"Level 2 reflective account health and safety" Essays and Research Papers

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    Reflective Account.

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    INTRODUCTION For this assignment I will be writing a reflective account which will identify a significant episode of care in which I had been involved with‚ by identifying the pathophysiology and the disease process for the chosen patient; this will be presented by giving a brief outline of the psychosocial influences of the illness for the patient and others who may have been involved with the care. I will also reflect upon this episode by using a reflective model and examining the nursing process‚ using

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    NVQ LEVEL 4 IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE REFLECTIVE ACCOUNT ON HSC 43 At my last annual appraisal - this was attended by myself and my line manager - I was able to look at and evaluate my overall performance over the last year; also‚ the training I have undergone ; and whether I have met all of my training targets that we set at my last appraisal. I brought my up-to-date training file (where I have entered all details of my training and development and certificates achieved)

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    Reflective account 6 Description Throughout this reflective account i will refer to the individual I was working with as Gloria. I have not used her real name throughout this piece to protect her identity and to ensure that I am maintaining confidentiality. “You must respect people’s rights to confidentiality” (NMC 2013) Gloria is a 74 year old lady who lives at the residential care home at which I am currently on placement Gloria is under the Adults with Incapacity Scotland Act 2000 due to a diagnosis

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    Reflective Account

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    Outcome 1: Reflective Account No.1 Outcomes 1a‚ b‚ n‚ o‚ p‚ r and u In this reflective account I will be using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (Gibbs 1988). As stated by the NMC "You must respect people’s right to confidentiality." (NMC 2010) So all names will be changed throughout this reflective account. On my recent placement in Hairmyres hospital I had been asked by a nurse if I wanted to do the medicine round with them to get an idea of what it was like‚ I had agreed to this and found it interesting

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    Reflective Account

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    Therapeutic relationships Understanding Behaviour Assessment LO1 HNC CAP Word count 1360 This is assessment is a reflective account using Gibb’s (1998) reflective cycle. It provides me with the structure to follow when reflecting (Brooker‚ 2013). The cycle has 6 steps which include; Description‚ feelings‚ evaluation‚ analysis‚ conclusion and action plan. In order to comply with the NMC Code of Confidentiality (NMC‚ 2013) and Data Protection Act 1998‚ I will call the service user Mrs

    Premium Communication Nonverbal communication

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    Reflective Account

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    REFLECTIVE ACCOUNT I started my shift at 7:15 am. My work clothes are comfortable and unrestrictive; my footwear is flat‚ sensible and offers protection to my feet and ankles. When I arrive to the service user’s home‚ I knock on the door and wait to be let in either by one of the service user’s or by a work colleague. Once inside I greet the service user‚ if they are awake. I then head to the sleep in room‚ to start verbal handover with my work colleague. After the 15 minute handover‚ I then

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    Reflective Account

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    Presentation reflective account Introduction I shall analyse my presentation‚ commenting on: • where I used my skills well; • my understanding of adaptations within my role; and • areas for improvement. Knowledge and understanding As feedback noted‚ I included a good level of information on my chosen client‚ (representing the diverse group - Older Adults). I presented knowledge and understanding on how I worked collaboratively to address barriers. My presentation highlighted

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    Reflective Account

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    Reflective Account When I started my work placement at my setting I was working with my members of staff and manager who told me how to monitor children when they eat and which child cannot eat certain food because of their religion or culture. Before I started to give out the food for the children I had to read the food policies and procedures to know how to serve the food and drink for the children. At my placement I learnt how to monitor the children when they ate and how much they ate‚ and

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    Reflective Account

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    Reflective account 12 Date: 03.05.12 Aneta Ten I am let in the children world now; they completely trust me and don’t fear me. I stepped in the classroom today and from the door the children said –“Hello”‚ and smiled. Child S. even gave me a hug. We had 4 indoor activities set for them today‚ promoting physical‚ creative and social development. They enjoyed them very much. In the quite room we have a computer on which they can practise their fine motor skills with the computer mouse and can

    Premium Personal computer Developmental psychology Mouse

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    REFLECTIVE ACCOUNT. “Reflection is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe‚ analyse‚ evaluate and so inform learning about practice” (Reid‚ 1993 p.305). I am going to reflect on an activity during my placement at a childminder’s setting. While writing about this‚ the model of reflection `I will use is the most commonly used model by Gibbs (1988)‚ which is the model I will look at here. There are six stages in Gibbs’ model‚ namely:- (1) Description (2)

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