**Contingency plan** Introducing the topic -Dıstrıbute whıte sheets and allow students to wrıte thıngs they lıke to do ın free tıme - draw two columns on the board thıngs I lıke to do and thıngs I don’t lıke to do. Demonstrate the activating and allow students to say the vocabulary words Readıng‚ Sleepıng ‚ eatıng‚ -Make the students repeat . Main lesson focus -Students will write their sentences about their ınterests
Premium Learning Vocabulary Trigraph
DEMONSTRATION LESSON PLAN IN PHYSICS 4:30-6:00 March 2‚ 2015 I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the discussion‚ the students are able to: a. define work‚ power and energy b. analyze the relationship between the concepts c. perform the task related to the topic II. Subject Matter Topic : Work‚ Power and Energy REFERENCE: Sevenio‚ Angelina A.‚ De Castro-Bernas‚ Gloria‚. Exploring Life Through Science. Phoenix Publishing House Inc. 2nd edition‚ 2011. METHODOLOGY Unlocking of Vocabularies Multiple
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Lesson Plan: Science for Grade 5 I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson‚ the pupils are expected to: a. Identify the members of the Solar System b. Classify planets into 2 major groups: Inner planets(rocky planets) and outer planets (gas giants) c. Mention ways on taking care of the planet Earth II. Subject Matter Topic: The Solar System Reference: Science Links‚ Textbook in Science 5‚ Evelyn T. Larisma‚ Marina C. Espino and Nenita A. Apolinario Materials: graphic organizers‚ pictures
Free Planet Solar System Earth
Preschool Lab Block Plan Overall view of the curriculum Could be weekly‚ monthly‚ semester‚ yearly Lesson Plan A detailed plan that outlines specific actions and activities that will be used to meet specific goals and objectives Usually written as a daily plan Title Developmental goal(s) Learning objective(s) Materials needed Motivation/Intro Procedures Give your lesson a title Could be simple phrasing or “catchy” Examples: What to Wear
Premium Developmental psychology Lesson plan Teacher
LESSON PLAN Preliminaries Form: 2 Bestari Date: Saturday‚ June 23‚ 2012 Time: 9.00 am -9.30am Level: Advanced level. Theme: Chapter 13 [Waste Not‚ Want Not] Topic: Teach sentence construction using teaching material Language skills: For Informational Use – Construct sentence in Simple Future Tense General Objective: Students will be able
Premium Subject German language Teacher
Individual lesson plan. Form: Form 4 English language Duration: 40 minutes Student’s level: Intermediate Topic: LIE - Short story Sub-topic: Qwertyuiop (by Vivian Alcock) Curriculum specification: 3.0 Language for Aesthetic Use 3.1 Listen to‚ read‚ view and respond to literary works by: b. Recognizing elements in a story such as characters and setting. Specification Skills: 3.1. Level 2 – vi. Talking about characters in a story and writing a simple paragraph on one or two characters
Premium Critical thinking Lesson plan Fiction
Lesson Organisation Year Level: Stage 1 Date: 21.08.13 Key Learning Area: Visual Arts | | Students’ Prior Knowledge: - Think about themselves as artists in their art making (within a limited understanding of the artist’s function)- Explore different kinds of things and experiences in their making of artworks- Make drawings‚ paintings‚ sculptures etc about things of interest to them and their experiences- Use a variety of media‚ techniques and
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Lesson plan prepares a lot of importance and benefit to the teachers and learners. Hence‚ here there are following importance that included in lesson plan. First‚ lesson plan shows the importance in teacher parts. Mostly‚ teachers use the lesson plan as their guide to teach the same subject or topic for a presentation. As a result‚ it keeps them on track to accomplish the objectives. For instance‚ teachers must do arrangement the contents in logically order to make lesson go in sequence. In addition
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Diana Montano LS 421: Deborah Meadows May 25th‚ 2010 Lesson Plan Critique Overall the author of this art visual lesson did a great job. He followed the curriculum and standards/goals were set. His objected for this lesson was to educate the students on Ancient Egypt‚ and the properties/techniques of earth clay construction. His lesson plan goes into great detail. He starts by stated around how long this lesson will take. Two days approximately‚ he gives for each day extensive detail procedures
Premium Education Egyptian hieroglyphs Ancient Egypt
LESSON PLAN IN COMPUTER OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: • Identify the steps on how to install software. • Identify the steps to uninstall an application. • Understand proper software installation. • Install and update applications. • Demonstrate how to use Add/Remove Programs. • Use the add/remove programs option found in control panel in uninstalling the application. SUBJECT INTEGRATION: English MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Linguistic VALUES:
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