Churchill and text Writing as transgression by Naomi Wallas. First shows how “poisonous pedagogy cripples and dehumanizes the child . Furthermore‚ play makes it clear how societies dominant view influences it’s individuals. In analysis of this play‚ Michel Foucault’s opinions are quoted. Works and thoughts of following authors are also mentioned: Aurora Levis Morales‚ Paul Freire‚ etc. However Naomi’s text is explored slightly differently‚ as potential tutorial for writers and possible way to overcome
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Cited: Bush‚ George W. “Presidential Debate” Washington University Athletic Complex. University of St. Louis. 17 Oct. 2000. Speech. "Descriptions of Execution Methods." Death Penalty Information Center. Web. 22 Sept. 2010. . Foucault‚ Michel. "Chapter 1." 1979. Discipline and Punishment. Trans. Alan Sheridan. 3-18. Print. King James Version Bible. Genesis 9:6. 2004. Robinson‚ Bruce A. "Capital Punishment - the Death Penalty." by the Ontario Consultants on Religious
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Victorian England Notes: * Many people born in the Victorian age were both factually uninformed and emotionally frigid about sexual matters. * French scholar Michel Foucault who argued that sex was not censored but subject to obsessive discussion as a central discourse of power‚ bent on regulation rather than suppression. This helps explain why sexuality looms so large in art and medicine‚ for example‚ as well as in studies of the Victorian age. * The public discussion of sexual matters
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Social constructionism is a based on theoretical knowledge and more importantly where these ideas come from; society. Gender and sexuality are social constructs. What defines a person’s gender? Their body parts‚ their self identification or what society says they are? Traditionally‚ humans are born as male‚ female or intersex‚ that is their identifier from the day a person is born. Sexuality can be viewed the same‚ traditionally‚ a person is attracted to the opposite sex and it has only recently
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French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault‚ once said “ When there is power‚ there is resistance.” This quote is proven true in the book The Moon is Down by John Steinbeck. The invaders come to the town and take control over the townspeople. However‚ throughout the novel‚ the townspeople resist in many different ways to try and get their normal lives back. The two most important types of resistance that the townspeople displayed are Violent resistance‚ which is resisting violently‚ and Quite
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transformation from the ‘public spectacle’ form of punishment‚ to the modern penal system is an innovative shift for contemporary power (albeit‚ dressed as humanitarianism). It shifts the location of power public displays to the internal‚ social body (Foucault 1977‚ p.171). In times of corporeal‚ public punishment‚ the aim of the highly public display was to punish‚ almost avenge against‚ the criminal. It was a visual display of power from the monarch to the people. Foucault’s analysis‚ however‚ indicates
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Deconstruction is a method of critical analysis of philosophical and literary language that emphasizes the internal working of language and conceptual systems‚ the relational quality of meaning‚ and the assumptions implicit in forms of expression. Deconstruction focuses on text as such rather than as an expression of the author’s intension‚ stressing the limitless of interpretation and rejection the western philosophical tradition of seeking certainty through reasoning by privileging certain types
(1) Franz Uri Boas: Born July 9‚ 1858‚ died December 21‚ 1942 was a German-American anthropologist and a pioneer of modern anthropology who has been called the Father of American Anthropology. He contributed in one of the most popular ideologies of scientific racism‚ the idea that race is a biological concept and that human behavior is best understood through the typology of biological characteristics which he aground breaking studies of skeletal anatomy he showed that cranial shape and size was
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Formalism and New Criticism “Formalism” is‚ as the name implies‚ an interpretive approach that emphasizes literary form and the study of literary devices within the text. The work of the Formalists had a general impact on later developments in “Structuralism” and other theories of narrative. “Formalism‚” like “Structuralism‚” sought to place the study of literature on a scientific basis through objective analysis of the motifs‚ devices‚ techniques‚ and other “functions” that comprise the literary
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HOMO HOMINI LUPUS Addressing Violence and Power within Societies “The problems of violence may be cardinal to a proper understanding of political life‚ yet the concept of violence remains elusive and often misunderstood”[1]. Scientists are asked to explain‚ define and describe the object of their studies‚ make questions and give answers helping people to be less scared about the various “world mysteries”. In social sciences‚ to define‚ to give an objective‚ almost scientific‚ brief description
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