it be the cry of the victim or defense of the offender. As described in the works of two members of ethnic minorities coping with the alienation they both faced in what is supposed to be the land of diversity‚ Firoozeh Dumas’ “The F Word‚” and Brent Staples’ “Black Men and Public Space‚ racism is portrayed as a dark shadow cast upon those who may not seem to conform to the “norms” of western culture to the typical American. Such stereotypes and predispositions should not hold the power to classify
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tough misconception of certain people which most of the times turns out harsh and harmful. Brent Staples in “Just Walk On By” and Judith Ortiz Cofer in “THE MYTH OF A LATIN WOMAN. I Just Met A Girl Name Maria “ Both had experiences of being stereotyped even though they had different experiences in different situations and incidents it has the same concept. They were both stereotyped as d someone else. Staples was stereotyped by his African American appearance as a rapist‚ mugger and a bugler‚ however
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In “Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Space‚” an article published in Ms. Magazine‚ Brent Staples discusses his experience of a stereotype against black men. First‚ Staples points out that due to his appearance‚ female pedestrians fear and arouse hostility toward him in the street. According to him‚ black men are excessively misrepresented as a factor of danger‚ and the misperception is excruciating. Next‚ he mentions that the misconstruction is commonplace‚ and it triggers unfortunate consequences
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Space‚ by Brent Staples he writes on how he was individually discriminated against by other people in the magazine company he was working for. Individual discrimination is defined by Henslin as “person-to-person or face-to-face discrimination; the negative treatment of people by other individuals” (321). When Brent was a journalist for a magazine company he wrote for‚ the magazine company office manager confused him for a burglar. Therefore‚ the office manager called security on Staples‚ so then
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Society Lies According to George Bernard Shaw‚ “[t]he liar’s punishment is‚ not in the least that he is not believed‚ but that he cannot believe anyone else.” Ericsson’s‚ Gansberg’s‚ and Staples’s essay all have one thing in common‚ they all use lying in their themes. The differences may be that they all have different scenarios that create different lies‚ which creates our society today. Surely everyone lies‚ we weren’t taught to lie but that is in our nature. Society lies to justify their actions
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Stereotypes and Society Honestly people get judged based on first impressions‚ on looks or how they introduce themselves. Society puts everyone under a stereotype because of who everyone is and everybody’s appearances. People get judged if they are walking behind someone or if they are walking in front of them. Anywhere‚ people are judged instantly. It does not matter if the comment positive or negative. People are judged by their gender‚ race‚ actions‚ their speech‚ their culture and basically
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would learn to be more accepting of others. Nevertheless‚ there are still those who simply cannot. In his essay Black Men and Public Space‚ Brent Staples describes something that most young black men experience on more than one occasion in their lives. Being perceived as a criminal simply based on his "unwieldy inheritance"‚ the color of their skin. Staples recalls his experience as a 22-year-old graduate student away from home for the first time. His first "victim"‚ as he puts it‚ was a young white
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concepts Steele discusses are Stereotype threat and Identity Contingency. The book gets its title from a story a black New York Times writer‚ Brent Staples‚ told Steele about how he had to whistle Vivaldi anytime he walked on the streets of Hyde Park a suburb of Chicago so he wouldn’t look violent to the dominantly white people who lived on that part. Staples who knew he had a social identity because he was black used the whistling to steer through that part of his daily life. Identity contingencies
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In the article by Molly Ivins‚ “Get a Knife‚ Get a Dog‚ But get Rid of Guns” talks about her point of view on gun control. It should be banned or at least restricted. She starts her argument that she is not anti gun but believes in other forms of protections. In order to support her arguments she uses second amendment by breaking it down word to word. Also use the pros of using knives with a sarcastic humor. Furthermore‚ she compared it with everyday life and how people misinterpreted the meaning
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being thieves and convicts. For every discriminatory instance that vehemently ensued this character he still manages to be polite but strong minded. In Brent Staples “Black Men and Public Space”‚ a black man reveals his experience with particular individuals in public areas whom fear him based on his race’s stereotype. Staples suggest that people still tend to portray black men as violent and dangerous individuals from racial tendencies without rationalizing and thus causing stress to the
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