Winston made a very unwise decision: having an affair with Julia‚ which impacted the rest of his life. The Party was very anti-sex oriented and Winston’s encounter with Julia contradicted the expectations of society. The reason for the Party not approving sex was because they felt the need to always have control over everyone. They believed that the sole purpose of sex was to create children in order to help within society. The Party gave children the order to report their parent’s instances
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Assignment 2 - Liberty vs. Security 1- Identify the arguments for and against having a national I.D. card. Would such a card make you feel more secure? What personal concerns might you have about such a system? A national identification card would be used to prove our identity to government officials. There are various arguments for and against having this identification card. The arguments in favor are that it would be easier to identify and control immigration. The arguments against a national
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The Patriot‚ starring Mel Gibson‚ Heath Ledger‚ Jason Issacs‚ and many others‚ is a suitable example of what Hollywood does to history. Although certain events and issues handled in the film are correct‚ there are glaring examples of liberties taken with the source material‚ which is history itself. The Patriot begins rather idyllically‚ which is a warning sign to begin with; the film is about the Revolutionary War after all. Mel Gibson plays a character named Benjamin Martin‚ who is actually an
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Justice 202-2: WIP OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS: Analyzing 9500 Liberty The documentary 9500 Liberty by Annabel Park and Eric Byler told of the inequality that immigrants faced in Prince William County‚ a small community in Virginia. On October 16‚ 2007‚ eight members of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on emergency funding to implement immigration resolution. This new law made it possible for police officers in Prince William County to question anyone they suspected
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magnificent inner strength and my doubts were soon disbanded for I began to realize its inspiration and the author’s inner strength. The Legacy of Luna’ is filled with self-determination‚ love and sacrifice. These commodities outline the path of which Julia embarked upon to discover her true character. It’s an epic battle between our heroine of the novel and her oppressors‚ also known as the lumbering companies‚ which were owned by Charles Hurwitz. Was she just a girl in a tree? I think not for I believe
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Prompt: Explain why conceptions civil rights or liberties (choose only one) which are supposed to be granted to all under the constitution‚ changed so greatly in the second half of the twentieth century. Make sure to discuss the court’s role in this shift. A civil right is a right or privilege that represents protections by government power or things government must secure on behalf of its citizens. Examples of civil rights are freedom of speech‚ press‚ and assembly; the right to vote; freedom
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The Traits of Winston and Julia from Orwell’s 1984 Throughout one’s life‚ there are people whose similar and contrasting personalities help one to learn more about themselves. In George Orwell’s 1984‚ Orwell demonstrates a character foil between the protagonist Winston and his love-interest Julia. Although Winston and Julia’s views on life‚ and the Party are different‚ they are similar in their hopes to rebel against the Party‚ leading to their overall downfall and doomed relationship. Throughout
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In the novel‚ 1984 by George Orwell both the main character Winston Smith feels like he has finally met Julia‚ his lover‚ to whom he can relate to. Julia and Winston however are very different. Winston Smith is a thirty- nine old year old. He is very thin and unfit. He is employed as a records editor in records department at the ministry of truth. He is also an outer party member living the victory mansions. Winston suffers from an itching and inflaming ulcer in his right ankle. He knows
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Examine the inter relationships between Winston‚ Julia and O’Brien. What is Orwell trying to convey by bringing these three people together? “1984” a novel by George Orwell written in post World War 2‚ explores the life of a thirty seven year old Winston Smith who lives in a dystopic society in London‚ an Oceania state also known as Airstrip One. Government control is presented through abuse of power in surveillance‚ propaganda‚ censorship and fear. Orwell presents the theme that rebellion fails
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Julia and Winston are two major characters in George Orwell’s 1984. Both characters are similar from the point of view that their attitude towards the state of Oceania‚ particularly the party headed by the Big Brother. Both characters in one way or the other tend to rebel against t eh totalitarian nature of the party. However Winston and Julia tend to differ from each other in terms of their morality and their ethical views. They equally differ in their feelings about history and their political
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