A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE 1 I. Objectives At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: 1. Identify the different parts of a green plant like roots‚ stems‚ and leaves. 2. Describe how things feel and appear. 3. Draw or paint a picture inspired by green plants 4. Demonstrate how to take care of plants II. Subject Matter Subject: Science Grade Level: 1 Lesson 1: Looking at Green Plants III. Materials * A large pot plant * A number of
Premium Plant Fern Photosynthesis
SIOP® Lesson Plan Key: SW = Students will | TW = Teacher will | SWBAT = Students will be able to… | HOTS = Higher Order Thinking Skills Lesson Title: Multiplying Fractions Grade: 5 Content Standard(s): CCSS Math5.NF.B.4b - Apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division. CCSS Math.Practice.MP2 - Reason abstractly and quantitively. CCSS Math Practice.MP3 - Math.Pratice.MP3 Key Vocabulary: Equals Numerator Denominator Fraction Multiply Times (as in 1/4 “times” 1/4) HOTS:
Free Division Elementary arithmetic Question
A Semi-detailed lesson plan in English language Prepared by: Alvizo‚ Reo Melanie Guittera‚ Aianah Magumapara‚ Jeffany Mercado‚ Khalelah Jacques Sala‚ Jessah Christine Level: Grade 3 Subject: English Language Lesson: Adjectives/Descriptive Words Story: The Dream Eater I. Objectives: A. To identify words that describe people‚ places and things in sentences. B. To give examples of sentences with descriptive words. II. Materials: sentence charts‚ food cut-outs‚ worksheets
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DRTA Lesson Plan Sheila Leguire RDG 410 April 21‚ 2013 Professor Becker DRTA Activity Grade: 3rd Grade Book: A TREE OF HOPE‚ BY Amy Littlesugar and Floyd Cooper Targeted Grade Level for this DRTA: 3rd grade Step 1: Motivation and Development of Background Develop a Tree of Hope with different wishes and hopes that the students have. One item on the Tree of Hope would be what they wanted to be when they grow up. Then I would have them write up a plan on how they would achieve
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Polytechnic University of the Philippines COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Sta. Mesa‚ Manila Roy P. del Rosario BBTE – 4 -3N Prof. Minna L. Comuyog LESSON PLAN IN Industrial Arts DATE: November 29‚ 2013 I. Objective At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: Modify knowledge and skills in drawing outlines. Clarify the importance of freehand drawing as primary tool in drafting. Calibrate skills in freehand drawing. II. Subject Matter Topic: “Freehand
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July 17‚ 2013 Lesson Plan in Mathematics I.Learning Objectives Cognitive : Solve mentatlly 1-step word problems involving addition with sums up to 100 without regrouping Psychomotor: Write an equation correctly Affective: Show speed and accuracy in solving problem mentally II. Learning Content Skill: Mental computation 1-step word problems involving afddition References: BEC PELC 1.B.2.2 Materials: Teaxtbook‚ flashcards‚ manila paper Speed and accuracy Speed and accuracy Value:
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Lesson Plan Critique Since I have been teaching for over 14 years in the early childhood field I choose one of my lesson plans. The age group that I most common work with are 4 and 5 year old at risk students as labeled by the State of North Carolina. This program is called NC Prekindergarten formerly known as More at Four. During this program I was a member of the Teacher Licensing Unit and we had specific guidelines that we had to use. These guidelines help us do in ongoing assessment
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Lesson Plan in Astronomy I. Objective At the end of the lesson‚ the students are expected to: 1. Identify the different future missions of NASA. 2. Appreciate the exploration of NASA to benefit all mankind. 3. Explain the plans of NASA. II. Subject Matter NASA’s Future Plans About Space Exploration Reference: http://www.nasa.gov/missions/future/index.html Materials: laptop III. Procedure A. Learning Activities Teacher’s Activity“Good Morning Class...”“Let us pray
Free NASA Space exploration International Space Station
Theme : Health and social issues Topic : Health is Wealth General Objective: Students will be able to obtain‚ process and use information‚ and present the information in a spoken and written forms Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson‚ students should be able to: a) brainstorming ideas based on the given article b) write sentences using modal verb “must” and “must not” Focused Skill: Writing Integrated Skill: Reading‚ Speaking‚ Listening Educational Emphasis: Thinking
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A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN MATHEMATICS FOR THIRD YEAR HIGH SCHOOL I. Learning Competencies 1. Identify the properties of parallelogram; 2. Apply the properties of parallelogram in problem solving; 3. Relate the properties of the parallelogram to the real world. II. Subject Matter: Properties of Parallelogram A. References a. Textbook: Oronce‚ O.A & Mendoza‚ M. O. E-Math(Geometry). 2007. pages 238-243 B. Instructional Media Visual Aids C. Values
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