PEST Analysis A scan of the external macro-environment in which the firm operates can be expressed in terms of the following factors: * Political * Economic * Social * Technological The acronym PEST (or sometimes rearranged as "STEP") is used to describe a framework for the analysis of these macroenvironmental factors. A PEST analysis fits into an overall environmental scan as shown in the following diagram: Environmental Scan | / | \ | External Analysis | Internal
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HUONG HAAND KEN COGHILL E-Government in Singapore — A Swot and Pest Analysis HUONG HA Department of Management‚ Monash University‚ Australia KEN COGHILL Department of Management‚ Monash University‚ Australia ABSTRACT This paper aims to review and evaluate the vision‚ the objectives and the strategic framework of e-Government in Singapore. Rapidity‚ Reliability‚ Efficiency‚ Cost-effectiveness‚ Customer-orientation and Accessibility
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PEST Analysis Template Situation being analysed: ______________________________________________________________________ PEST analysis (political‚ economical‚ social‚ technological) assesses a market‚ including competitors‚ from the standpoint of a particular proposition or a business. criteria examples ecological/environmental current legislation future legislation international legislation regulatory bodies and processes government policies government term and change
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SECTION 1: PEST Analysis Royal Dutch Shell plc also known as Shell is an Anglo-Dutch multinational oil and gas company. It’s headquarter is located in The Hague‚ Netherland while its registered office is located in London‚ United Kingdom. Shell is the world’s second largest revenue company and it operates in over 90 countries and has 44‚000 service stations worldwide. PEST analysis‚ “Political‚ Economic‚ Social and Technological analysis” is the external macro-environment in which a firm operates
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A PEST analysis (also sometimes called STEP‚ STEEP or PESTLE analysis) looks at the external business environment. In fact‚ it would be better to call this kind of analysis a business environmental analysis but the acronym PEST is easy to remember and so has stuck. PEST stands for Political‚ Economic‚ Sociocultural and Technological. (Technological factors in this case‚ include ecological and environmental aspects - the second E in STEEP and PESTLE‚ while the L in PESTLE stands for legal). The analysis
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Part 1. PEST Analysis in Business Environment 1. Introduction 2 1.1 PEST Analysis Execution 2 Political Environment 2 Economical Environment 2 Social Environment 3 Technological Environment 3 Part 2. Case Study On Organizational Business Strategy 2. Vodafone - Using Technology To Improve Economies .............................................................4 2.1 PEST factors affecting
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Siemens AG PESTLE Analysis Political Factors Siemens AG will be subject to legislation in any country within which they are operating. With the head office in Germany they are subject to German and European corporate law. In the U.K Siemens must obey English legislation specific to that market. For example The Trades Descriptions Act‚ which states that a company may not falsely advertise any of its products or services. Also effecting the company ’s operations in Britain are the Sale of Goods
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PEST analysis From Wikipedia‚ the free encyclopedia "PEST" redirects here. For the special forces unit of the Slovenian Military Police‚ see Specialized Unit for Special Tactics. PEST analysis (’Political‚ Economic‚ Social and Technological analysis’’’) describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management. Some analysts added Legal and rearranged the mnemonic to SLEPT; inserting Environmental factors expanded it to PESTEL or
Free PEST analysis Strategic management SWOT analysis
PEST analysis template Other than the four main headings‚ the questions and issues in the template below are examples and not exhaustive - add your own and amend these prompts to suit your situation‚ the experience and skill level of whoever is completing the analysis‚ and what you aim to produce from the analysis. Ensure you consider the additional PESTELI/STEEPLED headings‚ and any others you feel are relevant‚ but avoid building these into the final analysis model unless you gain some strategic
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Political Maersk ’disappointed’ with China’s rejection of an industry alliance 19 June 2014 Last updated at 02:14 BST Plans for a new international shipping alliance to cut costs have been rejected by China. Already approved by the US and the EU‚ the so-called "P3 Network" was meant to operate in a similar way to code-sharing deals between airlines. It would have allowed the world’s top three container-shipping operators to share vessels and port facilities‚ with plans for about 250 ships to
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