"Mitosis and meiosis report" Essays and Research Papers

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    Excellent work! A cell goes from diploid (2N) to haploid (1N) during meiosis I when pairs of homologous chromosomes split apart into different daughter cells. This haploid condition continues during meiosis II when sister chromatids split apart during the formation of four daughter cells. Score for incorrect answer: 0 General feedback 1 (May include media. Include graphic and file name): Remember that a diploid cell has pairs of chromosomes—each pair represents one chromosome that came from the

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    Observing Mitosis

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    Lab Report №3 Title:Observing Mitosis By Yerkebulan Yesbolatov Biology course‚ tutorial group I October 18‚ 2012 Lab partner: Azhar Zhaisanova Introduction Experiment is intend to show mitotic stage of cell cycle‚ phases of mitotic stage‚ to define predominance in the number of each phases over the others‚ if it is possible. Objectivity of lab is to observe the different phases

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    Interphase: DNA replicates ( S-phase) Prophase: Nucleolus fades and chromatin (replicated DNA and associated proteins) condenses into chromosomes. Each replicated chromosome comprises two chromatids‚ both with the same genetic information. Microtubules of the cytoskeleton‚ responsible for cell shape‚ motility and attachment to other cells during interphase‚ disassemble Pro Metaphase: - nuclear envelope breaks down- no longer a recognizable nucleus. Mitotic spindle fibers elongate from the centrosomes

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    Interphase Prophase I Early Prophase I D.N.A coils tightly and individual chromosomes become visible as single structures Homologous chromosomes become associated in synapsis. Each pair of chromosome is called a bivalent. Centrioles divide and move to the opposite poles of the cell‚ and spindles start to form Late Prophase I The bivalents duplicate to form tetrads (four-chromatid groups).The nuclear membrane disintegrates. Chromosomes join at points called chiasmata where crossing over

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    Essay On Meiosis

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    Meiosis is a type of cell division that is used for sexual reproduction. It creates the egg and the sperm cells. Meiosis begins with a parent cell (diploid)‚ which contains two copies of each chromosome. The cell then goes through DNA copying and two cycles of cell division‚ also known as Meiosis I and Meiosis II. When the cell goes through this cycle‚ it creates four haploid‚ which means they contain half of the number of chromosomes of the parent cell. Meiosis I begins with Prophase I. In Prophase

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    Meiosis Review Worksheet Pledge: _____1. If the sperm cell of a fruit fly has 4 chromosomes‚ then the number of chromosomes in each body cell is: a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 e. 16 _____2. Of the following cells‚ the only one to have the haploid number of chromosomes is: a) skin b)muscle c) nerve d) connective e) ovum _____3. The diploid number is restored as a result of: a) differentiation

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    Prophase 1 of meiosis

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    Prophase 1 of meiosis When prophase I occurs the chromosomal condensation enables the chromosomes to be looked at under the microscope. Then during late prophase I the homologous chromosomes laterally pair or usually side by side which is then known to be in synapsis this is when cross connections form from Breakage and re-joining between the chromatids which can occur between the pair homologous chromosomes which then lead to genetic combination between the strands which are there. Chiasma occurs

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    Mitosis and Cell

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    copy their genetic material. Mitosis is the first stage of cell division‚ in which the copied chromosomes are separated into two new nuclei. Then in cytokinesis the cell divides into two daughter cells. If no mutations or errors occur‚ the genetic material in each daughter cell is identical to what was in the original cell. Now that you have completed this lesson‚ you should be able to: describe the stages of the cell cycle explain the process of mitosis and its role in the formation

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    Mitosis Lab

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    : Observing Mitosis – Onion Root Tip and Whitefish Blastula  V. Observations: ​ 175 cells              1. What percentage of the cells in the field of view is going through mitosis? 10%     Relative Duration of Each Phase of Mitosis – Onion Root Tip  Phase of Mitosis  Count  Percentage  Time (min.)  Prophase  3    14%  11    Metaphase  2    9%   7   Anaphase  5   23%   19   Telophase  12   54%   43  Total   22   100%   80     Relative Duration of Each Phase of Mitosis – Whitefish Blastula 

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    Biology Mitosis Lab

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    AP BIOLOGY- Mitosis and Meiosis Cell Division Lab Part 1-MITOSIS summary: In this experiment first the stages of an onion cell undergoing mitosis are going to be observed and every stage is going to be detected and drawn on paper. A brief description to what is going on should be attached to the pictures. This is important to understand the basics of cell division which is necessary growth‚repair

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