Text Commentary of the Declaration of Independence ‘THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE OF THE THIRTEEN COLONIES’ (July4‚ 1776) This is a text commentary about ‘The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America’. The Declaration of Independence is a juridical and legal document written sometime between June 11 and June 28‚ 1776. The reason for that lapse of time is because a draft of the declaration was asked to a group of five delegates of the Continental Congress on June 11‚
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committee in charge of writing The Declaration of Independence. The other four members were John Adams‚ Benjamin Franklin‚ Roger Sherman‚ and Robert Livingston. The committee members recognized Jefferson’s talent and chose him to be the principal author. Jefferson was responsible for writing the first draft—within 17 days‚ the draft document was written‚ reviewed and revised by the committee‚ and presented to Congress. Congress adopted the writing of the Declaration on July 4‚ 1776. This essay stated
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De Anda 1 Political Document or Poetry? In The Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson serves as a representative for the Thirteen Colonies by stating their grievances against King George the III. He elaborates on the complaints by giving his reasons for why it is necessary that the colonies break away from Great Britain and King George ’s rule. He states that the king has neglected‚ restricted‚ and deprived the colonies of their rights. Jefferson is able to clearly get his message across
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Making the Declaration of Independence is a book describing the American independence and the process that led to the development of the Declaration of Independence. Maier divides the book into four chapters with each containing different and yet complementary topics surrounding the Declaration. Chapter I analyzes the decision made by the Second continental congress to declare independence and the conditions surrounding it. In Chapter II Maier examines “other declarations of Independence” -----by colonies
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freedom for generations to come. They then worked tirelessly to create a solid foundation of government‚ leaving behind documents such as the Declaration of Independence‚ the Constitution‚ and the Bill of Rights. One can only imagine the look of sheer outrage and disbelief that crossed the face of King George III as he read the Declaration of Independence. Created by Thomas Jefferson‚ it laid out America’s intention to sever ties with Great Britain. It also listed 27 reasons the King had given America
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solitary document‚ one might immediately think of the Declaration of Independence. This powerful and sacred document not only represents America‚ but is also one of main reasons this great country exists. America has prided itself on being the “land of the free;” a place for people to have “unalienable rights‚” in which they can pursue “happiness‚” and are free from unjust oppression. Thomas Jefferson created the Declaration of Independence because the founding fathers and he were diligent and determined
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Jennings Kurt Jennings Assignment 2 Professor Ellis July 4 1776‚ the Declaration of Independence was finished and America was born. The people of the governed that became increasingly fed up with the tyrant British Crown rule led to this major rebellion. The Declaration of Independence having to be approved and signed by over fifty persons whom represented many others‚ was required to be persuasive and appeal to the masses of colonies’ population. Phrases like “all men are created equal” and “that
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ABSOLUTION The Declaration of Independence and Constitution of The United States of America The United States Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence was approved on July 4‚ 1776 by members of the Second Continental Congress in Independence Hall (then known as the Pennsylvania State House) in Philadelphia‚ Pennsylvania as a means to cut ties and governance with mother England. Unbeknownst at the time‚ it also lay the philosophical basis to the United States Constitution
Free United States Constitution United States Declaration of Independence United States Bill of Rights
TITLE Written in 1776‚ the Declaration of Independence severed ties with the Great Britain‚ while also establishing new rule and ideals for American colonists. The Founders of America instilled rights to the colonists that were denied by the British Crown. Among these ideals is the basis for the future United States government and freedom for the American people. The Declaration outlined principles for the new colonial government based on consent of the governed‚ the right to alter or abolish the
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It was a document that convinced the colonists to break free from the British government was known as the Declaration of Independence. This document pursued to happiness and liberty for the colonist in the 13 colonial states of the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson use the rhetorical devices diction and repetition to convince the United States to declare independence from Great Britain. The choice of words that was presented in the article makes the context
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