"Love should grow up like a wild iris in the fields" Essays and Research Papers

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    I see kids playing as grown ups‚ always hearing them wishing they’re older and wanting time to pass by so quickly. And all I want to do is beg them not to rush‚ to take time for themselves to flourish because they’re delicate flowers that need time to bloom to handle their future’s harshness -things I never did as a kid. Not surprisingly‚ I was exactly similar; the only thing I considered “cool” as a kid is to grow up. To grow up‚ everything was possible. To grow up‚ I would be living my dream.

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    Growing up in an Iranian household and living in a highly diverse area‚ I am driven to continue to learn and experience different people‚ cultures‚ communities and areas of study. Also‚ I played sports throughout my life and played football until my sophomore year of college. Being diverse‚ living in a diverse area and developing qualities of discipline‚ hard work and determination from football‚ I am fearless to go beyond my comfort zone to learn and work with groups to positively impact individuals

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    known among all her friend circle to be very charming not because of her good looks but more because of the way she always had the positive perspective for every event happening around us. She was the one in our friend group whom we all used to look up to whenever we were stuck in little mischieviious and innocent situations of school life without knowing the fact that God is going put her through such big challenges of life where she will be all alone dealing with the high tides of this world.

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    Greek Mythology and Iris

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    Project of Mythological Characters: IRIS Iris is a goddess of sea and sky‚ whose work is as the messenger of the gods and her representation is the rainbow. She takes the messages from the gods‚ especially from Hera and Zeus‚ to the Earth and to the deep ocean and the underworld. So she connects the mortal world to the god`s and immortal’s world. She is always carrying a caduceus‚ that is like a scepter or a magic wand which it`s related with Apollo; who gave it to Iris to link or connect the mortal

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    Disadvantages:  a. Iris Recognition is intrusive. b. Due to fluctuations‚ the Iris is hard t pinpoint c. Iris Recognition is very expensive A. The iris is a small target and a scan cannot be performed properly if the person is more than a few meters way. In order for an iris to be properly scanned‚ the person’s head must be completely still. Eyelashes‚ lenses‚ and anything that would cause a reflection‚ could all make a scan difficult. It is a moving target and can be obscured by objects such as

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    Growing up in a military family has carried me across the country‚ from one state to another‚ and from one community to another. In the twelve moves that my family has made‚ I have experienced a multitude of cultures and socioeconomic environments; as a result‚ I do not have any one particular community setting or standard to which I am accustomed. For five years‚ my family resided in North Dakota on an Air Force Base near a small city named Minot. Many do not realize that clinics on military

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    Perez ID: 2247878 November 9th‚ 2010 Project Two Analysis The “Iris” data set contains 3 classes‚ Iris Setosa‚ Iris Versicolour‚ and Iris Virginica‚ each with 50 attributes. Each attribute contains the Iris’ sepal and petal length‚ as well as its sepal and petal width in centimeters for its class. The “Adult” data set contains 48‚842 records‚ each with 15 variables to analyze. Those fields include age‚ work class‚ education‚ education-num‚ marital-status‚ occupation‚ relationship

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    Iris: A Narrative Fiction

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    Breathe. You have to breathe‚ Iris. You have to snap out of this‚ it’s not real. None of this is real. “Ms. Montez‚ you have to open your eyes‚ dear. You have to be coherent to continue with your session‚” the man said. I hate him‚ I hate this stupid man. He has no idea what he’s talking about. It’s all lies‚ what he’s telling me. Nothing is true. “Ms. Montez!” he shouts. My eyes shoot open‚ startled at the doctor’s harsh tone. My chest is rising and falling rapidly‚ my body trickling with perspiration

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    When I Grow Up In Mexico

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    Growing up in Mexico This is my story of when I was a little girl in Mexico. When I was growing up it was very different from now.​ I​ ​grew up in a big city. Today‚ there is a lot of smog and crimes. I only remember the good things though. Like‚ the house we grew up in‚ the tacos we woud eat every morning before school and my grandfather. My memories at five years old are very few. I​ ​remember​ ​my​ ​mom​ ​cooking​ ​and​ ​cleaning our ​house.​ ​We​ ​used​

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    Wild Horses Round-Up The rounding up wild horses and leading them to their new destination‚ howbeit‚ for the slaughter or sales‚ has created a rift of an US (i.e. particularly; citizens of Nevada) and THEM (i.e. Federal Government‚ BLM) mentality. The animal activist is citing cruelty to animals and stifling the “First Amendment‚ Freedom of the Press”‚ on the part of BLM. The following article was quoted from USA Today: [A federal roundup of wild horses in Nevada was scheduled to resume Thursday

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