A Written Sketch of Mini Lesson Plan Name Professor Institution Course Date (APA) Title: A Mini Lesson Plan on Figures of Speech Second language acquisition occurs unconsciously through important interactions by a natural conversation in the society. One is said to have acquired second language when he or she speaks a different language apart from one’s mother tongue. As a result of differences in cognitive development in specific individuals‚ people acquire and learn the second
Premium English language Linguistics Language
LESSON PLAN – ENGLISH LESSON Date : XX XX 2013 Class : Form 2 Dinosaur Number of Pupils : 25/25 Time : 10.50 am- 12.10 am Topic : People – Self‚ Family‚ Friends Main Skilss : Writing Integrated Skills : Listening‚ Reading Curriculum Specifications : 1.2 Take part in social interaction Level 2 - Writing simple messages to friends and family members relating to the above functions Learning Outcomes/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson‚ students will
Premium E-mail Writing Education
Subjects Integrated: Listening and Speaking‚ Writing‚ Grammar Duration: 60mins Class: 4 Lesson Number: 5 No. of children: 24 Ability Range: High_____ Average Low_____ Mixed_____ PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Students know that a sentence expresses a complete thought and that they begin with a capital letter‚ and end with the correct punctuation mark. In previous lesson‚ students have written pieces using their five senses to describe. Students also know that we compare with adjectives ending -er
Premium Typography Sentence Punctuation
Practice Teaching Learning Episode 4……………………………. Getting to Know the Classroom Routines Practice Teaching Learning Episode 5……………………………. The Journey Begins with the First Step Practice Teaching Learning Episode 6……………………………. Writing My “First” Lesson Plan in My Second Home Practice Teaching Learning Episode 7……………………………. Preparing my IM’s Practice Teaching Learning Episode 8……………………………. My First Assessment Tool Practice Teaching Learning Episode 9……………………………. Designing the Classroom Bulletin Boards
Premium Teacher
SIOP Lesson Plan EDU321: Introduction to Serving English Language Learners February‚ 25 2013 SIOP Lesson Plan Using Random Sampling To Make Inferences About A Population. Charles R. Lovvorn Prior Lesson: Understanding Sampling Statistics Standards: CCSS.Math.Content.7.SP.A.1 Understand that statistics can be used to gain information about a population by examining a sample of the population; generalizations about a population from a sample are valid only if the sample is representative
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ELACC9-10W4 ELACC9-1-W5 ELACC9-10W7 ELACC9-1-W9 ELACC9-10W10 Language ELACC9-10L1 ELACC9-10L2:a‚ c‚ d ELACC9-10L4: a‚ b‚ c‚ d ELACC9-105: a‚ b ELACC9-106: This skill will be taught through this unit as well as through the supplemental vocabulary units. Speaking and Listening ELACC9-10SL1 ELACC9-10SL3 ELACC9-10SL6 Meaning Students will know and understand… Students will understand characteristics of Ancient Greek drama‚ and the purpose of the Dionysian plays culturally to the
Premium Archetype Elie Wiesel Tragic hero
LESSON PLAN SCHOOL: Couva West Secondary YEAR: 2012/2013 TERM: One FORM: Four DURATION OF THE LESSON: 35minutes EXAMINATION: C.S.E.C SUBJECT: Principles of Business NO. OF STUDENTS: 17 AGE RANGE: 14-16 UNIT TOPIC: Internal organizational Environment LESSON TOPIC: Communication TEACHER’S NAME: Dayne Sagar GENERAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson‚ students will; 1. Develop knowledge of communication SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson
Free Communication Writing
LESSON PLAN UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Name of the lesson: unit 11 II. Grammar: conditional sentence type 3 III. Class: students in grade 10 IV. Time allotted: 45 minutes V. Aim(s): to help Sts learn and practice “conditional sentence type 3” VI. Objectives: By the end of the lesson‚ sts will be able to: - understand and practice “conditional sentence type 3” - use the structure correctly and suitably to communicate. - develop all skills
Premium Sentence Clause Question
CELTA TP Lesson Plan Front Page |Name: |Tutor: |Length of Lesson: 40 |TP No. 4 | |Day & Date: Wed 15th Feb 12 |Level: P.I. |No.of Students: | | Main Aims: Language Point - tenses present perfect and past simple using ‘for’. The main aim of the lesson is to: Teach the use of for in two tenses: present perfect and past simple‚ in the context of short text about the teacher’s
Premium Time Verb Grammatical tense
The lesson plan I developed is for first grade Science: Living and Non-living things. It is to be used in a sheltered instruction program for English Language Learners. They will receive instruction in the regular first grade classroom with accommodations and support in their native language because there are several English Language Learners in this first grade classroom. Most of the English Language Learners in this class are early intermediate learners. They are starting to understand some English;
Premium Teaching English as a foreign language United Kingdom English language