specific Purpose: I decided to write this speech‚ to give my class information on real Ninjas. Introduction I. Attention Getter: Black figures with hidden faces move swiftly through a courtyard‚ slinking over walls like spiders and running lightly across rooftops‚ quick as cats. These are the ninjas of the movies and comic books‚ the stealthy assassin in black robes with magical abilities

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    Type of Organizational Pattern: Topical Introduction: I. Two weeks ago‚ Tuesday‚ October 23‚ I was woken up right around 2:00 am to my roommates speaking with two unfamiliar voices. I went out in the living room to investigate and found a security guard and a police officer gathering details of a robbery for a police report. 1) Turns out one of my roommates left his window open; someone popped the screen out and grabbed his computer right off his desk. 2) As the police officer later

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    Informative Speech Outline: Dreams 6-8min I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Have you ever woken up from a dream and remembered it clear as day‚ or not remembered anything at all? How about wondered what your dreams‚ or what your lack of dreams meant? B. General Purpose: To inform. C. Specific Purpose: My goal today is to share with you as much as I can about dreaming. D. Thesis Sentence: I will describe why and how we dream‚ answer commonly asked questions about dreaming‚ and go a little

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    Name of Speech: Informative Speech Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my Audience about Cancer. Thesis Statement: Cancer can affect anyone. Introduction I. Attention-Getting Device: About 1‚660‚290 new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed in 2013‚ also it is projected that 580‚350 Americans will die of cancer this year‚ that is almost 1‚600 people a day. II. Purpose and Thesis: Cancer is a serious disease that may be preventable and curable. III. Credibility and Relational Connection:

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    EXAMPLE OF INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE Informative Outline Topic: Impact of Media in the Society and Individual General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience the negative impact of social media in the society and to the individual. Thesis: Social media websites are some of the most popular haunts on the Internet. They have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize on the Web. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Today‚ just about everyone

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    Rebekah Stiner Mrs. Gearhart Public Speaking 25 February‚ 2014 Informative Outline HISTORY OF BARBIE Introduction: Barbie is often seen today as a bad role model for girls.  I would like to show how Barbie is actually a good role model for girls. This is because of how Barbie inspires girls to dream big‚ how she teaches girls to respect others‚ and how she is actually less feminist than many people think she is. I. HOW DID BARBIE COME TO BE? A. Ruth and Elliot Handler founded Mattel Creations

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