White Paper Cloud Computing Authors (in alphabetical order) Olivier Brian‚ wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter‚ Berner Fachhochschule Thomas Brunschwiler‚ IBM Research – Zurich Heinz Dill‚ CBusiness Services GmbH und EuroCloud Swiss Hanspeter Christ‚ swisstopo Babak Falsafi‚ Director EcoCloud‚ EPFL Markus Fischer‚ MF Consulting und SATW Stella Gatziu Grivas‚ Head Competence Center Cloud Computing‚ FHNW Claudio Giovanoli‚ Research Assistant‚ Competence Center Cloud Computing‚ FHNW Roger Eric Gisi
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SPOTLIGHT Water quality and conservation Although agriculture and industry are the thirstiest of all water consumers‚ household water use accounts for some 10-30% of total consumption in developed countries. As governments develop strategies to promote water conservation‚ an OECD survey of households conducted in 2008 offers insight into what really works. Based on some 10‚000 responses across 10 countries‚ the answer is as clear as what comes out of the tap: having to pay for water
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Fall/August 2012 Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester 5 BB0024– Introduction to International Marketing - 4 Credits (Book ID: BO103) Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 Name and explain with suitable examples‚ three reasons why international marketing is more challenging than domestic marketing. [10 Marks] Q.2 What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of standardization and adaptation ? Explain with suitable
Premium Marketing Marketing research
Nowadays people are living in a world which is composed of various organizations. Every organization has specific members and environments to perform its functions. Thus‚ how to arrange an organization and make the organization developed successfully has became a relevant issue. The way to answer this question is “management”. Management is the scientific way to make organizations to work continually. People who are responsible for organizing subordinates and organisational resources are called managers
Premium Management Organization Organizational studies and human resource management
- 您已加入 主会议室。 ( 下午2:34 ) - - 您的聊天权限已启用。 ( 下午2:34 ) - Rong Wang 下午2:34 I wanna ask about assignment two, what is portfolio? does it similar as essay? Roxanne Zolin 下午2:34 OK does anyone have any reflections about positive psychology? First question about assignment 2 下午2:34 - Torsten Nowell 已退出 主会议室。 ( 下午2:35 ) - - Torsten Nowell 已加入 主会议室。 ( 下午2:35 ) - Roxanne Zolin 下午2:35 Rong a portfolio is a collection of writings‚ your essay and your journal you can use photos and vidoes etc 下午2:35
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“ Throughout our history ‚we [Americans] have been willing to trade freedom for safety during wartime”(St Luis Post Dispatch Editorial‚11 October 2001).This essay will argue that a responsible government has to protect its citizens and this protection will include the use of censorship but it should not resemble an authoritarian country otherwise freedom of speech and free exercise of religion will be lost. An examination will be made about the positive aspects of censorship and why censorship is
Premium Democracy Freedom of speech
Assistant Principal Interview Questions Candidate Name __________________________ SS# ____ - ____ - ____ 1. How would you describe yourself? 2. What specific goals‚ including those related to your current occupation‚ have you established for your life? 3. What influenced you to choose education as a career? 4. What do you think it takes to be successful as an Assistant Principal? 5. What has been your most rewarding accomplishment in education‚ thus
Premium Teacher Sense Interpersonal relationship
WILD FLOWERS by Erskine Caldwell [“Wild Flowers” is undoubtedly one of E. Caldwell’s masterpieces. The story being multiordinal the depth of its content opens up to him who can see not only through its rather simple surface plot but through the metaphoric and symbolic layers as well.] I derive more satisfaction from the writing of stories such as this one than I do from any other. The mockingbird that had perched on the roof top all
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Assignment Coversheet ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Last name: LIM ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- First name: JONG Phil ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- SID #: 430027912 Student email: jlim2807@.uni.sydney.edu.au
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WEEK 9 PERCEIVING THE SELF AND OTHERS Perception of self and others is an essential factor in human relations that requires both physical and social awareness of self and environment. Each individual is unique and therefore has gained different experiences of the world based on needs‚ values‚ feelings‚ knowledge‚ interests and other characteristics that influence the way we form impressions and make attributions about human behaviour. Self-concept and perception are so closely related that they
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