ink formulation existed on the suggested date of writing. However‚ the most common assignment performed is signature authentication: namely‚ deciding whether to accredit the handwriting on a document to a particular person. The 2009 NRC (National Research Council) report included a discussion
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of the data." When it comes to credible sources there are many things to take into consideration when researching for credible articles. Some of the things that one has to take into consideration are:does the author credentials correlate with the research study‚ is there any form of conflict of interest for the author that can be considered as being bias‚ is the journal peer reviewed‚ does the publication have financial ties to the result of the study and lastly has the study been published within
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4.11 Multiple Regression Analysis For hypotheses testing of this study‚ multiple regression analysis was conducted. Some assumptions of the relationship between dependent and independent variables need to be met for performing multiple regression analysis like‚ normality‚ linearity‚ homoscedasticity and multicollinearity (Hair et al.‚ 1998). As mentioned earlier‚ the required assumptions have already been met and multiple regression analysis was appropriate. Usually‚ multiple regression analyses
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Monica Wells MSM 5100 August 28‚ 2011 Why did Jim feel it necessary to analyze reflective material produced by students rather than just interview final-year students in his research? ANSWER: I feel that Jim choose to use both means of collecting data to ensure he was able to see the whole picture. Additionally‚ I feel it was good for him to lay down a base line for the interviews by reviewing the reflective data. I also believe
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hardest research method would be taking unobtrusive measurements. Personally‚ I would find it difficult to observe people without their permission. To me it would feel like spying‚ and I would never want to push the boundaries of someone else’s personal privacy. I like my own privacy‚ so why would I pry into anyone else’s business? With that in mind‚ I question where exactly the line is drawn between observing for research and stalking. One of the major issues with this research method is the ethicality
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display. Another area that I found to be enlightening delved into the various psychological disorders that we may encounter during our life. I am going to apply what we have studied throughout this course to my interview with Dorothy. Certain aspects‚ methods‚ and attitudes are going to be explored‚ such as memory‚ learning‚ intelligence‚ personality‚ cognition‚ motivation‚ and testing of Dorothy and myself. Memory and Learning Do you remember or memorize information easily? Understanding
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measurements and their manipulations through calculation. Also‚ to distinguish wholesome substances and mixtures utilizing density determinations. The objective of this lab is to hone and practice great lab strategies. This lab report displays the methods for the experiment‚ the outcomes of the experiment‚ and an investigation of those results. The density of matter speaks to the mass contained inside of a unit volume of space in the example. The units of
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The difference between natural science and social science can be difficult for some to differentiate. Social science is the scientific study of human society and social relationships‚ for example economics or politics. Natural science is a branch of science that deals with the physical world‚ e.g.‚ physics‚ chemistry‚ geology‚ and biology. The similitudes of regular science and sociology are very‚ in such a way‚ complex. The similitudes between sociologies and characteristic sciences is chiefly the
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on a Likert-scale. There is a reduction in error because there is no proctor present and the instructions are easy to read. Compared with the MBTI is has a convergent validity‚ they both measures the same construct or concept but uses different methods. The JTT also has face validity but lacks accurate predictive validity. However‚ because of its subjective scoring there is a large chance for error. In addition‚ the last assessment offered is the Personal Values Assessment (PVA). The PVA structure
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Credibility. Credibility ensures that the description and interpretation of data are consistent with reality and perceived social constructs as it exists in the minds of the respondents. This involves understanding the phenomenon from the participant’s eyes (Trochim‚ 2006). “Credible interpretations of qualitative data offer explanations that are consistent with the data collected and are understandable to the people in the study population” (Ulin‚ Robinson‚ &Trolley‚2005‚P.166). Data was collected
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