Contents Introduction 2 Theory 3 LIFT COEFFICIENT 3 DRAG COEFFICIENT 4 VORTEX 6 SLENDER WING-BODY 6 VORTEX-LATTICE METHOD (VORLATM1) 7 POLHAMUS LEADING EDGE SUCTION ANALOGY 8 APPARATUS 11 Results and Procedures 11 Experimental data 12 Example of calculations 15 Discussion 24 Conclusion 32 References 33 Appendix 35 Introduction The aim of this experiment is to understand the non-linear aerodynamic characteristic of a slender wing-body (rocket shaped) by installing the slender wing-body inside
Premium Aerodynamics Fluid dynamics Wing design
Coefficient of lift. To achieve the overall result of the lift to drag ratio of the Piper Saratoga‚ first it is necessary to calculate the coefficient of lift 〖(C〗_L). To begin this process‚ the total weight of the aircraft needs to be calculated. With the passengers loaded and the remaining fuel on board‚ the Piper Saratoga weighed 3‚311 pounds. Next‚ the non-standard density of the air at 5‚000 MSL feet must be calculated. In order to do this‚ non-standard pressure at 5‚000 feet MSL must first
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6.3.1 Fabrication of Wing Structure: The wing the main components of RC as it is the part that is responsible for the lift and all the aerodynamic forces‚ angle of attack‚ Lift etc. are the depended on the Wing. For better lift‚ the wing structure should be better. 6.3.2 Structural Design The large Wingspan means aero elasticity influences on aerodynamics and especially on dynamic stability and control. In order to minimize such interferences and movements in the solar array‚ the wing should have
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Activity 1: X-Gliders Lesson Objective: Campers will learn about the forces of flight‚ weight and balance when they construct a glider. As they improve the design of their glider they will understand that a variable is a single change in the engineering. Set-Up: Each student will need two foam trays‚ a plastic knife and an x-glider template. Materials for weight and balance can be distributed at a communal table. Demo and discussion: Start off the lesson by asking your campers‚ “What are gliders
Premium Aircraft Wing Aerodynamics
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis Of Wind Turbine Blade Gopinath.c¹‚ Kishore kumar.r2 Mechanical department Third year(2010-2014) Ranippettai engineering college. Email ID: ABSTRACT: A wind turbine is a rotary device that extracts energy from the wind. Wind energy has been shown to be one of the most viable sources of renewable energy. With current technology‚ the low cost of wind energy is competitive with more conventional
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speed also affect the amount of drag on an aircraft. These are the factors of aerodynamics. Wings aerodynamics is shown by it’s lift to drag ratio. The lift will make at a given speed an angle and can be one to two orders of magnitude greater than the total drag on the wing. High lift to drag ratio needs a smaller thrust to push the wings through the air at with a sufficient lift. The materials used to configure the paper planes is crucial in the flightpath and aerodynamics of the plane. Thicker materials
Premium Aerodynamics Lift Force
itself after it is disturbed. Center of Lift: The point where all the lifting force is concentrated. Center of Gravity: The “balancing point” of an airplane. At this point there is just as much mass in front of it as there is behind it. If you put your finger here‚ the plane will balance on it. When you put paperclips on the back of the airplane‚ the center of gravity moved farther back. This extra weight pulls the back of the plane down‚ while the center of lift pulls the front up. The airplane is
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SAEINDIA SAE Student Convention Welcome to Aero-modeling using Paper Wings! Paper Airplane models for college students! Enjoy Learn and align with Curriculum September 2008 Paper Wings Guidelines This may look ridiculous and appear to be a child’s play. As you use the kit and build your first plane‚ you will realize that it is not all that simple. Soon you will learn to make the plane to fly and discover the joy of flying. In the process you will learn the nuances of flying intuitively. This
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an overall good angle. The reason why it’s important not to add too much dihedral is because with too much dihedral comes with an increase of drag. We know that increasing the angle of attack increases the drag coefficient exponentially while the lift coefficient increases linearly with a greater angle of attack. Making the plain have a dihedral of 8 degrees increases the angle of attack and therefore increases the resultant force because there is a higher amount of decreased pressure on the top
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MODEL QUESTION PAPER B.E. Aeronautical Engineering Semester : V AE333 - AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE Time 3 Hours Answer all the questions PART- A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1. For a bluff body skin friction drag is more than pressure drag. True/ false. Justify your answer. 2. Two identical airfoils are kept in identical flow conditions. The surface of one Airfoil is relatively more rough. This airfoil will have higher stalling angle than the other. True/ False. 3. 4. 5. Justify your answer. Maximum Marks : 100
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