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    Mao Zedong

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    Mao Zedong Mao Zedong was born in Chaochan in Hunan province in 1893. He is considered to be the father of Communist China and along side Sun Yat sen and Chiang Kai Shek played a fundamental part in China’s recent history. He came from a peasant family. His education was hard and he experienced no luxuries same with all the peasants that living in 19th century China. He first became a Marxist while he worked as a library assistant at Peking University. In June 1921‚ he co-founded the Chinese

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    Jindandao Rebellion Jindandao‚ a branch of the White Lotus Sect‚ was an ancient Chinese secret society. In the winter of 1881‚ Chinese peasants joined the sect and rebelled against the Qing court. Society heads Yang Yuechun and Li Guozhen proclaimed themselves “warriors to sweep the north”‚ which in clearer terms are “warriors to wipe out the Mongolians in the north.” The extremist slogans of Yang Yuechun and his followers included “kill the Mongolians and seize their land‚” and “defeat the Qing

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    Mao Zedong

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    Mao Zedong or Mao Tse-tung Pronounced As: mou dzu-doong ‚ 1893-1976‚ founder of the People’s Republic of China. One of the most prominent Communist theoreticians‚ Mao’s ideas on revolutionary struggle and guerrilla warfare were extremely influential‚ especially among Third World revolutionaries. Of Hunanese peasant stock‚ Mao was trained in Chinese classics and later received a modern education. As a young man he observed oppressive social conditions‚ becoming one of the original members of the

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    The Gang Of Four

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    Outline of China Group 2 Topic: History of Chinese Economy (Gang of Four) Submitted By Mohammed Saiful Islam ID: 2014271050007 Submitted To Wu Chunbo Faculty (Outline of China) GANG OF FOUR J Jiang Qing W Wang Hongwen Y Yao Wenyuan Z Zhang Chunqiao Introduction The Gang of Four (simplified Chinese: 四人帮; traditional Chinese: 四人幫; pinyin: Sìrén bāng) was the name given to a political faction composed of four Chinese Communist Party officials. They came to prominence during

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    The Sino-Soviet Split

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    Union on February 14‚ 1950. It was based to a considerable extent on the prior Treaty of the same name that had been arranged between the Soviet Union and the Nationalist government in 1945 and it was the product of extended negotiations between Liu Shaoqi and Stalin. Mao travelled to the Soviet Union in order to sign the Treaty after its details had been concluded and this was the only time that he travelled outside China for the duration of his life. The Treaty dealt with a range of issues such

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    The people that I interviewed were my grandparents. Both of whom where born and lived in China during the 1950-1970 time period. In China school life was very easy and relaxed compared to America. My grandmother‚ Jin Xia Pan‚ was born on November of 1940 to two loving parents. She claims that she was one of the smartest kids in her city. She would do very well in school and would compete in many different academic competitions. In the interview‚ she stated that school was always easy for her and

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    Mid-term Research Essay Topic: What is the relationship between legal and economic development? Is the marketisation of the economy the most important force behind legal change in contemporary China? Table of content: I. Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………..2 II. Relationship between legal and economic development ……………………..……2 A. Max Weber’s theory ……………………………………………………….2 B. Believes of Douglass North and Kanishka Jayasuriya …………………….4 C. Contemporary views

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    The Cold War was characterised by the tension between the two contending superpowers the United States and the Soviet Union. Yet the position of Communist China under Mao Zedong in the Cold War‚ in many respects‚ was not minor but of great importance especially with regards to its relationship with the Soviet Union. China’s importance in the Cold War was primarily determined by its enormous size. With the largest population and occupying the third largest territory in the world‚ China was a factor


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    It has been argued that most of the crucial political and ideological battles of the Cultural Revolution were fought over the issue of the nature of social class structure in post-revolutionary China. What does the Cultural Revolution teach us about class structure and struggle under socialism? The Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution[1] was a political and ideological struggle spanning the decade from 1966-1976. More implicitly‚ it was a struggle spurned into motion by Mao Zedong to reinstitute

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    Russian and Chinese Revolutionary movements The Russian and Chinese Communist Revolutions were both revolutions that occurred at the end of world wars‚ although they did not occur at the same time. Due to the world wars‚ both Russia and China faced the consequences‚ which eventually led to the revolutions. Both Russian and Chinese revolutions share many similarities‚ but also share many differences. Russia had faced two revolutions in the year 1917‚ which eventually led to the formation of the

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