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    4223-011 Reflection and Witness Today I was asked to support and care for a patient Mrs Y as we had noticed over the past weeks she was losing weight and following dieticians referral we were asked to give a certain diet and supplements for that patient and monitor her intake and output by doing a food chart‚ fluid chart and stool chart at food times and when needed to help her gain weight. As we were monitoring her closely it was important that we handled the information carefully and sensitively

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    Caldicott Report The Caldicott Committee‚ chaired by Dame Fiona Caldicott‚ was set up by the Chief Medical Officer for Health following increasing concerns regarding the way information flowed‚ not only within NHS organisations‚ but also to and from non-NHS organisations. The resulting report‚ ’The Caldicott Committee: Report on the Review of Patient-identifiable Information’‚ was published in December 1997. The Report made sixteen recommendations. One of the key recommendations was the appointment

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    Mr Nunan

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    Strengths Currently as a student nurse at University of the West of Scotland I believe I’ve gained good practice and theory in effective communication‚ whether it be verbal or non verbal. I needed first to gain consent from the patient (Nursing and Midwifery council‚ 2008)‚ this required effective communication as I had to explain the procedure so they knew what I was going to do. The feedback I received allowed me to recognise the patient understood what was going to happen and allowed me to carry

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    were ready to support a family. As couples began to get married at later ages‚ the was a rise in equality between husband and wife in the household. At this time‚ traditional occupations for women included seamstressing‚ linen draping‚ nursing‚ or midwifery. The increase in occupation for women was a result in the consumer economy that began to emerge. After being a midwife‚ if was common for women to become nurses. Although it was not considered a real profession until the 19th century‚ women provided

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    nurses working in specialist mental health services Michelle Cleary‚1 Jan Horsfall‚1 Judy Mannix‚1 Maureen O’Hara-Aarons1 and Debra Jackson2 1 Family and Community Health Research Group‚ School of Nursing and Midwifery‚ University of Western Sydney‚ and 2Faculty of Nursing‚ Midwifery and Health‚ University of Technology‚ Sydney‚ New South Wales‚ Australia ABSTRACT: In this qualitative study‚ the experiences of a small cohort of registered nurses (RN) during the first 2 years of mental health

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    Shannon September 25‚ 2013 Internationally the concept of specialized expert or advanced nursing is not new and can be identified as early as the 19th century in the United States Civil War. (Hamric et al.‚ 2005; Jacobs 2007). Advanced nursing practice‚ however‚ became definitively established in the USA in the 1970’s through advances in educational preparation and clinical practice roles for both the CNS and NP (Harmic et al.). The present-day CNS role is also established in Australia

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    uk/resources/transcultural/communication/index.php [20/11/2010] Knhnke E (2007) Body Language for Dummies. United Kingdom‚ John Wiley & Sons Ltd Le May A (2004) Building a rapport through non-verbal communication‚ Nursing and Residential Care. British Journal of Midwifery‚ 6 (10) 488-491. Lloyd M and Bor R (2009) Communication Skills for Medicine. London‚ Churchill Livingstone

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    A Midwife’s Tale by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich tells the story of Martha Ballard; a midwife‚ healer‚ wife‚ mother‚ and eighteenth-century woman. In this book‚ the reader learns of this hardworking woman‚ the social web she lived in‚ and the workings of her town through personal accounts from the diarist and the author’s thorough analysis of them. Martha is a diligent woman who makes good use of her connections with the rest of the female community. She keeps up-to-date accounts of how her patients are

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    Ernestine Wiedenbach

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    educate herself by obtaining her Bachelor of Arts degree from Wellesley College in 1922‚ an R.N. from Johns Hopkins Hospital school of nursing in 1925‚ a Master of Arts from Teachers College‚ Columbia Universiy in 1934‚ and a certificate in Nurse Midwifery from the Maternity Center Association School for NurseMidwives in New York in 1946 where she taught until 1951. In 1952‚ Wiedenbach joined the staff of Yale where she taught as an instructor of maternity nursing. Named an assistant professor of obstetrics

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    community hospital‚ I am able to explain how vulnerability is seen on a perceptive view. Due to the NMC code of practice‚ I comprehend my own responsibility to undertake in accordance‚ additionally to the guidelines of privacy as The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2015) proclaims that a nurse and midwife have a fundamental expectation concerning confidentiality regarding particular patients subjected to care and/or treatment. Consequently‚ compliant with the NMC’s code and in respect and safeguarding

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