MICROENVIRONMENT Micro environment means the environment with in the organization/company which is totally under the control. a. The company itself (including departments). b. Suppliers. c. Marketing channel firms (intermediaries). d. Customer markets. e. Competitors. f. Publics. 1. The Company’s Microenvironment a. The Company The first factor is the company itself 1). Top management is responsible for setting the company’s mission‚ objectives‚ broad strategies‚ and policies
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of a micro-teaching session on a new subject As part of your teacher training you are expected to give a micro-teach on a subject you have not delivered before. This could be a hobby or personal interest‚ the choice is yours. Topics chosen have included making cards‚ a favourite book or film‚ yoga...However‚ what is important is that you have some knowledge and confidence with the topic‚ so that you can concentrate on the actual presenting‚ teaching and learning. The purpose of the micro-teaching
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MACRO ECONOMICS Classical Dichotomy The classical dichotomy is rooted in the understanding that in the long run‚ real output is determined by “real” inputs such as labour‚ capital‚ natural resources and TFP‚ but not money. This means that changes in the money supply determine changes in the price level over time‚ but not real output. However‚ it is important to remember that the classical dichotomy applies only in the long run. Almost all economists would agree that money and price can have very
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FUNCTION | DESCRIPTION | DAVERAGE | Returns the average of selected database entries | DCOUNT | Counts the cells that contain numbers in a database | DCOUNTA | Counts nonblank cells in a database | DGET | Extracts from a database a single record that matches the specified criteria | DMAX | Returns the maximum value from selected database entries | DMIN | Returns the minimum value from selected database entries | DPRODUCT | Multiplies the values in a particular field of records that
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Micro January 14‚ 2015 1. The purpose of antitrust policy is to promote __competition among firms_____‚ which leads to lower __price for customers______. Explain why this is so? The purpose of antitrust policy is to promote competition‚ which leads to lower prices. If a company had the power of price control that comes with being a monopoly‚ they would profit by picking the quantity/price that equals the highest revenue for their company. This would be likely a lower quantity and higher price
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Macro environments relates to the larger forces that have an impact on society as a whole and not just on one or a few organizations. A single organization cannot usually have a significant impact on these forces and therefore can only adapt its marketing mix to account for the opportunities and threats that arise. The company’s macro-environment consists of six major forces that impact on organizations. The six major forces are demographic trends‚ economic trends‚ natural trends‚ technological
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The Macro-environment The macro-environment includes concepts such as demography‚ economy‚ natural forces‚ technology‚ politics‚ and culture. Demography refers to studying human populations in terms of size‚ density‚ location‚ age‚ gender‚ race‚ and occupation. This helps to divide the population into market segments which can be beneficial to a marketer in deciding how to tailor their marketing plan to attract that demographic. The economic environment refers to the purchasing power of
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Head: CLASSIC THEORIES OF SOCIOLOGY 1 CLASSIC THEORIES OF SOCIOLOGY Abstract The purpose of this essay is to discuss the three basic theories of sociology. The three basic theories of sociology are functional‚ conflict‚ and symbolic interactionism. These theories are studied on the micro or macro level. The micro level is the sum of interactions between people and groups. The micro level analysis is based on small groups and individuals versus the macro level which is viewed on a
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* 1. Major TheoreticalPerspectives in Sociology GS 138:Introduction to Sociology New Life Theological Seminary Seth Allen * 2. What is a theoretical perspective?Theoretical perspectives are the basic assumptions about how society functions‚ the role of sociology‚ and the application of a specific set theories in studying social life. * Sociology should be value free Sociology should be used to enact social change Social life can be measured through observing daily interactions Society is
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Study Guide for Exam 1 Intro to Sociology Bring # 2 Pencil Understanding Sociology Readings: Chapter 1 Article: New York: Plan to Close Prisons Stirs Anxiety in Towns That Depend on Them Sociological Imagination (C. Wright Mills)- An awareness of the relationship between an individual & the wider society; key element to sociological imagination is the ability to view one’s society as an outsider would. **Society influences: culture‚ gender identity‚ religion & social class. August
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