What is Normal? Lorber’s Believing is Seeing: Biology as Ideology In her article Believing is Seeing‚ Judith Lorber writes of the very fine line between gender and sex. She argues that neither sex nor gender is a pure category of classification. They are more so just a combination of the two of them in the social construction of gender statuses. Her article uses sports and technological competence to show how society transforms physiological differences into gendered social bodies. Lorber’s perspective
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Can training benefits be accurately measured? It is without doubt that customer satisfaction is imperative for the very existence of any organization. Customer satisfaction could be viewed as an element‚ which fuels the sustainability of organisations to operate. However‚ very few consider customer satisfaction as a measuring tool in determining the effectiveness of training programs in organisations. Bregman and Jacobson’s article though introduces and attempts to determine whether organizations
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NTFS 4536 Metabolic Nutrition Study Guide for Exam 3 Chapter 7: Integration & Regulation of Metabolism: Fed versus Fasted State 1. What can be used to make fat? Carbs can be converted to fat‚ however lipogenesis from glucose is less effective o Weight gain from CHO thought to be caused by sparing lipolysis rather than direct CHO lipogenesis o PDH Complex main link of glucose metabolism to FA synthesis (pyruvate acetyl CoA) Most AAs can serve as precursors for fat synthesis
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Materially‚ things can make me happy but it really can’t suffice my craving for the real happiness. As a person‚ some of us wake up each and every day that whatever they have is what make them happy. Lucky to those who are rich‚ for they have fame and wealth that they can use for their everyday living. Lucky some of those who are poor that some of them can still eat at least three times a day. Ironically‚ we humans sometimes seek and find happiness on material things. And more so‚ we forgot the real
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Normal Distribution:- A continuous random variable X is a normal distribution with the parameters mean and variance then the probability function can be written as f(x) = - < x < ‚ - < μ < ‚ σ > 0. When σ2 = 1‚ μ = 0 is called as standard normal. Normal distribution problems and solutions – Formulas: X < μ = 0.5 – Z X > μ = 0.5 + Z X = μ = 0.5 where‚ μ = mean σ = standard deviation X = normal random variable Normal Distribution Problems and Solutions – Example
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“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” (F) What is happiness and how is it achieved? Simple questions‚ with different complex answers‚ none of which can be proved to be right or wrong. Happiness is an individual state of being of each person‚ acquired by one’s perception in that special moment in time. It simply depends on the individual and how they try to obtain it. Thousands of people try different paths in order to successfully achieve happiness; some of them finding it
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area between z =±2 is 2(0.4772) = 0.9554 Therefore the probability that a measurement selected at random will be between 19 and 31 is about 0.95. This area (probability) is shown fir the X values and for the z values. σ = 3 0.95 σ = 1 0.95 X 19 25 31 -2 0 +2 Normal curve showing Standard normal curve showing area between 19 and 31 area between -2 and +2 Entry to a certain University is determined by a national test. The
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Metabolic Acidosis Metabolic acidosis is a condition in which there is too much acid in the blood. It happens because of a chemical imbalance in your cells. Metabolic acidosis can happen at any age‚ and there are many different causes. It may be a symptom of a sudden‚ short-lived (acute) condition‚ or a lifelong (chronic) condition. Metabolic acidosis can be mild‚ or it can be severe and life-threatening‚ depending on the cause. It can be corrected if the cause is identified and treated correctly
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Pecking Order Predictions about Dividends and Debt Author(s): Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French Reviewed work(s): Source: The Review of Financial Studies‚ Vol. 15‚ No. 1 (Spring‚ 2002)‚ pp. 1-33 Published by: Oxford University Press. Sponsor: The Society for Financial Studies. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2696797 . Accessed: 16/02/2012 01:28 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use‚ available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms
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Normal Distribution Normal distribution is a statistics‚ which have been widely applied of all mathematical concepts‚ among large number of statisticians. Abraham de Moivre‚ an 18th century statistician and consultant to gamblers‚ noticed that as the number of events (N) increased‚ the distribution approached‚ forming a very smooth curve. He insisted that a new discovery of a mathematical expression for this curve could lead to an easier way to find solutions to
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